Land Battle - Combos

AbsoluteZer0AbsoluteZer0 Posts: 2Member Beginner
Hello all,

I'm doing some research on improving my Land Battle abilities, and can't seem to find any information on available weapon tech combos to use.

I've already found a lot of info on the various available techs themselves, and what type (power, feint, quick) counters each other - but I can't find a single resource that describes what order to use techs during a battle to activate combo moves.

Can anyone please provide a link, copy/paste a guide, or simply type in what they know are working combos?

Thank you!


  • aceman39aceman39 Posts: 943Member Intermediate
    This is a link to a site to tell you what you need to get Land Techs hope this helps
  • xibwizxibwiz Posts: 77Member Beginner
    Well combos are when you hit multiple times an enemy within a very close seconds frame.  Sometimes is easy to achieve it if you let growth the ready to use skills and use them one after another within 1 or 2 sec
  • CrzyPsycoChickCrzyPsycoChick Posts: 667Member Intermediate

    What you're referring to is not what we land battlers call a "combo"  its called a chain...


    Chain is basically any Tech of the same color used within 1 to  3 seconds after one another
    So 3 Red or power techs back to back is a 3 chain,  5 yellow techs is a 5 chain  , blue same principle etc. Also you can keep chains going with multiple people in a fleet meaning say you do 2 yellow feint techs back to back then I follow up with another yellow right after it will be a 3 chain this is the best way to gain finesse points. Now remember using any other color Tech during a chain immediately breaks the chain so no mixing of colors

    You gain more finesse points for performing long chains higher finesse levels are needed to unlock the ability to learn stronger techs of a weapon. I heard its much easier now you used to have to need a 13 chain to gain 100(max you can gain on a weapon per fight)  finesse points a battle but now that's been lessened to I think 10 chain for 100 points .


    Combos are specific sets of moves that cause a special effect. I'll list a few

    1.  Oil  then a bomb  or oil  then fire torch will do about 2x the normal damage of simply using a bomb alone

    2. Antidote  then a heal item will restore 2x the amount of hp

    3.oil then bomb or torch then  2-4 chain techs back to back has a chance of triggering Cout de Grace which does about 30% of life gauge and paralyzes the enemy. 

    4. Using a health over time item like taheebo juice then a heal will make the heal do 2x the amount

    There are two others that I've never ever ever got to trigger so I think it was removed. 

    Original master techs is a custom Tech that allows you to combine 4 of your learned techs into 1 single one.   There are certain combinations that work better than others like merchant techs combine better bow techs and traps combine better with gun techs you can see the stats of the techs as you make them. 

    Anywho these techs are really cool you can do things like unlimited evasion techs or techs that hit all the way on the other side of the room , boost atk defense, techs that cause status effects,   pierce through armor, some traps that hit at 100% success rate.   Possibilities are endless so it helps to learn as many techs as you can all types battle, trap,  merchant etc. also learning more techs makes them pop up in your action boxes quicker capped at 5 seconds per spawn

    I played around with these alot when I was studying land battle but I forgot alot sowwy :(


    Tech counters. .. basically each color is weak against another if u do the opposing color after the enemy does theirs it does about 1.5x damage and stuns the enemy briefly also this fills your tech gauge faster so you can do higher ranked techs in the fight 

    Red> Blue  >Yellow > Red. 

    Check the land battle guide in zims uwo Bible to learn more good luck   http:://

  • zacherbacker1984zacherbacker1984 Posts: 0Member
    were do u get sword  play 
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