Posts need approving?

FeabottomFeabottom Posts: 3Member Beginner
Papaya dont want us to express our opinion? no freedom of speech? what else is the explanation for the approval of posts?


  • JustToTalkJustToTalk Posts: 59Member Beginner
    Papaya comes from a bunch of ancient-minded people from the stone age. Nothing good will ever comes from "this type of people" on earth. I even suspect are they just a bunch of underaged kids lol.

    The only possible way I am thinking of why Papaya are sensitive to players comments probably the way of they doing things is too "lol" until they receive only negative comments rather than positive.

    If you really can't stand negative comments, just put in a rule that restrict vulgars or flaming etc, restrict others from talking is DEFINITELY NOT the way of what an ADULT'S doing.

    Simpler, if you don't like to read it, just simply ignore it. And lol, they can't even do that. Unable to review their own mistakes, they close down the communication with the others and block the world off entirely.

    This kind of stone-age minded people will be abandoned by the world sooner or later, you want to bet how long they can last? :p
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