People against Alts or multiboxes as they call it...................



  • aceman39aceman39 Posts: 943Member Intermediate
    And see I always thought it was about your stupidity as it seems like if one does not agree with you they are stupid
  • CrzyPsycoChickCrzyPsycoChick Posts: 667Member Intermediate
    OH I think I know who this is!!  Is this Tommahawk the cowardly pirate? If so That explains why you know literally nothing about supply and demand or trade and the fact you cursing out players like ace said you did just like on your old toon.  Also the old tommahawk was farming alts for bounty hunter titles if this is HIM   you have no longer have ANY reason whatsoever  to comment on multibox anything farming alts is multi abuse at its finest 

    Was you old IGN  Tommahawk??
  • THawk420THawk420 Posts: 210Member Trainee
    now if i'm known for abusing multiboxing tactics would that give me an inside perspective of the detrimental uses of said tactics....

    n yes absolutely no clue about supply n demand.... next time you quote me read it.
  • THawk420THawk420 Posts: 210Member Trainee
    THawk is TommaHawk wow we got some switched on sorts here
  • pekkauwerpekkauwer Posts: 187Member Beginner
    1. Severely limited space  adds extra space 

    hmm whats the function of shared storage 1 and shared storage 2 and also strongbox 30 day, if i may ask?

    2. Saves money as you won't have to spend as much on storage

    ah, cheating the company, okok so guys, do tell papaya gm to take out shared storage 1,2 and strongbox 30day... because of what? we have alts and money!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    3. The more alts bringing an item the more it lowers the price ie.  Spice dropping from 200k to 40k now

    and then everyone can get excalibur which supposedly rare discovery and rare treasure and sell it to player, right??????

    4. Increase fun as you can have one doing something you don't like while you have fun ie. Shipbuilding , collection,  waiting for food in taverns

    i have fun in adventuring and concentrating on archives and sw i dont have any peculiar interest or anything that can cause me "sleeping while doing it"

    5. EVERYONE in game CAN do it so its an even playing field  and no particular player has an advantage 

    so then its not mmorpg anymore... its more to single player rpg

    6.  Easier to build FS parts that require high ranks in multiple crafts

    this is why this game unique.... NOT EVERYBODY CAN DO ANYTHING THAT THEY WANT... hence there is a company, so solutions for these write to koei and tell them this fking line " we dont need company admin npc because we are one" roflmao

    7.  Experience more aspects of the game faster rather than focusing on single toon  at a time

    you always talk about trade YET you have problem on skill management on 1 char... sigh

    8. More revenue for publisher as more toons need for items ie NPC or SSIP or Astro ships  or boosts

    yes and more people quit the game, because no one to talk to, no one to lend help... and everytime asking for help "Syah you dont have alts, why dont you do alts" said my elderly leader from ogp raison d'erte... if i do alts, thats mean im considering im choosing easy solution...

    9. Monitor multiple chats this is CRUCIAL for sellers who don't want to miss a deal or rare items 

    so they can hoard them and resell back? hehehe, rare item means to be rare, if you miss it, theres your chance lost

    10.  Easier to develop ports or unlock items or permits more room means faster unlock for us

    hmm why is port undevelop although yogolan have 50 acc that i think hmm mostly tier 3-4 founder reward? 500m man, 500m.... hehehehe

    and this is additionally hint to desmond wong
    "Im qqing because i wanna ensure the reality and relativity of mmorpg is still there... im not like YxxYx from your country i dont want to bring the issues but meh, smh its happen at NM day and you and i know :)"
  • CrzyPsycoChickCrzyPsycoChick Posts: 667Member Intermediate
    Tommahawk logic:  if you use alts to multibox while nanbanning you're cheating and hurting the server.  But when I use my alts to farm them because Im too much of a COWARD to fight a real bounty hunter in game for the title AS KOEI PUT IN THE GAME AS INTENDED that's fine and nothing wrong with that. Also when I multibox and farm my alt with other groups of my pirate buddies to artificially turn seas lawless or when I flooded the bounty hunter board with useless information thus destroying the whole mechanic put koei that's totally fine too nothing wrong there. 

    So in conclusion only me and my pirate buddies can do multibox alt farming because if its related to maritime its A OK.  Also while I did alt farming on OGP I never once said a damn thing opposing multibox but now allllllllll of a sudden I want to act high and mighty and condemn multibox now that I no longer play and have a need to farm alts anymore.  Hypocrisy Never Ever Applies to me ONLY to everyone else :)

