Please make a no-PvP server

kazernielkazerniel Posts: 0Member Beginner
I just want to explore the world and trade without the threat of being attacked by another player :/ I've never been outside of Europe because of this.

I hope with this handover there will be a no-PvP server available, or a way to permanently opt out of PvP (to avoid it being abused by player pirates).
SqueezeKanzakiKenzanchubbychub168jest11HelloAllJBurns06xibwizidefikskelefox271gd6nooband 6 others.


  • HelloAllHelloAll Posts: 701Member Intermediate
    Well you picked the wrong game I’m afraid.

    I just want to play a game where I can run around on grass....but the fact there is 21 other people on the grass is spoiling it for me.
    Why can’t they just change fifa 18 for me....why oh whyyyyyyy?
  • crazyhunter2003crazyhunter2003 Posts: 763Member Intermediate
    will you(the o/p) pay for the extra server? they are not cost free,you know
  • OberrillOberrill Posts: 133Member Trainee
     What an absolutely useless and rude post. Grow up!.

  • JazzminJazzmin Posts: 60Member Beginner
    To the OP, you do realise that it's people complaining about being pirated that got piracy nerfed to heck, right?
    You need to grow up and accept that you might get pirated.  There is a way. Invest money and buy blue flags. They're there for a reason.
    Piracy is part of this game you might as well accept it.
    Captain-Simon - ACME Corperation
    GrandGeneralSimon - Osmanli_Aslanlar
  • seapiratedeluxeseapiratedeluxe Posts: 140Member Trainee
    Find other players who can show you the tricks to avoid the pirates, make freinds with powerfull maritimers and even some of the pirates!

    make another character and start to pirate other players!
  • OgieOgilthorpeOgieOgilthorpe Posts: 23Member Beginner
    Here's another alternative.  If you really want to be a pirate AND plunder other players' items, you need to get the Plunderer job ticket.  Make that about as easy to obtain as, say, the Millionaire job ticket.  You can still pirate, but just not do item plunder until you get the job.  I mean - fair is fair - to qualify for a top Adventurer or Trader job takes a lot questing, so why not make it as difficult to become a top level pirate with the ability to plunder items?
    Barring that natural expression of villainy which we all have, the man looked honest enough.
  • HelloAllHelloAll Posts: 701Member Intermediate
    To be a decent pirate takes a lot of effort anyway. Most of the guys that pirated would of had the job long ago anyway.
    So I don’t see how that will change things.

    All it will mean is all pirates are really really high level and at a quality lvl and then everyone would be just as annoyed.

    It’s papaya’s choice. Let’s see what happens.
  • aceman39aceman39 Posts: 943Member Intermediate
    All we can do is wait and see what happens like HelloAll said. Just relax we have less then 2 days to go
  • KanzakiKenzanKanzakiKenzan Posts: 42Member Beginner
    @kazerniel - You are aware that Newbie Protection lasts until you are Level 30 in any Class and Total Level 50, right? There is no reason for this to be eliminated due to the wipe. This means, if all you want to do is Adventure you can go all the way to 50/0/0 before you get can be targeted for Pv-effing-P. Pro Tip: You can do practically everything ADV-related by the time you reach that level if that's all you do.
    FUBB Deputy
    Trib Tyrant
    Master Debater
  • OberrillOberrill Posts: 133Member Trainee
     Your post is so off that it is not worth making any more comments.
  • JazzminJazzmin Posts: 60Member Beginner
    Oberrill, it almost seems if you're condoning the idea of voluntary pvp.
    Captain-Simon - ACME Corperation
    GrandGeneralSimon - Osmanli_Aslanlar
  • JazzminJazzmin Posts: 60Member Beginner
    Captain-Simon - ACME Corperation
    GrandGeneralSimon - Osmanli_Aslanlar
  • SOTMeadSOTMead Posts: 30Member Beginner
    Could you stop spamming the same image across multiple threads, please, Jazzmin? It's rude. Articulate what you have to say - don't rely on the equivalent of a clown horn to make your arguments, you'll end up losing arguments.
  • OberrillOberrill Posts: 133Member Trainee
     I am not sure what you mean. I have made several posts supporting the idea of having a toggle for allowing PvP. The toggle always off for all toons of anyone with a pirate toon, and anyone without can choose whether and when to allow themselves to be attacked.
     I played an MMO years ago that had such a toggle. It made the game a lot more fun. Toggle on when you just feel like being left alone and toggle off the rest of the time.
     There is really no reason not to have such a toggle if the game code would allow it. There are very few players that would always use the toggle and there would be some that could never use it. Most players would use it occasionally such as when they were concentrating on a particular quest and wanted to finish it in during the amount of playing time available to them. It would also be useful on those days when your game is dcing a lot or really laggy. It is bad enough to deal with npc pirates that are already attacking you before you even know they are there.
     Condoning by definition means that voluntary PvP is somehow bad or wrong. It is not. Therefore I am not sure what you mean by condone. I Support voluntary PvP. I support choice and a fun game for all players. I do not support flags. I do not support some players having to pay extra to enjoy the game.
  • HelloAllHelloAll Posts: 701Member Intermediate
    So pirating would be extinct then.

    Because there is not one person on this game that will think

    “ah I will go and do a nanban run...let’s make sure I’m all set for pvp”

    Pvp in this game is not just 2 guys arranging a battle.
    It’s a game of pursuit, hide and seek, and surprise attacks.

