Unpopular, but....



  • ThegnAnsgarThegnAnsgar Posts: 10Member Beginner
    The only people who are idiots are the people who can't make a compelling reason why a gamebreaking thing should be kept in the game. If we eliminate the need for multiboxing (the only real reason to multibox really) by giving real improvements to the inventory system, then the only reason why someone would want to multibox is to gain an unfair advantage over a player who limits themselves to only logging in and playing one account/character at a time.

    Give real, legitimate reasons why it should be kept. If you can't, or won't, then it's clear it's not actually necessary, especially given those who aren't in favour of it have given real arguments why it's detrimental to the game's longevity.

    Just saying "you're telling people how they should play their game" is on the same level as trying to justify cheating. It's the exact same type of argument that cheaters use. So please aceman39, and anyone else in favour of multiboxing, bring some better reasoning to the table here. This is a discussion here. Calling the people who are bringing valid points idiots does you no favours to your credibility.
    "Trust no one, wear shoes with reversed footprints, and never sit away from an entrance. Windows count as entrances."
  • THawk420THawk420 Posts: 210Member Trainee
    Bettin they will have at best 3 replys to that n the forums are already full of the "OGP said 3accounts online is ok" "The game is P2W we need alts to complete" & the best by far "Pirates are the cheaters" Inventory space isn't really an argument its ment to be a problem just like the limit on skills, no one was meant to have all skills n that was one of OGPs reasons for lettin people rum 2 alts at a time
  • aceman39aceman39 Posts: 943Member Intermediate
    First off they called me a idiot first but I guess you missed that. Second I like many others use multi's as storage when we do casting or other stuff and alts help ship builders since you are only allowed so many ship spaces. But you all say your reasons are valued. All you say it hurts the economy. That is not proven and people who has nc ships and resellers can be said to hurt the economy
  • THawk420THawk420 Posts: 210Member Trainee
    wow didn't see the cash shop ship argument comin
  • xibwizxibwiz Posts: 77Member Beginner
    @ThegnAnsgar well mostly the real need for multiboxing is the limited ammount of skills,  limited ammount of inventory still may be reduced with cash shop expansions, but skills not really much improvement. Also many players dont want/like to depend on other players to do some taks, like production or questing wich sometimes require the need of 2 characters with high skills to complete the task.
  • LerxstLerxst Posts: 111Member Trainee
    I will give latitude for the inventory argument. There is only so much Papaya can do with a game that is not there's; adding items is one thing, changing game code is another. They failed to provide the one basic thing that everyone in the game needs in order to counter the times they introduced though - inventory space to put them. This is the only legitimate argument i see for "needing" and alt, the rest is just preference that imbalances the game.

    Claiming to let people play their way, is the same as telling everyone to cheat, just like you. I think most grade school teachers have already called kids out on this one.... "If Bobby jumped off a cliff, would you do it too?"

    Everyone thinking they have to be sufficient, completely lose the concept of playing a Massively Multiplayer Online Game. You can play Fallout 1, 2, 3, or 4 or Elder Scrolls if you want the luxury of being your own self sufficient factory - you can use trainers to learn every skill in the game, if you want to do every single thing there is. It's a single player game, no one's fun is being ruined and no one is going to care. You cannot enter a game, designed to play with other people, coded, form the ground-up to limit characters to certain parameters, and expect to use that same single-player concept to "cheat" the game into being a single player experience.
  • KainDeKuriKainDeKuri Posts: 0Member Beginner
    I'll expose my own style of playing alts.

    It isn't for trading or getting rich (omg, I deeply dislike doing trade, for me it's the most boring part of the game).

    It isn't for peeping in favor of a pirate main.

    It actually isn't for any of those things people seem to focus on their complaints...

    It's for aesthetic purposes.

    Saying that, I have to admit I love the way multiboxing runs now, with practically no lag (ahem xcrap). That is a blessing. I thank papaya for that.

    Also, I remember the times when (some) people complaint about pirates being able to plunder items, then they couldn't and now they can again. In the end, it's all a matter of opinion and opinion must never be law... because everybody has an opinion.

    So, returning to my own alt playing style. Given the fact that, in the 6 years I've been playing UWO, it was practically impossible for me to find people that actually talked to me and, at the same time, given the fact of my own rich imagination and unique play style not focused on grinding levels, I had the need to make more than one character and, given also the fact that this game is slow as hell, I want them to be together and complement each other. Also, in the totally rare occasion I find people to fleet, I normally take the alt out (also because the maximum fleet members are 5), but normally fleeting is stressful to me because the play style of the majority of people is very different from mine.

