cannot defect to italy

carminemothcarminemoth Posts: 0Member Beginner
I have defected from spain to england, dutch, portugal, now france, I have over 20k fame but mocenigo does not give me option to defect to italy. Does anyone know why?


  • OwvinIIOwvinII Posts: 139Member Trainee
    You can tune a piano, but you can't tuna fish.
    Likewise, you can defect to Venice, but you can't defect to Genoa.
    ♪♫ Now let's sing "DUH". ♫♪♫ </character_map,_which_comes_with_Windows10/7/XP/Whatever>

  • HuseyinGaziHuseyinGazi Posts: 158Member Trainee
    If you can't defect to Venice, there are three possible causes:

    1) You've quest/IQ in progression and not reported yet.
    2) Relationship with Venice is on Distrust or worse.
    3) Venice may have more global influence than France causing an different rule applies for defection which is then 200k total fame and having relationship with Venice on "Trust" at least.

    If any chance you talk about Genoa, then Owvin's answer is the spot on.
    Hope thise helps :B

    Kind Regards,
    IGN: [CA]Huseyin_Gazi
    Dedicated Adventurer and Maritimer
    Other toon: Disi_Aslan (trader, production, R20 SB'er and Director of OA)
  • theedgedemontheedgedemon Posts: 237Member Trainee
    pretty sure portugal and france are the bottom feeders which means you took the wrong turn while defecting.
    Desire spawns madness, madness collapses into disaster.
    mankind never learns...
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