[Community Feedback] CS76.5 Mercenary Nightmare Update

DSHDIABODSHDIABO Posts: 725BS DSH Intermediate
edited October 2017 Feedback & Suggestions
Hello Soldiers,

We've just released the awesome CS76.5 Mercenary Nightmare Halloween Update!

You can consult all the information of the udapte on the following link:

CS76.5 Mercenary Nightmare (click for more info)

We really would appreciate if you could check all the update info on the link above, play a lot to test all the new features and later share your feedback and also your suggestions for future improvements on this topic.

As usual your feedback is always extremely important to us and always taken under consideration for improvements in our product and especially on your gaming experience.

Thanks in advance and enjoy the update!

Team BlackShot


  • msenergymsenergy Posts: 1Member Beginner
    I'd like for you to recreate all of our favourite maps in the Halloween version instead of only Lost Temple.

    Such as Office, Sand Storm II, Panic Space etc. Or perhaps give the gamemodes with only 1 map available, a Halloween version. For example Safe House(WR)

    It would motivate me to play it more often for a new experience(Which is always great!) :P
    I still hate the GM's for banning my main account for no reason whatsoever, but I'm back on my feet.
  • totolekilleurtotolekilleur Posts: 1Member Beginner
    dissapointed once again :/

    BP players can only have 1 weapon :/ i made a suggestion (french)

    it will be nice to add more BP weapons like the Death Scythe or the Chainsaw int oshop :/ halloween doesn't have charm for BP users.

    second point, it's nice update, nice decorations, nice spirit of halloween !

    very good but not enough BP weapons :/
  • atjomhaag2atjomhaag2 Posts: 5Member Beginner
    -Its the nicest Halloween update in around 2 years. Yet, no kill mark with the pumpkin.
    -The devil mask was brought back. Thank god. The rest are yet to come. 
    -The Hatchet at least is still an option. Even tho is way too heavy, but its still optional !
    -The maps are nice! :)
    -Hackers seem to be gone for now.
    -Nice amount of weapons, even tho not many bp perhaps almost none, still some options. Previous updates were short of weapons.
    -Goldbox keeps its weapons, I'd like to see tuah and m4 wood and so on.
    -The biggest odd and disapointment, The switch bug, a simple bug implemented around 2 maintenance before hasn't been fixed, and it affects most of us. It's really sad such a simple bug will be so annoying.
    -Keeping the same is nice, but add some other stuff, there is been time going by, its been 3 years since there is not a new hallowen weapon, new Halloween themes. 
    -The UI should be red and bloody :), or scary sort of, its halloween make it feel that way since u log in. Simple things make people admire the work.
    -The bomb the jack of flash, was once a bp weapon, it hasn't been since last halloween update. Would really love to see it back. Was the one chance bp players would wait for to fight those bsc naders :D
    -The masks!! there is a lot of mask which would customize players in a way to make it look like halloween.
    -The killmark!! its such an easy thing to do yet, it wasnt implemented. In videos u could tell it was around october when it was recorded... not this time.
    -The saddest thing is, im wasting my time big time on writting this! It's not gonna change a thing, blackshot needs 45 updates or 1 big downgrade to be the great game we all want. Just downgrade to 2013 please. No op weps, no rayne nina or so. It was just great times, respected and hard clans and such and such. It was good to rush home to play some :). Not anymore.
  • DSHDIABODSHDIABO Posts: 725BS DSH Intermediate
    Hello guys,

    A huge thanks for sharing your feedback and improvement suggestions with all of us.

    Your feedback will be forwarded and surely taken under consideration for future improvements.

    Thank you once again and enjoy the update!

    Regards, DSH-DIABO
  • marcelplondmarcelplond Posts: 1Member Beginner
    not awesome update for BP users :/

    hatchet is good but, BP users would like to fest halloween in BS (like me lol), only 1 weapon for BP users is not attractive anymore...

    i wanna make the suggestion about bringing back the Chainsaw into shop, still as BP (hours), it would be an awesome weapon for players to purchase it back, and an awesome NEW weapons for new players who saw it and would like to try it !

    dissapointed :/ (as BP player) 

    Chainsaw back (hope)
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