~ Shipbuilding + Fusion Service ~

HuseyinGaziHuseyinGazi Posts: 158Member Trainee

~ Fusion Service ~

Heya everyone ^^,

Since the honorary mayor I got more customers
than usual who're asking to do fusion and some players are still looking for
one of them who got the fusion bonus. There are several of them who're taking
orders from it (projects) and I will be one of them. This has as purpose to
inform more players who need a fusion and to give them advanced information
what the costs are.

How does the project

When a customer decided what the goal is
for his/her ship, I will calculated the budget that is needed in order to achieve
it. Let say you want to bring your High Clipper from Grade 0 to Grade 3. This
means the purpose for the current project will be Grade 3 high clipper.

At the beginning I ask the customer for
this project 500m as budget. The customer gives it to me and I give a notice
what the current budget is for this project. Then I will use that budget to
start some fusion with material ships or such to grade the High Clipper
properly. I will tell on each grade attempt of the main ship the success rate
and sometime I tell the remaining budget depending on the weight of the fusion.
You're welcome to give me more to fill the budget up during the project.

At the end if the High Clipper reached
Grade 3 successfully then the project is finished. At the end of the project
the customer will pay charge (fee) to me for the project that I've offered. For
this one would be 100m. If the remaining budget was 125m at the end, then that
fee will take the remaining budget which means the customer gets 25m back from
me. However if the remaining budget was 40m instead then the customer has to
pay 60m to me.

By this, the project is finished and the
payment is done. :)

Fusion Project cost

As I've stated before, at the end of the
project I will ask you to pay charge depending on weight of the project (see
table below).



Few things to know about this:

1) The costs are NOT cumulative, so for
example if you wish to do have grade 4 on your heavy ship which is currently
grade 2 then you’ve to pay 500m (cost from grade 3 doesn’t count).

2) The cost on the chosen grade project is
PER main ship, so for example if you wish to bring to heavy ship to grade 3
then you’ve to pay 200m for it.

3) The budget and the charge (fee) are NOT
the same. The budget is used for doing fusion attempts for making material
ships and attempts for your main ship and the cost here on can vary since it
boils down on luck. The charge will be paid at the end.

4) The charge (fee) ONLY applies if the
fusion project is succeed completely. If it is not the case then you don’t have
to pay it yet except if there is previous progress made which we can consulate
about during the project.

5) For skill inheritance purpose at grade 1
will be a different charge cost made which depends also on the weight.

Duration of each

After having done more than 50 G6 projects,
I've estimated the time it takes per project to finish it:

G0 -> G1 = 1 ~ 2 minutes

G1 -> G2 = 2 ~ 5 minutes

G2 -> G3 = 4 ~ 8 minutes

G3 -> G4 = 20 ~ 30 minutes

G4 -> G5 = 45 ~ 75 minutes

G5 -> G6 = 90 ~ 180 minutes

Please keep in mind that the duration still
can differ than what I've calculated here since you can be either super lucky
or you've too many crows who're visiting the Shipyard.

IGN: [CA]Huseyin_Gazi
Dedicated Adventurer and Maritimer
Other toon: Disi_Aslan (trader, production, R20 SB'er and Director of OA)


  • HuseyinGaziHuseyinGazi Posts: 158Member Trainee


    Asked Question (FAQ) 

    At which grade I can choose bonuses?

    can do that at grade 1, 3 and 6


    Does Shipbuilding Rank matter for fusion?

    for the required rank in order to fuse the chosen ship. It won’t influence the
    success rate of the fusion.


    Can I let the ship form changed during the project?

    is possible till grade 3, at grade 4 or higher it is too risky to do due critical
    failure (retrograde) so tell me at the beginning which desired form you want!
    Keep in mind that you can't change shipform anymore when it reaches grade 6 as
    there can't be attempts done on it.


    How many empty slot/skill inheritance can I add through fusion?

    can add max two empty (optional skill limit increase) and one skill inheritance
    (won’t count as optional skill). It is also recommended to keep some space of
    your No. improvements if you choose to add extra optional skill limit as it
    becomes useless if your ship is fully mod and will devalue your ship greatly. 


    Is there a limit with “Skill Inheritance” on fusion?

    yes, you cannot inherit everything from the material ship: Refit skills (chosen
    fusion bonus), original skill and certain optional skills (Rowing Assistance,
    Direct Hit Prevention and Evade Melee Battle).


    Does refit skill count as optional skill?

    so be careful what ship skills you wish to add as it can influence the value of
    the ship greatly!