    Multibox Alt Farmer Tomma I honestly hope you come back to the game or are you too afraid you'll get decked?  :)
  • pekkauwerpekkauwer Posts: 187Member Beginner
    sorry im not tommahawk or alts of tomma... 
  • CrzyPsycoChickCrzyPsycoChick Posts: 667Member Intermediate
    Not you aruna I was talking to tomma hawk.  Aruna i know your stance on multi and even though i dont agree with it I respect because you NEVER used alts.  Tomma however was a HUGE multibox alt farmer so he can NEVER EVER EVER say anything about multibox especially since he participated in it and NEVER spoke out about it when he was doing it only AFTER he quit. HYPOCRISY to the max!
  • aceman39aceman39 Posts: 943Member Intermediate
    See that is another thing CPC I can see THawk as other pirates use spotting alts then they log in their main toon and attack the merchant/ Also on OGP people was warned about pirates creating a toon and asking a person for a tow then have their pirate toon waiting and their noob toon would attack the pirate even in safe waters to get the one who towed them attacked and robbed. But hey pirates can do it and it is right others use a alt and they are cheating the game and ruining the economy go figure
  • THawk420THawk420 Posts: 210Member Trainee
    CPC you never leave port i'm betting you dont even know how to turn a ship let alone what one looks like
  • CulvernCulvern Posts: 646Member Intermediate
    Well I was a pirate for a long time on Gama and I never had al alt for any use.
    Not all pirates farm alts or use them as a spotter Ace. Sounds like another attempt at justifying your actions. "Others do bad stuff too" is not a justification.
  • THawk420THawk420 Posts: 210Member Trainee
    i have pointed out more than once that maltiboxing can impact the game on many different levels n my problems with it dont stop a trade runs.... on my bad you know my opinions better than me dont ya CPC you and Ace ya doppy muppets
  • aceman39aceman39 Posts: 943Member Intermediate
    You can call me whatever you want cause it makes you feel like a big man in reality show how small you are and how much of a child you act. You don't bother me with names I been called worst. If you feel like a god cause you can try to put someone down it shows how stupid you really can be
  • THawk420THawk420 Posts: 210Member Trainee
    a god wow
  • THawk420THawk420 Posts: 210Member Trainee
    ok ok that was gold

    but really guyz your going to give me shit for multiboxing in the same thread your defending it in.... ok
  • aceman39aceman39 Posts: 943Member Intermediate
    Well see you say it should be banned but you can do it and it is right but we do it is wrong. You see how you just proved that alts a part of the game to be used the way a person wants
  • THawk420THawk420 Posts: 210Member Trainee
  • THawk420THawk420 Posts: 210Member Trainee
    if I'm such a bad offender saying it needs to be stopped dont ya think that just maybe there is a need to readdress the problem....
  • CrzyPsycoChickCrzyPsycoChick Posts: 667Member Intermediate
    If you would have objected to multibox abuse on OGP WHEN YOU WERE DOING IT it  would be different but the fact you didn't say anything on OGP but are only against it now that you quit is why nobody can take you seriously. 

    While Committing multibox abuse with alt farming on OGP:  He Says nothing

    When he quits game and no longer needs alt farming : He's now miraculously against multibox and condemning people who use them 

    Say Goodbye Tommahawk you are officially out of all multibox debates you were silent about multibox on OGP when you were doing it so STAY SILENT now nobody can take you serious on this topic anymore say goodbye. 

  • THawk420THawk420 Posts: 210Member Trainee
    not true I have always been against it even piped right up when OGP changed the ToS to pretty much allow it even left the game for a time because of it

    you have no clue when I left UWO do you and you won't know I'm back till its too late

    I'll see ya on the seas one day CPC
  • aceman39aceman39 Posts: 943Member Intermediate
    See CPC He said the same thing about seeing me on the seas with cannons blasting but he quit so how do you take that serious and if he quit then why come on here and try to get people behind him about alts. Makes no sense to me
  • CrzyPsycoChickCrzyPsycoChick Posts: 667Member Intermediate
    I'll be looking forward to seeing you too remember deck is BACK in the game so don't let me catch you at Seville when I'm leveled up.  Lild quit so you wont have him to run to for backup this time to save you from me again lol. 

    You'll find this landlubber is alot harder to defeat than your alt that you're used to farming Tommahawk aka Tomma ULTRA SOFT lol. 
  • THawk420THawk420 Posts: 210Member Trainee
    thats it i'm deleting my characters n going to have a cry you guys are mean
  • CrzyPsycoChickCrzyPsycoChick Posts: 667Member Intermediate
    Also this just came back to me when I got back from the gym.   Back on OGP Coolwind made an forum in response to you and your buddy Nell and others who kept farming your alts screwing up the bounty board and flipping seas.  He asked us how we felt about the alt farming and post our feelings I distinctly remember on that forum you CRYING about you were only farming your alt because you said pirates are supposed to run from bounty hunters  not fight them and it was unfair that was a requirement for a certain title so you were justified in multiboxing and farming your alt. 

