Even Cash Shop items are plunderable?

eyuhfyeyuhfy Posts: 56Member Beginner
I know items have become plunderable again in the Maris server.
The other day I was sailing in unsafe waters, I was caught by a pirate player and prepared for spice and equipment  being plundered. Its okay, just a game.
To be surprised, Delphin Special Uniform was plundered. Its just an item for noobs but it can be obtained from the Cash Shop only.
If any UWC items are not protected, I dont like to spend money to buy UWC items.
Plz make them unplunderable.


  • LyonesseJosephLyonesseJoseph Posts: 637Member Intermediate
    Apparently, they forgot to include NPCs for exclude UWC items from plunder-able list. Little bandit plundered my +22/+22 sail. smh
  • IdsadarIdsadar Posts: 140Member Trainee
    I don t think they forget. This way Papaya can make much more money,if even UWC items are plunderable.
    So it seems that they only care about the money after all.
  • theedgedemontheedgedemon Posts: 237Member Trainee

    i would actually vote  for NPC to be able to plunder you since you have safe ways to avoid them, due to cease fires/tributes and their limited intelligence (this trait is shared with real pirates).  but if you read the OP said clearly a player plundered him not a npc
    Desire spawns madness, madness collapses into disaster.
    mankind never learns...
  • OwvinIIOwvinII Posts: 139Member Trainee
    If  you happen to have vault space, quarters space, shared storage, &/or strongboxes, then why not put them to good use?

    Moreover, ¿Is it not too much trouble to fill up your inventory with such things as...
    aketons, 2-gate cannons, small forecastles, Arabian shoes, Sailing Guides (if you buy a bunch of them at a shop in Suez, each of which cost a mere 2k ducats), small extra sprits/spankers, rank-1 adventurer discovery maps easily obtained from Euro-NorthAfrican archives (especially if you already made the associated discoveries and still keep getting redundant discovery maps from archives) & the like?

    It's called Plunder Fodder.           :Ppb6Þþ
  • khylahkhylah Posts: 45Member Beginner
    I have to interject here.. I personally lost surgeons rong fu and several 100 def boots to NPC on the ocean so the boots ya player made but the rong fu was not.  Gama did have items from cash shop plunderable.  Not many got hit with it though. NPC plunder I Did not lose that to a player.

    Remember Gama was not without fault.  Also.  If player pirate was to plunder items that are cash items then I would say this is different to New rules on gama.  Not old rules.
  • clemsonfanclemsonfan Posts: 142Member Trainee
    definitely need clarification on this

  • GrenianGrenian Posts: 14Member Beginner
    If you want to be safe stay in Seville. Otherwise carry flags or tributes. Getting plundered is almost always your own fault. Granted everyone losses a land battle from time to time and having something expensive plundered for it is fairly uncalled for but I imagine they'll change it so that NPCs can't plunder your UWC or rare quest item stuff eventually. Especially if people ask.
  • THawk420THawk420 Posts: 210Member Trainee
    yeah NPCs can plunder untradeabul items there NPCs n not subject to PC restrictions this isnt new for PPs lift on player plunder. Again plunder is vs storage. if your r10 storage n get your deck cleaned in battle by a PC or NPC with say r6 plunder the cargo n items you lose to them will be of less worth than if there plunder was at say r16, items worth is worked out on god knows what but if a cash shop item can be obtained in game be it from quest rewards or trade with other players then you can bet it can be plundered some once off quest drops may not be available to plunder. to be on the safe side GRIND
  • LerxstLerxst Posts: 111Member Trainee
    You can sell cash shop items for in-game money since nothing is bound to your character. If you sell item x for 100 mil. That 100 mil can be plundered. If you buy items Y and Z with that 00 mil, those can be plundered.

    So as long as cash sop items can be traded in game for currency, there's no reason they shouldn't be plunderable (is that word??).
  • JustToTalkJustToTalk Posts: 59Member Beginner
    Absolutely wrong imo and disagree. Any items that is purchased in cash shop should not be plunderable. If you can only draw out the scenario how this is going to end, its going to be ugly.

    Allowing cash items to be plundered, then we shall question, what is the kind of player that is standing on the top who can keep plundering while nobody can touch him? A pirate with best ship and equipment.

    A healthy game environment, you do not give privilege too much until someone, some jobs or some side is way too powerful that render other jobs or other field, other areas in the game not worthy to be compared with. 

    Doing so will encourage the birth of pirates too much, which as well encourage player to spend a lot to be the best, yes, but uwo has so many professions and jobs. If Papaya now is still looking from the side of money and lack of the ability to see what is going imbalance and so on, they are going to destroy the game with their own hands.

    uwo is not a pirate game, it is a historical and simulation game. Pirates just happen to be the easiest and most obvious way for any ordinary ppl to see how to make money in such a way. If they make this a pirate game, you can have my words, justtotalk, from this date, November 10, and compare the server again 3 months later at the next year.