    Do I still need astro matt ships for advanced fusion?

    is actually possible to do it with normal material ships, however it can take
    long to make it (especially for G6 purpose). Therefore at G4 is normal material
    ship cheaper, for G5 it boils down on luck between G5 LC, G4 NC matt or G5 NC
    matt (with 2x identical NC matt) and G6 is astro matt ship easier (4x identical
    astro matt prefered) (saves a lot of time).


    Why are some charge prices so high, especially for advanced fusion?

    players are thinking that those asked amounts are too much, while some doesn’t
    realize that fusion was way more expensive. At advanced fusion it took WAY MORE
    ducats plus time in order to achieve what you desire without any bonus success
    rate. Even with honor mayor system it can take hours to achieve something in
    advanced fusion project and also remember it is the time of the Shipbuilder and
    not yours! It is important to understand how stressful this can be for those
    players and they pay billions of ducats often in order to keep their position.
    Besides combining this with the budget you pay makes it still cheaper than a
    regular fusion.


    Do I have to pay less charge if I hand over some prepared materials?

    not, however the required budget drops greatly depending what you give and the
    time it takes for the project is also shorten. Besides you still make use of
    the mayor bonus as benefit which can make huge differences. For Advanced Fusion
    you need to get Astro Material ships (ticket) by yourself, as this kind of job
    can be very exhausting for me as I've to shout then all the time to look for
    the tickets for EVERY customer. :x


    Will higher success rate in advanced fusion attempt decrease the chance on
    critical failure in case it fails?

    not, the chance on critical failure remains the same regardless the success
    rate. In my personal experience there is roughly 10 % chance that critical
    failure occurs when you fail with grading at G4 or higher.


    I've maxed the "Ship Handling Proficiency" of my material ship
    (200/200) and I want to make my main ship G3, will it raise the success rate

    works indeed when your handling is capped, but in this case not. The reason is
    that your matt ship will be graded to G3 first which will raise the limit of
    the handling (+5 per grade) which is in this case 215. As a result the bonus
    success rate doesn't occur then.

    I've bought a made material ship from you, do I have to pay charge still when I
    use your mayor power for these attempt?

    this is an exception. Otherwise the cost would be redicilious high at certain
    grade purpose. So feel free to ask me to assist this when you feel not
    coinfident about the current fusion rate.


    Is it possible to pay your charge (fee) in different way than ducats?

    question, I've been thinking about a long time ago. Several players asked this
    to me before and most of the part I can accept it. The following stuff I can
    accept (not always) instead of ducats are: PO's, QMP's, SSIP's, SSIR, Ship
    Refit Handbook, Veil of seraphim and more other astro stuff. Astro gifts are
    welcome as well which we can consulate about it. NOTE: I do NOT accept
    shiptickets or modded ships as it takes my room often which I need for fusion

    How do I know that I can entrust my ships to you?

    am an former R20 Shipbuilder for 7 nations (from GAMA, working this on Maris too) and helped a lot of customers in the past
    especially with giving advice in plans, doing the builds etc. The extra fusion
    bonus only applies to the mayor itself which is unfortunate not leechable at
    fleet. It is up to your decision for that. Besides I do not like to have full
    ship inventory space hehe. :-) 



    Contacting me

    there is any question about this or wish to do an fusion project then reply
    here or pm me in-game ([CA]Huseyin_Gazi or Disi_Aslan). ^^

    that I am not always available for this which means you’ve to wait or look for
    a other SB’er who is mayor as well. We can always make arrangment when we do
    the project. Anyway I hope this makes clear for the most of you :D

    IGN: [CA]Huseyin_Gazi
    Dedicated Adventurer and Maritimer
    Other toon: Disi_Aslan (trader, production, R20 SB'er and Director of OA)
  • HuseyinGaziHuseyinGazi Posts: 158Member Trainee
    Just an note: I will only accept fusion till Grade 4 (for now) as higher grade is too difficult to achieve (a lot of time consume) due the limited avialbility of uwc material ships and the fact that nearly no one can afford such a high grade yet.

