Ability to Fool Pirates

BughawFeonBughawFeon Posts: 1Member Beginner
Pirates in UWO have a distinct advantage over historical pirates.  They cannot be effectively fooled.

There are many examples IRL of mercenaries or traders fooling pirates into either attacking or avoiding them.  There should be a skill that fakes your strength up or down a certain number of levels to reflect this historical reality and improve gameplay.


  • THawk420THawk420 Posts: 210Member Trainee
    Same could be said for pirates hiding under a friendly flag n waitin till the right moment to raise the black or just remain hidden. There is ways to work such tactics into ya game, pick the ship ya sail to trick a passing pirate into thinking your a little trade clipper when ya really in a battle job n ready to scrap or try it the other way n have you aide in a large cargo ship n sail a warship just to look a little nasty. Theres lots can be dun to bring a little more realism to your own gameplay
  • KainDeKuriKainDeKuri Posts: 0Member Beginner
    I vote for both, also because of the balance.
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