    Correct your mistakes before its too late.
  • THawk420THawk420 Posts: 210Member Trainee
    Got to love how easy pirates made it look to you JTT. Its clear you never tried piracy nothing about it is anywhere near as easy as your making it out to be. If it is really that easy go show all those that came before you just how easy it is
  • KatanauwoKatanauwo Posts: 309Member Intermediate
    This is the beginning of the end of Maris server.
  • THawk420THawk420 Posts: 210Member Trainee
    just a little fact for you all, UWO was doing just fine when we had plunder OGP got there grubby little mits all over it took plunder away from piracy n gave everyone the right too 2 other accounts online and now look where we are. the hole reset probably has less to do with a quick cash grab (mostly because theres only somuch cash you can pump into say SSIPs how many of them you think ya using if you cant craft parts from lack of development) than it was to do away with screw ups made in our time at OGP
  • aceman39aceman39 Posts: 943Member Intermediate
    @Katanauwo if you think Maris is the beginning of the end then why you even play or post on the forums. I don't see it as the beginning of the end. I see it as the beginning of a new future
  • LerxstLerxst Posts: 111Member Trainee
    Do away with trading and selling cash shop items and then, you may have an arguable stance on their plunderability. But, if you can sell them off and make millions, then there's zero reason they shouldn't be able to get plundered.
  • jasonpwnsjasonpwns Posts: 24Member Beginner
    For one the plunder post specified they wouldn't be plunderable.  Second that millions cannot be plundered. Cheques cannot be taken via plunder.
  • jasonpwnsjasonpwns Posts: 24Member Beginner
    The delphin costume is ding ding ding a ticket item!

    "there are a variety of items that are fully exempt from the plunder
    system as well, including rare character/ship equipment items, event
    items, expansion/booster items, Ducat checks, and chest/exchange ticket
  • VictoriasSecretVictoriasSecret Posts: 78Member Beginner
    You are not entitled to go anywhere you want unmolested. If you don't want to be troubled to carry tribute, a blue flag (that drop like candy for free), or *gasp* learn deck battle to defeat a pirate trying to rob you, then stay in N Europe, W Europe, the Mediterranean, or anyplace else what is "pvp free".
  • THawk420THawk420 Posts: 210Member Trainee
    "variety" as in a selected few. could it be that items with the big gold lock when trying to exchange are the ones that cant be plundered/traded/sold
  • Donny71Donny71 Posts: 45Member Beginner
    @ all pirates and others who think its ok for you to molest players or ruin their game play, or think they should stay in safe waters. i say being able to take cash shop items will do 1 of 2 things. 

    1) get piracy nerfed again 

    2) have people who play the merchant side or adventure stop spending money on here 

    if piracy gets nerfed the sea will rise 3000 feet in a day with all the crying that will be going on. if the thousands of players who play merchant or adventure stop spending cash game will die with only a few dozen pirates / bounty hunters spending on it. pirates already got what they wanted. camouflaged hold is almost worthless now. improved hold can be plundered even tho it says 100% plunder proof on it. turtle ships are useless now can be melee to death and too slow to out run most ships. items can be taken equipment can be taken. now cash shop items can be stolen ? no good will come from this people will simply either stop buying stuff or stop playing after losing a few items they paid real life money for. losing in game currency in game found items ( which can be sold for a lot ) trade goods is enough. cash shop items should be off limits period. if papaya doesn't change this in a few months as pirates get stronger faster ships i see a major decline in people spending for cash items only to have them taken by a DB pirate. 
  • KatanauwoKatanauwo Posts: 309Member Intermediate
    Make item plundering only available from deck battle, so that pirates have to tisk duel for item loot, or otherwise just get trade goods. Merchants running 5 alts have bigger odds to win this way
  • THawk420THawk420 Posts: 210Member Trainee
    omg the lvl of stupidity
  • CulvernCulvern Posts: 646Member Intermediate
    I never played as a pirate during the item plunder days before, i played as a merchant. I had been pirated and lost items. I considered it part of the game. It was fun trying to sneak out of ports while pirates circled. Fun to evade. Fun to get chased.
    I became a pirate after the nerf. With the blue flags, 100% improved hold, tributes it was Impossible to actually make any money as a pirate. I only did it for the thrill of the hunt.

    If you all are so terrified of pirates, perhaps Barbie online would be a better game choice for you.
  • theedgedemontheedgedemon Posts: 237Member Trainee
    @THawk420    except they didn't, the 3 char per account goes way back before OGP even existed, and if you were even here (you don't seem to be with how bad your memory looks) when they nerfed piracy it was due to 2 things:

     First was pillage order exploit that allowed almost anyone to completely rob most of the other players stuff just by using the pillage order again and again.