    If you still insist to wish go further than that value, feel free to message me in-game ^^
    IGN: [CA]Huseyin_Gazi
    Dedicated Adventurer and Maritimer
    Other toon: Disi_Aslan (trader, production, R20 SB'er and Director of OA)
  • HuseyinGaziHuseyinGazi Posts: 158Member Trainee
    Bump x]
    IGN: [CA]Huseyin_Gazi
    Dedicated Adventurer and Maritimer
    Other toon: Disi_Aslan (trader, production, R20 SB'er and Director of OA)
  • HuseyinGaziHuseyinGazi Posts: 158Member Trainee
    I will be able to do modding possibly do and full fusion as I will reach R20 SB in new year. I could've done it sooner, but... apparantly I am stupid enough to send my aide Chester to the Aide Fleet of my company T_T So that misses my last booster to get R20 SB for a while... Sorry for the trouble all D:
    IGN: [CA]Huseyin_Gazi
    Dedicated Adventurer and Maritimer
    Other toon: Disi_Aslan (trader, production, R20 SB'er and Director of OA)
  • HuseyinGaziHuseyinGazi Posts: 158Member Trainee
    Got my aide back and now I am officially R20 SB and open for fusion service again ^_^
    IGN: [CA]Huseyin_Gazi
    Dedicated Adventurer and Maritimer
    Other toon: Disi_Aslan (trader, production, R20 SB'er and Director of OA)
  • HuseyinGaziHuseyinGazi Posts: 158Member Trainee
    Since I've received many 30 % books and the fact they're cheap due overstock, I've decided to deduct certain grade fee's from my service on heavy class ships:

    Grade 5 = 1,5b (instead 2b)
    Grade 6 = 3,0b (instead 5b)

    Again those prices aren't cumulative, so it is under the same rule ^^
    For those who wish to grade their ships at such a degree, this is your opportunity to get a cheaper grade 5/6 on your ships (no uwc or any additional mat. ships required unless you go for inheritance) ^_^

    Keep in mind that those fee changes are temporary and it will expire at the end of Sunday 14th January around the night at my time-zone (approx. 3 PM PST).

    IGN: [CA]Huseyin_Gazi
    Dedicated Adventurer and Maritimer
    Other toon: Disi_Aslan (trader, production, R20 SB'er and Director of OA)
  • HuseyinGaziHuseyinGazi Posts: 158Member Trainee
    BUMP! Discount period from my previous post is still ongoing due the overflood on SRI.
    IGN: [CA]Huseyin_Gazi
    Dedicated Adventurer and Maritimer
    Other toon: Disi_Aslan (trader, production, R20 SB'er and Director of OA)
  • HuseyinGaziHuseyinGazi Posts: 158Member Trainee
    Sorry if it took a while to update it. Recently struggling with my game computer so hadn't the oppertunity to post it. Some fee prices are adjusted as follow (assuming I use my SRI for the project): 

    G6 - 1.5b + (budget for the project is nearly minimal < 20m)

    G6 - 2.0b + (budget for the project is approx. 400m)

    G5 - 1.5b + (budget for the project is 600-800m)
    G6 - 4.0b + (budget for the project is 1000-1500m)

    Few things to note about this:
    - You don't need to bring uwc material ship as the boost is sufficient enough to do without it.
    - Fee isn't culumative as usual and budget is apart from the fee.
    - Fee not applied if project fails (rare).
    - Main reason why the cost for light, standard and heavy G6 increase is mainly because of the cost price of Ship Refitting Instruction that keeps inflating which I have to pay.
    - The fee for light and standard will be according to the old table (from the first post) if you either provide a SRI to me or when you wish to do the project without SRI (requires uwc materials then). For heavy if you give a SRI you get at least 1b fee discount on it.

    I hope to have informed enough. ^^
    IGN: [CA]Huseyin_Gazi
    Dedicated Adventurer and Maritimer
    Other toon: Disi_Aslan (trader, production, R20 SB'er and Director of OA)
  • HuseyinGaziHuseyinGazi Posts: 158Member Trainee
    The release of the Galley Captain Ticket (2th May 2018) contains Ship Refitting Instruction again! This means the supply I will have, from these consumables, will increase. Moreover, this will change my free prices too for my fusion service:

    G6 - 1.0b + (budget for the project is nearly minimal < 20m)

    G6 - 1.5b + (budget for the project is approx. 400m)

    G5 - 1.0b + (budget for the project is 600-800m)
    G6 - 3.0b + (budget for the project is 1000-1200m)

    Few things to note about this:
    - You don't need to bring uwc material ship as the boost is sufficient enough to do without it.
    - Fee isn't cumulative as usual and budget is apart from the fee.
    - Fee not applied if project fails (rare).
    - When you provide me a SRI (Ship Refitting Instruction) then you get roughly 500m discount on fee.
    - I do accept (uwc) consumable items, equipment etc. that equals to the value of my fee prices including captain ticket itself. I do though NOT accept ships, except in very rare occasion.
    - When buying mat ship from me, you're free to use my mayor/R3 SY power without having to pay fee.

