I Don't Understand..... Why is this difficult
Posts: 44Member Beginner
I Dont get it,Isn't it obvious a company will try to make money off of people by now? why do i see so many people complaining about how pay2win the game is, i just don't get it. I've been playing latale for like 10 years, this game has always been the same. but i always see people complaining about how the game is to hard or to difficult, or to pay2win( isn't that obvious by now) every game is?! jeez even console games are going that route now.
Anyway out of all the time ive been playing this game ive never been pay2win despite spending loads of money on this game, i do it to support the game(nothing more). even now my pop-star is weak asf but i can still solo most end game dungeons by myself, heck im even close to soloing the brand new dungeons like airship, and im no where close to having the gear any of the better players have, im still working on my badges/furins/gems/ hell even enchants. basically what im trying to say is it isn't that hard to play this game at all, this game might as well be just a social gathering for people to talk, because that is all it is for me anyway.
out of the time the server first opened, to now ive barely been able to play for more than 4-5 hours a day. between teaching kids/arguing with my roommate/ and trying to find a decent bed ;/, im able to solo(most) if not all dungeons, and i haven't even did half the work most end gamers have done. my point is that if most of the people complaining have played this game so long. they should know by now how this game works, and the shortcuts to getting things done, whats the point in bragging about being a Vet, if u don't even know how to speed your way through the game just so u can farm the gear that you so desperately need/complain about all the time being to expensive. i know if i can juggle this game between my job/personal life and somehow make it work, other people should be able to ....... then again i guess i would be assuming to much.
anyways this was my little rant, was kinda feeling bad about how so many people talk this game down despite playing it for so long. u can take what i say in a good or negative way( up to you really) just hope people can learn more about the game before they talk about it.
Cookies Are for Men Cake Is for Kings 1800 Is for me
You are like those people from Wallstreet who defend EA and Battlefront II.
"You can totally git gud just by farming credits in offline mode". Sure... sure..