New CQC Mode Idea!

There are a few maps in CQC that really aren't suited for demolition. One team having to dodge nades and sniper rounds in order to have a presence leads to some very swingy and unfun games. The way to make these maps fun is to remove the bomb parts entirely!

Idk what to call this new mode, but the basic idea is to eliminate the enemy team. The catch is you have to do it in 3-5 minutes, and you can revive dead players! 5/7/9 rounds each, this style of play would help breathe new life into forgotten maps, as well as give players less suited to the super aggressive meta of warrocks CQC a chance to perform well. Ideally there would be no limit to how many times you can revive or be revived, you simply need to be mindful of your resources, namely your ammo, and how much time is left!


  • imtosszimtossz Posts: 6Member Beginner
    But this mode is already in the game ? In CQC... I cant come up with the name of the mode 1,2,3 uhm... 

  • WizardLogicWizardLogic Posts: 37Member Beginner
    Annihilation mode is similar but not the same. If they added the ability to revive your dead teammates to Annihilation they would pretty much have the mode I am describing.
  • [HGM]Cheerful[HGM]Cheerful Posts: 427WR GM Intermediate
    Dear @WizardLogic,

    This idea is interesting, however, I have a doubt. If you are not revived by your team mate, will you respawn like in deathmatch mode or you will not be able to play until you are revived?
  • OverSkillzOverSkillz Posts: 9Member Beginner
    more like about revive like you have 10-15 sec before you die and the teams can revived you on that time if is not you death. and the other team will get point if get you down like 1 point and after the 10-15 sec get more poing if you not revived.
    hi everyone i want to said im a old players from longtime i have lenovo i3 4000m cpu 2.40ghz laptop so play fair and have fun noooob!!!!!
  • v0nndutchv0nndutch Posts: 652Member Intermediate
    Good idea but as above you’d only have 10-15 seconds to get revived. If you don’t get revived then you spawn at the start of the next round..

    I vote a YES.
    WarRock Beta Player since 2006!
  • WizardLogicWizardLogic Posts: 37Member Beginner
    @Cheerful If you die, you are dead just like a normal explosive round where you will not respawn until the new round starts. If a teammate revives you, you continue that current round with whatever leftover ammo and items you had when you were originally killed. The round doesn't end, until either time runs out, or all of one team is completely eliminated. Game is over when required number of round wins is met. I didn't think of there being a time limit to be revived as that could be a frustrating mechanic, versus someone taking their time to secure an area and safely revive you.

    This is a bit more of a grindy game mode, which I think will be a good change of pace from the often near instant rounds of explosive. It also promotes being prudent and careful with ammo usage, as well as being aware of positioning on the map, a teammate wont revive you if you ran straight to the middle and got killed for example.
  • [HGM]Cheerful[HGM]Cheerful Posts: 427WR GM Intermediate
    Hi all,

    Thank you for this suggestion. I will pass it to my superiors.
    Maybe not everything stated would be the best option to do, but I like the idea.

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