    Note: I've a busy period till 16th May because I've a Test that I need to do which requires some practice. So until then, I may not be available often. My apologies for the inconvenience and thank you for the understanding. c:

    I hope to have informed enough. ^^
    IGN: [CA]Huseyin_Gazi
    Dedicated Adventurer and Maritimer
    Other toon: Disi_Aslan (trader, production, R20 SB'er and Director of OA)
  • OwvinIIOwvinII Posts: 139Member Trainee
    Sometime in the past, I discovered that rowing Assistance can be skill-inherited
    only if both improved ship & material ship are rowing ships with oars, improved ship doesn't yet have Rowing Assistance, and material ship does have Rowing Assistance.
  • HuseyinGaziHuseyinGazi Posts: 158Member Trainee
    To keep it up to date (2/7/2018):

    G6 - 1.0b + (budget for the project is nearly minimal < 20m)

    G6 - 1.5b + (budget for the project is approx. 500m)


    When starting from G4 or less  
    G5 - 1.0b + (budget for the project is 600-800m) 
    G6 - 3.0b + (budget for the project is 1000-1200m)

    When starting from G5
    G6 - 2.0b + (budget for the project is 500-600m)

    Few things to note about this:
    - You don't need to bring uwc material ship as the boost is sufficient enough to do without it.
    - Fee isn't cumulative as usual and budget is apart from the fee.
    - Fee not applied if project fails (rare).
    - Keep in mind that the budget price isn't fixated and I gave it a range in average luck.
    - When you provide me a SRI (Ship Refitting Instruction) then you get roughly 500m discount on fee.
    - I do accept (uwc) consumable items, equipment etc. that equals to the value of my fee prices including captain ticket itself. I do though NOT accept ships, except in very rare occasion.
    - When buying mat ship from me, you're free to use my mayor/R3 SY power without having to pay fee.

    I've recently received messages from certain players that try to haggle the prices out of my fusion service (asking discount etc.). I DON'T give further discount (than SRI provision) to players, because it would be unfair for others who did paid that amount of ducats to me. Furthermore, even my own friends had paid that much,  therefore, I won't even distinguish between a friend and customer!

    Last but not least, I will be on vacation from 14th July till roughly 6th August. I will be online daily, but it is limited. Hence, it may be difficult for me to accept your requests.

    I hope to have informed sufficient ^^

    IGN: [CA]Huseyin_Gazi
    Dedicated Adventurer and Maritimer
    Other toon: Disi_Aslan (trader, production, R20 SB'er and Director of OA)
  • HuseyinGaziHuseyinGazi Posts: 158Member Trainee
    To keep it up to date (16/12/2018):

    G6 - 1.5b + (budget for the project is nearly minimal < 20m)

    G6 - 2.0b + (budget for the project is approx. 500m)


    When starting from G4 or less  
    G5 - 1.5b + (budget for the project is 600-800m) 
    G6 - 4.0b + (budget for the project is 1000-1200m)

    When starting from G5
    G6 - 2.5b + (budget for the project is 500-600m)

    Few things to note about this:
    - You don't need to bring uwc material ship as the boost is sufficient enough to do without it.
    - Fee isn't cumulative as usual and budget is apart from the fee.
    - Fee not applied if project fails (rare).
    - Keep in mind that the budget price isn't fixated and I gave it a range in average luck.
    - When you provide me a SRI (Ship Refitting Instruction) then you get roughly 1000m discount on fee.
    - I do accept (uwc) consumable items, equipment etc. that equals to the value of my fee prices including captain ticket itself. I do though NOT accept ships, except in very rare occasion.
    - When buying mat ship from me, you're free to use my mayor/R3 SY power without having to pay fee.

    Price increase has been caused due to deficiency of Ship Rebuilding Instructions that has not been added and thus buying them are getting expensive... :-( In exchange, the discount rate is doubled when someone provides an SRI. 

