Port Permit Issue

diespiterrdiespiterr Posts: 1Member Beginner
I have 27k fame and got carrib permit as last. I got Surveying newfoundland IQ from my nat capital and sailed san juan and then the landing zone i suppose to go and complete the quest there. I should have get the E. Coast of Latin America permit but after i hand in q i get nothing. Not sure if i'm missing something but thats how i had my ECoLA permit many years ago.


  • aceman39aceman39 Posts: 943Member Intermediate
    After you turn in the quest you have to go back to your home city and then go to the castle and talk to the ruler of your city and he grants you the permit
  • xibwizxibwiz Posts: 77Member Beginner
    Well, because wipe/reset of servers there was not enough influence of the main cities to give E.Latin America port permit. To achieve enough influence each city must have over 6000 IQ points (im assume that each IQ per people gives around 1-10points depending on the stars of the quest) So it need a lot of effort from everyone.

    But seems that on oct 25, papaya admins were nice and deliver 6K IQ points to cities to allow E.Latin America be get easily, So now just need to do 1 IQ to get the port permit, instead to wait couple weeks while it reach the treshold ammount, if you already did IQ's b4, just need to do one again to get the permit.  Note that just was done for E.Latin America, so following port permits SEA, W.America, Panama & Suez Canal & EA still may need evolve enough influence (lots of IQ's) to get their port permits.
  • aceman39aceman39 Posts: 943Member Intermediate
    I did the one IQ quest in Venice and not given weird
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