World Chat

shelleylshelleyl Posts: 90Member Beginner
Suddenly can't post in World, although it was ok last night, didn't do anything worthy of a mute. All other communication types are working, Say, Tell and Company. School chat is full, so I can't get in there at all.


  • artaius6951artaius6951 Posts: 3Member Beginner
    Same here... maybe overloaded?
  • shelleylshelleyl Posts: 90Member Beginner
    When I deleted my block list and rebooted, it was fixed. I hope the emergency maintenance fixed this bug. I have not experimented with it since, and just turned world chat off altogether.
  • Babybear72Babybear72 Posts: 11Member Beginner
    I tried to block someone to test that but, when I looked.. The person was still visible and on my block list so I removed them. No point in blocking someone because you can still see them.
    .Baby.Bear. 59/50/54 2nd Knight
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