balance .... LOL

notfrenotfre Posts: 1Member Beginner
so where is the balance in dekaron? i got pretty awesome gear, playin lots of years, and theres segripers simullar to my gear 3 skill me and others with same gear and misc,,hm? how is that legit? hunters also? 5 ppl like most of the best on server**at least now in dead game**cant take 1 hunter whos runnin and shooting arround slowly killing the shit out of pt.. so whats wrong papaya? where is the problem?


  • PoorStudentPoorStudent Posts: 4Member Beginner
  • CSGideonCSGideon Posts: 0Member Beginner
  • 9427kitty9427kitty Posts: 19Member Beginner
    the stuff is messd up bad, answering this from gm would be a lie or promise that cant be realized,thats why no one is replying.
    Well there s like 10 ppl playing dekaron,15 on shop and 20 chating,Good rates for success and future of this game.
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