    So that's it. Sail safe, everybody.
  • NiccoloDeContiNiccoloDeConti Posts: 0Member Beginner
    I don't really see using alts as any different from a player who plays more than another or spends more on cash shops that another.  Using an alt is just an advantage that is optional that people can use to make their lives a little bit easier.  People who don't want to spend money every month on storage/strongbox items can spend a little extra time shuffling things around on alts.  Abusing the farm system?  Well maybe, still takes a lot of time and effort to log and relog for weeks to get those setup.  While it does flood the markets with spice/nanban a lot more, who really cares?  Having to grind levels and fame is school is far more boring than just buying nanban and powerleveling for new characters, so they are less likely to burn out and quit.
  • ThegnAnsgarThegnAnsgar Posts: 10Member Beginner
    @xibwiz when I say inventory or item slots, I'm for the most part including skills in there too. Just trying to use one all encompassing word. Though I think the game is quite fair in regards to the amount skill slots while also trying to provide a job system with three separate classes.
    "Trust no one, wear shoes with reversed footprints, and never sit away from an entrance. Windows count as entrances."
  • lefox271lefox271 Posts: 495Member Intermediate
    I can't believe you guys are still whingeing about Alts.

    It's allowed, 3 of 'em, now get over it. Start another thread - must be something else you can complain about. YAWN.
  • ThegnAnsgarThegnAnsgar Posts: 10Member Beginner
    Just because it's allowed doesn't mean it's not a problem.
    "Trust no one, wear shoes with reversed footprints, and never sit away from an entrance. Windows count as entrances."
  • xibwizxibwiz Posts: 77Member Beginner
    currently on jp servers is allowed that and there is no trouble at all because each account must be suscribed, wich means more incomings for them, but here since is f2p is an issue, but there is no hope to it be fixed because the game is develop mainly for jp servers, we are just a sub-product and have to live with that.
  • LyonesseJosephLyonesseJoseph Posts: 637Member Intermediate
    You got it wrong.


    This mean you will be only one to play game like any normal rpgs. You need to stop misled by those.

    In any case, Multi-boxing and spenders are bad for MMOs period. Like I mean players play 3 toons for various purposes ie storage, farming, etc even though it requires effort to play 3 toons while spenders often ruin economy ie Investment Bonds, 100 checks, etc ,so you now get idea that both can be bad or good for UWO.

    The bottom line: spenders tend to be lazy as fuck because they're typical to use gameshark to cheat out the game that they supposed to enjoy even though that's their choice to play.
  • ThegnAnsgarThegnAnsgar Posts: 10Member Beginner
    That's an incredibly ignorant view of people who spend money in F2P MMOs.
    "Trust no one, wear shoes with reversed footprints, and never sit away from an entrance. Windows count as entrances."
  • WesDoobnerWesDoobner Posts: 761Member Intermediate
    I've never complained about pirates, but if people don't stop crying about alts, I guess I'll need to do start. If other people can't respect all the different ways to play the game, then everyone needs to start complaining about the aspect they don't like. That sounds like a lot of fun huh? I'm starting to see why some players were banned in the past. All the constant bitching about the way other people play the game gets old, and makes people who just want to play the game enjoy it less. It makes me not want to spend money in papaya's shop also, if anyone from papaya is listening. These crybabies need to walk the plank and soon.
    May the winds blow you well
  • THawk420THawk420 Posts: 210Member Trainee
    "shut em up or my dollars walk" and whos crying?? I got n worries with how anyone plays till people start callin playin on 2 or more accounts just an other way to play. If you cant see that the continued abuse of multiboxing has a detect affect on the cash in game in turn blowin the economy out to the point that its no longer a choice but a must then got some real problems an maybe just maybe ya should look into that
  • WesDoobnerWesDoobner Posts: 761Member Intermediate
    You've got no worries with how anyone plays until you decide you don't like how someone plays. Here's an idea - GTFO.
    May the winds blow you well
  • THawk420THawk420 Posts: 210Member Trainee
    stop with the garbage copouts its not about a play style its about cheating skill n inventory management aspects of the game. It would be more my style to have some of you lot slapped is that ok cause its my style how many ways do you all need it spelled out or is it that hard for you to handle the fact that your argument is a sinking ship
  • aceman39aceman39 Posts: 943Member Intermediate
    THawk you are what makes the ship sink. It is where all you cry babies about alts. Then after that you find something else to cry about. People like you think oh a pirate hit them that is a part of the game. Now NEWSFLASH alts are a part of the game. So why not take your little cry baby to another game where there is no alts and let everyone play the way they want to, And it is funny. You say we all need to be slapped. apparently you wish you was man or women enough to do so.
  • SOTMeadSOTMead Posts: 30Member Beginner
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