    So that makes your previous statement you were always against multibox a total and complete LIE. The truth based on your justification on that forum of farming your alt is you ARE in support of multibox when it suits your selfish agenda and you didnt care it flipped seas or screwed up the bounty board as long as you got your precious title because you were too scared to go fight bounty hunters.   This is why you being against multibox now is the biggest hypocrisy when you supported before to get your title. Can't take you serious because you flip flop on the issue so you can't comment on this topic hypocrite 
  • aceman39aceman39 Posts: 943Member Intermediate
    So another words what is good for him is wrong for every one else. That is having your cake and eating it also. And none of his arguments hold merit on alts any way so why not go sit in his corner and leave the rest of us be
  • aldrizneriss2aldrizneriss2 Posts: 84Member Beginner
    ..LOL this is pointless.. not all people live alone and play alone.. some play with family.. and with friends in 1 household. they want a game that can be played together not by soloing everything.. not all play like everyone else. so stop the whining let game moderators, Game admins, and Game developers do their jobs.. surely there is a way to balance everything by now.. so as of now play the game as you see fit..

    the economy is Game Admins and Developers job.. economy can be balance surely if they are doing their jobs.. instead of listening to whiners opinions who is wanting to turn the game to their favor..

  • lefox271lefox271 Posts: 495Member Intermediate
    It's about time this thread sank into oblivion.

    Some of the contributions have been abusive.

    It's not a very good advertisement for our game. Do we really want it continually at the top of our forum?

    Newcomers will think we are an unpleasant community.

    Please let this drop.
  • theedgedemontheedgedemon Posts: 237Member Trainee
    @lefox271 agreed over all when at least one side only has two broken record repeating themselves and a half right Aruna.

    @CrzyPsycoChick if he really isn't even bothering to play why waste words proving hes wrong, quoting one of your favorite politicians "when they go low..." ya know the rest girl.

    @Syah youre likely the only one deserving an answer in the last 4 pages but i loathe yoru forum nick so ill use this name better.

    1 and 2 are not mutually exclusive since this is a huge game and we got massive hoarders, i personally know at least one person who has storage and alts and is still short on space, which is most common for SB.

    3. it does grind overpriced items down, however your point of everyone can have a excalibur while technically true, is redundant unless you wanted to farm them too what does it matter the others also have that sword?

    4. i'm glad you found a way in which you enjoy the game.  i however don't judge the meaning of fun others have, for example there is a joke about germans known to like excruciatingly complex games most people wouldn't play even if paid to do so.

    5.the "is not a mmorpg anymore" is both false and misleading, i do have alts i am also an active member of my company, and dedicate several hours a week to help players both friend and foreign whenever i can, i don't see how the way i decide to enjoy the game would limit my interaction with others unless i personally choose to do so.

    6. ... SB for one is one skill i rely on other people to get done, but there are skills like cooking which is too much needed to outsource.

    7. is a matter of personal choice where we respect yours but some people seem to have problem with ours somehow.

    8. first you don admit it helps revenue, second everyone has to find its own place to fit in the server, they can't just wait for people to move aside to make it for them because even if they did they are likely to go away sooner or later.

    9. well it is a trading game so i don't see why not wanting to miss opportunities would be a bad thing.

    10. some capitals and other towns are actually quite developed considering how long the server has been live. it took years before people saw fs clippers before, the EA rush slowed that down but i at least expect it to recover.

    p.d. : it seems you had quite a sad experience with companies but you could listen to World chat, i mean there is always something to do in this game and someone doing it, getting SW fleets can be a matter of a few mins or try getting into IQ fleets.

    Desire spawns madness, madness collapses into disaster.
    mankind never learns...
  • aceman39aceman39 Posts: 943Member Intermediate
  • automatorzeroautomatorzero Posts: 0Member Beginner
    Do the devs or game masters endorse running multi accounts or is it just a case of "we can get away with running 3 accounts so it's okay."  If the the devs or gm's have never spoken against it, or if it's not against the rules, then I don't see how anyone could complain about it.

    But as a new player I'm curious what are the benefits of running multi accounts?  More storage seems obvious, so I guess you could carry more cargo and make more profitable trade runs.  So more money, perhaps more exp.  Among other things?

    Seems like running multi accounts will help a lot with progressing in the game.  That is kind of discouraging for me, I feel like I need buy more laptops or I'm always gonna be 1-2 steps behind the multi account users.

    I will say, the amount of storage a person gets is extremely small so I can understand why people are running multis for that reason.  I don't mind spending money on games but 20-30 dollars a month just for some extra storage seems a bit much.  As someone with a limited budget, a cheap used laptop would seem like a better investment

    I spent over a thousand dollars on Koei's other MMO, Dynasty Warriors Online, and that game only lasted a few years before it shut down.  I also spent a couple hundred of Battlefield Heroes and it shut down a year or so later, so I've become a bit more hesitant and frugal with regards to my mmo spending.  I will say you all are very lucky another publisher picked this game up tho, as I would still love to still play DWO and BFH, but I digress
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