Rescue Skill & Shipwrecking

AlianreAlianre Posts: 52Member Beginner
A few years ago, the rescue skill was changed to allow the rescuing of sailors during storms.  I would like to suggest a similar change for the skill to be able to rescue sailors during the raising of shipwrecks!



  • HuseyinGaziHuseyinGazi Posts: 158Member Trainee
    You've my support for that Alia ^^

    I see not much purpose on Rescue skill now... and personally I find that higher rank of rescue skill should make you retrieve more sailors when you become incapicitated. 

    Kind Regards,
    IGN: [CA]Huseyin_Gazi
    Dedicated Adventurer and Maritimer
    Other toon: Disi_Aslan (trader, production, R20 SB'er and Director of OA)
  • DelaineDelaine Posts: 21Member Beginner
    full bloody support iv been bitching to myself about that esp when you have an aid ship nd flick crew why cant the aid ship catch them it makes no sence to me really
    ign splink
  • AlianreAlianre Posts: 52Member Beginner
    I agree @Delaine it has never made sense to me whatsoever.  I have understood how it can rescue in a storm but not in a shipwreck, and if they could make the change for that why not for shipwrecking.  If you have noticed, the rescue skill icon is lit when others are greyed out during it is there tempting you, but useless.
  • THawk420THawk420 Posts: 210Member Trainee
    i thought sailors lost during ship wrecking had somehow died making it rather clear as to why the cant be rescued, idk how maybe pulled over by the ropes n sucked under as the wreck drops. I dont think this is something to bother the new host company about, i reference OGP being hounded about somethings they changed without any clue as to what they may of been doing, this suggestion may not effect alot at all i just think its playing the this could be easier card not really something to expect from koie game guyz
  • AlianreAlianre Posts: 52Member Beginner
    @THawk420 that reasoning is kind of can rescue sailors blown off a ship during a battle or sailing through a storm but they gotta die raising a shipwreck?  I am not criticizing you, just when comparing comparative applications of rescue to the situations they are simulating I am not seeing one as being more deadly (permanent) than the other.  Rescue was a benefit to battle only until they added the capability during storms.  I just find it strange that it cannot be used and @Delaine makes a good point about aide ship crews especially as the skill is not grayed out during raising as all of your other skills besides repair are during the action. 
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