     Second was the plunder of cash items, and cash improved equipment, which led to people filling complains by the hundredths since they had paid real money for that stuff, most notable where the first god cannons and forged excalibur, i remember the chat was filled for days with each new victim.

    @Donny71 has it backwards it will be :

    have people who play the merchant side or adventure stop spending money on here 

    that leads to 

    get piracy nerfed again

    which ultimately leads to both legit pirate and grievers leave the game after ruining it for everyone else.

    Desire spawns madness, madness collapses into disaster.
    mankind never learns...
  • THawk420THawk420 Posts: 210Member Trainee
    3 characters per account..? ok whateve

    1 reason really OGP made crappy calls over sooking about game mechanics

    so cute how bad you think pillage orders hurt non pirates shold of see it from the pirates side

    the hole victim comment, I know i sent a good lot of em off to cry over there loses
  • CrzyPsycoChickCrzyPsycoChick Posts: 667Member Intermediate
    First off  nerfing piracy is what leads to OGP demise you cant have the Reds oranges and blues leave the game and expect it to succeed. You screw up pvp the game implodes we saw it on Netmarble and we saw it again on OGP this is not up for debate its fact whether you consider piracy pvp or not its a players wits and against another players wits its PVP. 

    With this said in regards to the cash shop there must be COMPLETE Transparency as to what is plunderable because people will be pissed thinking an item is safe only to find out its not when it being snatched away.  Basically it is this the way this system all works is based on a you know the risk and you still took the risk its your own fault. As harsh as it sounds this is the truth of the game. .. 

    Trader:  I got my sail plundered
    Pirate:  you knew the sail was plunderable,  you sailed into hostile water you were warned,  you had no flag or trib or ships skills bounty hunter escort or storage rank and you still went...its your own fault
    Trader:  grrrr I did I'll get you next time I'll use flag or get an escort 


    Trader:  I got my cash shop sail got plundered. 
    Pirate:  you knew the sail was plunderable,  you sailed into hostile water you were warned,  you had no flag or trib or ships skills bounty hunter escort or storage rank and you still went...its your own fault. 
    Trader: no I was told by papaya cash items weren't plunderable or they didn't tell me it wasn't...its papaya fault I want my money back

    Scenario 2 is what you don't want to happen that puts it on the provider. Need to know this...

  • TwitchalotTwitchalot Posts: 263Member Intermediate
    If they make Cash Shop and MA rewards plunderable, most of the traders and adventurers won't spend any RL $$ on the game because of what CPC pointed out. Your call Papaya Play. I'll be on full medical in a few months with a disposable income, do you want my money?
    IGN: Henrique_dePortugal, formerly CullumStraun - aka O Tigro Branco(The White Tiger)
    - Director of new_world_company
    Alt: Christopher_de_Haro, formerly William_Adams - temporary Deputy Director of new_world_company

    Pay It Forward - It's what we do
  • theedgedemontheedgedemon Posts: 237Member Trainee
     It's a shame all the "player retention" proposals seem to dismiss than old player like us know how to prevent, protect and defend ourselves, and the most likely victims of these practices are the new, low level players you intended to retain in the first place.

    @CPC    This discussion never was about piracy in the first place but the unfulfilled promise of non plunder able goods.

    The problem with that is the scope, one pirate hits 10 targets in one day, he has a blast maybe even gains enough to pay his repair bills!.

      On the scale one trader is hit by a pirate(same or different) 10 days in a row and hes more likely to abandon the game than to learn from it.

     this never happens : 

    Trader:  grrrr I did I'll get you next time I'll use flag or get an escort. 

      No matter how much you want to  rationalize that, someone who just lost months of their effort, is not gonna take it silently even if it actually was his fault.  

       and while i am raising my own maritime char to work as bodyguard for my trade alt, there has never really existed a "place" for bodyguard dedicated players.
    Desire spawns madness, madness collapses into disaster.
    mankind never learns...
  • THawk420THawk420 Posts: 210Member Trainee
    how long was plunder killing the game for at NM? how long after OGP saves the day with plunder nuffs did the server see a reset?

    n how ya think the vets did it.... not with OGP holding there hand i'll give the tip. anything they had a hand in was just like fuk them crums even set seas to safe to cut risks hell if we never hear from a GM again we'll be better off than we ever were with the lot we just left n there stupid crap about it being to hard
  • CulvernCulvern Posts: 646Member Intermediate
    I agree that Papaya should clear up the questions as to what is plunderable. That way it IS on the Player to assume the risk in hostile waters.

    I am just curious, with all the hate being thrown at pirate about plunder, how many of you have had expensive items plundered from you so far since the reset?

    I have not even been looked at by a pirate and I spend most of my time in hostile waters.
    Not sure if my level/ship/past has any deterring affect or just luck.
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