
clemsonfanclemsonfan Posts: 142Member Trainee
I think with the supposed reset of game economy- data lost  /wipe  complete restart for everyone.
i believe resellers are gonna take a huge hit here    thoughts?


  • pieratthepieratthe Posts: 419Member Intermediate
    oh yes, if someone plans on being just a reseller like from OGP, then yes i do believe they'll have a very hard time, and will give up.  there will always be someone thou, who tries to make money off others.  What i suggest is we use like facebook fan group page or something, and post all resellers and potential scammers on it.  To protect new players of course.  Us vets can usually smell a reseller from 2 sea changes away.
  • aceman39aceman39 Posts: 943Member Intermediate
    Only things I ever sold was stuff I made with the sewing skill. And that I placed in comp shop. :D I hope that does not make me a reseller?
  • clemsonfanclemsonfan Posts: 142Member Trainee
    well that lends to another question about game economy.
    when we get to the point again where cash /bottle ships return how do we determine value
    i do no tthink we want to return to the broken economy we had before right?
    i certainly do not want to return to 100b ships
  • aceman39aceman39 Posts: 943Member Intermediate
    I agree we need to come up with fair prices and use as a base what the ship cost to make including parts and ssips needed then time it took to make it then price it based on all that
  • pieratthepieratthe Posts: 419Member Intermediate
    It won't clem.  100b ships stems from the fact that for 7 years ducat making went uncheck'd in UWO.  Only with recent introduction of fusion, has there been anyway to actually spend the ducats in-game.  So for 7 years all those ducats made from selling to MK was still on the sever.  Now since we have fusion at the start, and we have the ability to invest to become a mayor, it will greatly slow the inflation of the economy.  Hopefully they'll insert more ways to spend lots of money on stuff in-game.
  • clemsonfanclemsonfan Posts: 142Member Trainee
    i can see someone sitting an alt in florence with RIB for 10k ea    lol
  • rangerzfanrangerzfan Posts: 96Member Beginner
    PP will have to do a better job at what they can influence in the economy. If not, they will wipe us again. lol  One thing is certain, the economy will eventually get messed-up again if left unchecked. 
    ign: RangerB
    DutchCourage - Amsterdam
  • aceman39aceman39 Posts: 943Member Intermediate
    Well as a community we also should keep the economy in check
  • InfamousKillaInfamousKilla Posts: 165Member Beginner
    I will buy and sell when I'm doing the row grind or something that doesn't require my full attention. What we need to worry about is not the resellers, but the scammers who resell. I buy and sell at fair prices, and I never twisted anyone's arm to make a deal with me..
  • aceman39aceman39 Posts: 943Member Intermediate
    The thing is the reason some prices are up there is the price it cost to make stuff. Making a dress that you use to get the tailor job is not cheap to make and does take a lot of different steps
  • clemsonfanclemsonfan Posts: 142Member Trainee
    agreed killa   selling for a profit is capitalism at its finest, but scammers and rip-off artists need to be held in check. 
    i know this wont be popular  but those caught scamming should  be banned but publicly shamed on forums 
    i cant remember what game it was i played but they had weekly list of players banned for RMT- scams and such
    gimme your thoughts on that
  • InfamousKillaInfamousKilla Posts: 165Member Beginner
    I enjoy looking for good deals. Sometimes I sell what I've bought, and sometimes I keep. I try to make a fair profit from trading players ships, gear, and more. If enough people play, and spend real money.. The market should be fine.
  • InfamousKillaInfamousKilla Posts: 165Member Beginner

    That's good, but unfortunately it's too easy for them to delete their trade alt and create a new one with different name. I think people just need to be really cautious, especially when dealing with low level alts that could be a scammer in disguise..

    Like it or not, I do resell. However, I don't hide behind alts. I wheel and deal with my main account. I also try to answer price checks fairly. I give what I believe to be an accurate price, and then I offer them slightly less just in case they are in a hurry to sell.

    For instance, a 1 day No War Pact was 100m.. I would offer 90m, knowing that eventually someone will come along and give me 100m for it later. The seller gets the convenience of a fast sale, and I'm able to make a small profit. Obviously, the more expensive the items are, the more profit there is to be made.
  • AdelinaKazAdelinaKaz Posts: 83Member Beginner
    Economics is a complex system. In the UWO, she was in order before the introduction of the lottery. The ships in the lottery knocked the economy out of the rut and dispersed inflation to lawlessness. When the first MAV and CTG appeared for real money (not from the lottery), you could still control the economy, because their prices were fixed (I do not exactly remember how much they cost), but not much.

    We can say that OGP did not worry about the economy at all, so it was not about controlling gaming ducats, but about real money. When ships appeared in lotteries, their price became uncertain, so the less often these ships dropped out, the more expensive they were. And how many ships actually fell from the bottles to no one knows. I'm generally against ships for real money, but in extreme cases they should not be in the lottery, but have a certain price. Then in the market I think they will not cost more than +/- 10-20% of the cost in real money. Let's say that if ROG costs $ 50 = 2000 astro = about 10-12b ducats, then in the market I do not think it will cost more than 15b. Then there will be no deceit, fraud, excuses and omissions. The player should only know how much there is currently 1 astro, and the price of the ship is fixed in the store. This is now about the base ship. And then the cost of the ship will vary depending on the improvements strictly according to the capabilities and skills of the player who is rebuilding the ship. I think this will be fair and useful for the economy, as for the ships.

