Job change at 170

What are everyones opinions about the series of quests in the Floating city?


  • BigAshBigAsh Posts: 570Member Intermediate
    Very easy. Shouldn't take you more than an hour and a half.

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  • PineapplecakesPineapplecakes Posts: 66Member Beginner
    On my first go through the quests took me a bit longer than that. I still remember it like it was yesterday. My first impression was that a part of me just wanted it to be over quick, like accept quest and done. I groaned when I started getting the feeling that I was going to have to do stuff in the big crash landing area. But as I made progress I sort of began to appreciate the whole thing.

    I thought it was tedious before but looking back, I like it more now.
  • RhonderRhonder Posts: 37Member Beginner
    Hmm, I'm kinda conflicted on them. I've been a long time player since S1 and so I still fondly look back at S1's 3rd job quests around Xenadia as my overall favorite job change quest line. Not too hard but also had several very challenging quests, and also each class had part of the line that was unique to their class. Like Bard -> Minstrel, for example, played music to some rock and etc. Blader I think had to complete some of Monster Tower, etc. I felt less strongly about the watered down S2 version.

    I think overall I liked the S1 subclass quest lines a little better than 3rd job as well. They were a lot harder for the average/undergeared char than 3rds, but the variety of maps was fun. I did like the watered down S2 version of these quests better just because they were a lot easier/more manageable.

    the 4th quests are... okay. I like that we still have 1 Job-Up quest line in the game, and it tells and interesting story, but the locales and misc. objectives I'm not a huge fan of. The areas are all kinda samey, and while I don't mind the engineer/flower picking, the hidden animals and zodiac collection is meh.

    Overall they're okay, I guess I just wish they were a little shorter. They weren't fun enough for me to want to spend so long on them.
  • RikaneiRikanei Posts: 6Member Beginner
    My first time through I didn't realize all of the quests can be completed remotely which makes things significantly less tedious. Each character after that finished in ~30 minutes and considering you're rewarded with remote quest completion items it's pretty easy to see what they were doing; give everyone a taste for how much better certain quests can be made in hopes of encouraging people to purchase them. I'm not sure how well that succeeded considering there aren't any other quest chains after that point(that I'm aware of at least) which can be sped through to the same degree.

    As for the quests themselves? They were... decent I guess. I would have preferred having fewer that took longer to complete individually. It's kind of silly to go through each one in a matter of seconds. I'm pretty sure I spent more time going through loading screens than completing objectives during some of the quests. I did like the ending at least even if mostly for the music and scenery. It's very fitting for what's going on at that point and is a great juxtaposition for the music you hear next after being sent away.
  • KosamyKosamy Posts: 7Member Beginner
    For me, I felt like 4th job quests had a decent story. Wasn't too boring nor wasn't too exciting. 

    As @Rhonder said, I felt like 3rd job quest was the best job advancing line. All of them were unique and challenging, making you feel so good once you got 3rd job. I wish they brought back 3rd job questing.

    Sub job questing was a pain, don't bring it back please. Only good reason to bring it back is for the ely.
  • RhonderRhonder Posts: 37Member Beginner
    Oh jeez, it doesn't matter too much (and can't edit) but was supposed to read:

    "I think overall I liked the S1 subclass quest lines a little better than 4th job as well"

    S1 3rd was hands down my favorite ever xD
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