    Hope to informed sufficient. ^^
    IGN: [CA]Huseyin_Gazi
    Dedicated Adventurer and Maritimer
    Other toon: Disi_Aslan (trader, production, R20 SB'er and Director of OA)
  • HuseyinGaziHuseyinGazi Posts: 158Member Trainee
    Update (4/6/2019):

    G6 - 1.0b + (budget for the project is nearly minimal < 20m)

    G6 - 2.0b + (budget for the project is approx. 500m)

    When starting from G3 or less
    G6 - 3.0b + (budget for the project is 1000-1200m)

    When starting from G4
    G6 - 2.5b + (budget for the project is 800-1000m)

    When starting from G5
    G6 - 2.0b + (budget for the project is 500-600m)

    Few things to note about this:
    - You don't need to bring uwc material ship as the boost is sufficient enough to do without it.
    - Fee isn't cumulative as usual and budget is apart from the fee.
    - Fee not applied if project fails (rare).
    - Keep in mind that the budget price isn't fixated and I gave it a range in average luck. Additionally, in case the overline is small, I tend to overlook it.
    - When you provide me a SRI (Ship Refitting Instruction) then you get discount on fee, it depends on the current rate of those supplies.
    - I do accept (uwc) consumable items, equipment etc. that equals to the value of my fee prices including captain ticket itself. I do though NOT accept ships, except in very rare occasion.
    - When buying mat ship from me, you're free to use my mayor/R3 SY power without having to pay fee.

    One important note: since the order of the prince the loading speed on purchasing ship has been dramatically delayed. It makes grading even under SRI taking longer (nearly twice...). So it could happen that during the project that I end up using 2x SRI, though this will NOT add the cost of my service.

    Any questions or remarks are welcome to be asked :-)
    IGN: [CA]Huseyin_Gazi
    Dedicated Adventurer and Maritimer
    Other toon: Disi_Aslan (trader, production, R20 SB'er and Director of OA)
  • HuseyinGaziHuseyinGazi Posts: 158Member Trainee
    I have not been shouting for offering my service and forgot to mention it here (apologies!)... I would like to notify that my service is closed till 28th June due my excessive studies that is ongoing. Have two exams and after I am done... I can help you out again :) 

    In meantime, you can message Bonita as grader ^^ She has a bright experience in doing it as well :B
    Kind Regards,
    IGN: [CA]Huseyin_Gazi
    Dedicated Adventurer and Maritimer
    Other toon: Disi_Aslan (trader, production, R20 SB'er and Director of OA)
  • HuseyinGaziHuseyinGazi Posts: 158Member Trainee
    Update (27/7/2019):

    G6 - 1.0b + (budget for the project is nearly minimal < 20m)

    G6 - 2.0b + (budget for the project is approx. 500m)

    G3 - 400-500m (700-800m if battle or involving inheritance)
    G4 - 800-1000m (1000-1200m if battle or involving inheritance)

    When starting from G3 or less
    G6 - 3.0b + (budget for the project is 1000-1200m)

    When starting from G4
    G6 - 2.5b + (budget for the project is 800-1000m)

    When starting from G5
    G6 - 2.0b + (budget for the project is 500-600m)

    G7 - 6.0b + (budget varies, possibly 1200-1400m)*

    Few things to note about this:
    - You don't need to bring uwc material ship as the boost is sufficient enough to do without it.
    - Fee isn't cumulative as usual and budget is apart from the fee.
    - Fee not applied if project fails (rare).
    - Keep in mind that the budget price isn't fixated and I gave it a range in average luck. Additionally, in case the overline is small, I tend to overlook it.
    - For beyond G6 project, I do recommend to bring two identical uwc material ship at least, 2x to 4x ultimate ship blueprint and 2x to 4x Ship Refitting Mastery.
    - When you provide me a SRI (Ship Refitting Instruction) then you get discount on fee, it depends on the current rate of those supplies. *For SRGuide you get at least 2b discount fee on G6 and possibly extra mat ships I make and 3b discount on fee for G7 purpose.
    - I do accept (uwc) consumable items, equipment etc. that equals to the value of my fee prices including captain ticket itself. I do though NOT accept ships, except in very rare occasion.
    - When buying mat ship from me, you're free to use my mayor/R3 SY power without having to pay fee.

    One important note: since the order of the prince the loading speed on purchasing ship has been dramatically delayed. It makes grading even under SRI taking longer (nearly twice...). So it could happen that during the project that I end up using 2x SRI, though this will NOT add the cost of my service. For Grade 7+ project case... when it fails then only the budget cost and SRG costs are paid and the remaining mats that are made out of it goes to your possesion.

    Any questions or remarks are welcome to be asked :-)
    IGN: [CA]Huseyin_Gazi
    Dedicated Adventurer and Maritimer
    Other toon: Disi_Aslan (trader, production, R20 SB'er and Director of OA)
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