FlorianGeyerFlorianGeyer Posts: 214Member Trainee
If u have any good suggestions on future events, make sure to announce / share them. Maybe Papaya will consider one of them in future.

I was thinking about this since I miss somehow the Halloween event from last year which we aren't having now.

My suggestions:
  1. I think it would be very appropriate if there would be a small size event on anniversary dates of when historical important events took place concerning ships. Such as huge naval sea battles between nations, the discovery of new lands by explorers, important ships sunk. The event then should take place where the actual event took place.
  2. Days such as 11th of november (end of WWI),... should be remembered with a 24h safe sea area everywhere (no piracy or PVP) -> silence of weapons!
  3. Events such as Halloween, Thanks giving, new-year, Christmas should come back. Improved ideas such as an advent calendar can improve the fun.
What other ideas will u guys come up with?
Be safe and prosper!


  • theedgedemontheedgedemon Posts: 237Member Trainee
    we had Halloween event last year a shame they didn't have time t o fix anything this time...
    Desire spawns madness, madness collapses into disaster.
    mankind never learns...
  • FlorianGeyerFlorianGeyer Posts: 214Member Trainee
    I miss Halloween too, remember all those pumpkinheads running around :p
    Be safe and prosper!
  • FlorianGeyerFlorianGeyer Posts: 214Member Trainee
    Nothing much to be heard about any of these ideas. Rather than researching about it, they gave us once more a new feature that won't improve the general gamefun, even more it forces us to yet again find out about the new feature how it works. Anyway, welcome treasure cove I think...

    Still I hope one day also the good old fun-boosters and events will find their way back.
    Where the fun is not to be bought with money, but can simply be made by one man or in the company of your good old friends.

    Be safe and prosper!
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