    The next factor of the economy: Nanban. It is needed, the further and more dangerous the journey, the more profitable it should be and regulated by piracy. As for the experience, Nanban is normal for this. As for profits - it is also quite acceptable. But the corresponding expenditure side of the coin is also needed, since there is such a large income. It's an investment and Fusion. In no case should they be available for real money, then everything will be controlled.
  • aceman39aceman39 Posts: 943Member Intermediate
    It would be good if there was a way to make set prices of stuff and give a guide out with prices and that way no one can drive the economy up crazy like it was. Just a thought
  • AdelinaKazAdelinaKaz Posts: 83Member Beginner
    It's simple - remove the lottery and set a fixed rate of astro for the entire server. If someone wants to sell faster, he knows how much it costs and what makes a discount
  • ZimXeroZimXero Posts: 190Member Trainee
    Its a free market.  I don't have an issue with true buying and selling to make profit.

    What I have a problem with is:
    • Players lying to establish profit
    • Players bullying and insulting during trading
    • Players scamming
    • Players buying ultra-cheap off of noobs who trust what they say a value is
    • Players spamming false prices and advertisement in chat to manipulate price perception
  • clemsonfanclemsonfan Posts: 142Member Trainee
    also hoarders buying up all types of an item in order to drive up prices.   market manipulation
  • InfamousKillaInfamousKilla Posts: 165Member Beginner
    I've already mentioned that if there was no lottery system, then UWC would convert to ducats at a somewhat set ratio, and also that all items would be available and priced already in shop..
  • aceman39aceman39 Posts: 943Member Intermediate
    See I am glad I made the stuff I sold in comp chat cause I tried to be fair of what I priced the stuff at and it was for people that wanted to use it or do the tailor quest for the tailor job so I guess in a way I offered a service where others didn't have to go and get mats and make the dresses
  • clemsonfanclemsonfan Posts: 142Member Trainee
    my formula was always  cost of mats+ cost of book used in based percentage+ time of travel and time to produce   add in about 10-15% for profit and that is what i sold stuff for
  • AdelinaKazAdelinaKaz Posts: 83Member Beginner
    As long as there is a lottery - there will be all these problems. Let's say we add the names of scammers and unfair resellers to a list on some website, no matter where. The newcomer comes into the game, he does not know that there is such a website, he is deceived, he complains and we bring the name of the scammer to the list. That is, the list grows, and deception continues. Until there will be fixed prices in the store, there will be no order and control. Yes, there will be things in the store with less demand, and some things will sell better. But the unnecessary will not fall out of the lottery. Players are more willing to spend money on the right things and will be happy, there will be no confusion and lawlessness.
  • aceman39aceman39 Posts: 943Member Intermediate
    @clemsonfan I agree with you and the book to make the dresses is only dropped by fighting Venice merchant fleets and it can take many battles for that book.

    @AdelinaKaz I like that idea
  • AdelinaKazAdelinaKaz Posts: 83Member Beginner

    With such things that you can do in the game, it's much easier. Their price will adjust the supply / demand along with the competition. And they will not jump heavily in price. The problem is in the unregulated prices for things from the lottery. From the store, too, prices do not jump much, so their price is fixed.
  • aceman39aceman39 Posts: 943Member Intermediate
    See asking what something cost in merchant chat should help I have dine that before
  • rangerzfanrangerzfan Posts: 96Member Beginner
    How about PP eliminate checks? Without proper controls, the economy will be messed-up as soon as it can. People are creatures of habit and if left alone, will screw it up again. Next wipe in ...
    ign: RangerB
    DutchCourage - Amsterdam
  • AdelinaKazAdelinaKaz Posts: 83Member Beginner
    At least admins listened to the wishes and thoughts of the players who make them profit. I will be happy to spend money if I enjoy the game in return.
  • ZimXeroZimXero Posts: 190Member Trainee
    store selling is a whole nuther matter.  The big talking point on the posts has been "dont sell items that are game rewards".  This is popular.  Who wants their reward reset... i mean sold?

    Seriously though, it is more about pricing than availability in the shop.  If you sell anything direct for a competitive price.. it will destroy the crafting/farming market for that item.  Thats why they use a lottery system.  Its not to mess with players or drive a gambling addiction.  There are classes of shop items:

    1) Lottery items - items that can't be allowed to flood the game or it would be too common, unbalancing, or would destroy economy.

    2) Convenience items - these are great.  They help players that can afford them without unbalancing the game, and they make the game company money.

    3) Eye Candy - these are items that do not affect game play as well.  OGP did not make full use of this class.  This class includes crests, clothing skins, fireworks, etc.  No balance issue and keeps game server running.

    4) Power items -  Players will argue all day over what this class includes.  I would include items like 50% speed boosts, Top tier astro ships, top-of-the line gear and equipment, and investment bonds.  These should NOT, imo, be sold for a flat value.  If available, they need to be over-priced or dispersed by a lottery system.  The OGP bottles were a bad lottery system.. the drop list was so small the market became flooded with their particular items one month... then a drought the next.

    5) Gameplay essential Consumables: - These include SSIPs, POs, QMPs and otheres.  These should be priced at a rate which does not devalue any available source in game.  If still, enough do not exist to satisfy a good playing experience... additional goods can be added as in-game awards,  log-in rewards, or special event awards. 
  • crazyhunter2003crazyhunter2003 Posts: 763Member Intermediate
    @ rangerzfan there goes our founders rewards
  • crazyhunter2003crazyhunter2003 Posts: 763Member Intermediate
    Zim  ,no item that can be acquired in game should ever be sold in cash shop
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