    Pirates do not try to attack people of equal strength.
  • OberrillOberrill Posts: 133Member Trainee
     Not so at all. As I mentioned, anyone with a pirate toon could never use the toggle. That means you could always attack other pirates and any of their alts. Also there are many who have stated that even though they are not pirates, they enjoy having pirates around for the challenge. These players would also not use the toggle except maybe on the rare occasion. Only a very few would use the toggle on a regular basis. Not nearly enough to affect piracy.
     As you know, toons receive no war pacts as rewards. I played on and off for about 5 and a half years. When Papaya took over, all of my toons still had ALL of their no war pacts.
     I made many nanban and spice runs and not once did I use "protection". Having a toggle will be of little effect except to those players who will probably leave the game if they are pirated more than rarely. It is better to keep such players in the game with a toggle concession than it is for them to just leave.
  • AdelinaKazAdelinaKaz Posts: 83Member Beginner
    The world of UWO should be as realistic as possible. None of the journey and research was safe, and in addition to pirates, there were many other dangerous surprises. So piracy is still an understated problem compared to what could be in reality at that time. I think piracy is necessary in the game, only it needs to be balanced both in the number and range of attacks on one player, and on robbery.
  • HelloAllHelloAll Posts: 701Member Intermediate
    For a trader and adventure type toon yes it’s better to have more.

    But I would be willing to put my house on the fact that if a toggle was available anyone and everyone would use it if doing a spice run or nanban.

    As a pirate I want to attack defensless traders. And maybe just maybe I find one that hasn’t toggled the pvp to off....but after I’ve plundered them you can guarantee the next time they make the trip they will not enable pvp.

    It won’t happen anyway, it would be a bigger nerf of pirates than the removal of DB. It would be 1 step forward 2 steps back.
  • LyonesseJosephLyonesseJoseph Posts: 637Member Intermediate
    I saw this coming because I knew some players like OGP rules. Tbh, if Papaya add 2nd server aka non-PVP, it probably will ruin PVP server because most players prefer non-PVP server. Anyway, I think it's time for you suck up to new PVP and new ways to play whether you like or not.
  • OberrillOberrill Posts: 133Member Trainee
     It seems to me that the OP is one of those people who would use the toggle a lot. With the toggle he stays in the game, leaves Europe, has a lot more fun, and maybe then has a reason to spend money to support the game. A player that spends all of his time in Europe is almost certainly not going to spend at all. A player that leaves the game will not spend money on the game. So which scenario is best for the game?
     A toggle would only be positive for the game.
     It is all a moot point anyway. I am certain that Papaya is already planning how they will spend the money garnered from selling a Protection from Pirates spell.
  • aceman39aceman39 Posts: 943Member Intermediate
    @HelloAll How do you say all traders are defenseless I know for one some higher Traders have faught back against pirates
  • HelloAllHelloAll Posts: 701Member Intermediate
    There’s plenty of protection anyway!
    Pirates are only a problem for the ones that don’t prepare
  • pieratthepieratthe Posts: 419Member Intermediate
  • LyonesseJosephLyonesseJoseph Posts: 637Member Intermediate
    You forgot that they will bring back Deck Battle as well ,so it's not totally lost cause for anti-maritime players.
  • AdelinaKazAdelinaKaz Posts: 83Member Beginner
    Why do you think about that person who wants to play without attacks? Why do not you think about who wants to attack anyone at any convenient time? Do not be selfish and adjust the game for yourself, you need to adapt to the game itself. In the game, the problem is not piracy, in the game the problem is uncontrolled inflation, which is created by resellers sitting in Europe.
  • AdelinaKazAdelinaKaz Posts: 83Member Beginner
    Why do you think about that person who wants to play without attacks? Why do not you think about who wants to attack anyone at any convenient time? Do not be selfish and adjust the game for yourself, you need to adapt to the game itself. In the game, the problem is not piracy, in the game the problem is uncontrolled inflation, which is created by resellers sitting in Europe.
  • aceman39aceman39 Posts: 943Member Intermediate
    There is many reasons why inflation happen but also remember inflation is in tl also so why should it not happen in UWO since it is also a economy system
  • JazzminJazzmin Posts: 60Member Beginner
    Lol, I'm just using it to point out how stupid some of the bickering is. :p
    It's also a very good quote and is handy to break up arguments. :P

    I think a toggle would be a very bad idea. Because it would automatically be abused. A player who felt so inclined could go to SEA with it off then sail back to Europe with 100m+ worth of spice without having to worry. It would go back to the way it was with OGP.

    1. It's easy, get a blue flag, no sensible businessman would add a feature that cut a good portion of sales in the forms of flags. :p
    2. There are ways of evading pirates(I used them all the time back when BBB and SL locked SEA down.
    3. The ones who won't use the toggle weren't ever the issue. It was 80% of the ones that would. They would probably sail with fleets of 5 alts and make truckloads of money flooding the market. THe potential to get murdered by pirates reduces that.
    I'm sorry, but in my opinion this would take us back to the way things were with OGP.

    Captain-Simon - ACME Corperation
    GrandGeneralSimon - Osmanli_Aslanlar
  • LyonesseJosephLyonesseJoseph Posts: 637Member Intermediate

    Tbh, there's no such for honest or trying to balance because many players will retort to dirty tactics ie greedy bastards, yellow cowardices, saboteur ie crash markets, manipulate prices, etc, cheaters, etc. But i think players should able to figure out ie ask someone especially multiple players at same time who will give honest answer while they can ignore trolls, cheaters, liars, etc.
  • seapiratedeluxeseapiratedeluxe Posts: 140Member Trainee

    If you start as a French sailor youl have the backing of the entire nation behind you, assuming you earn the respect of your peers you are not going to be alone!

    All other nations representative would probably tell you the same.  This game is unlike other games, its fundementaly based on how well you can work together with your nation and dominate!

    If news of a French sailor having trouble with pirates gets to my ears you can be sure there will be discussions behind the scenes and making notes!  You shall be avenged!

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