InternationalGroupUWO come one come all!!!

banjovi123banjovi123 Posts: 2Member Beginner
Hey folks the InternationalGroupUWO will be restarting with the new server relaunch in the city of London. So when you get in game come join us and join the veterans of this company like Lockdown, Piratescoundrel, McFork, Acoustiblaster, Silverseeker, Run&Gun, Deathharibinger, and many more. For the folks whose company didn't make the move you can create a home with our welcoming company. For the new folks trying to learn the game there is a ton of knowledge on how to level up and we are very willing to help with any questions you have.

We have a website at:

And we are on TeamSpeak at:

So come and join us in game it will be great to have you with us!!!!


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