Solution to improving PvP activities and multi character problems.



  • aldrizneriss2aldrizneriss2 Posts: 84Member Beginner

    your statement is just another repetition of refusing to acknowledge due to greed and self interest.. 

    the game was never made for you alone.

    pls read.. it can be avoided. your just refusing because its not convenient.. don't blame being incompetent to pirates.

    you just wanted everything laid down for you.. and want to blame your incomptency to pirates by acting like a victim to take advantage of trading.
  • SanaiaSanaia Posts: 7Member Beginner
    Please stop it with the greed argument. Making money is was traders do.  It is their sole purpose in the game.  

    This would be like traders saying pirates want more freedoms because they want to bully and be a-hole jerks.  And you would find it offensive because battling and plundering is what pirates do.  It is their sole purpose in the game.

    Neither has a place in this discussion.

    No one is arguing to take any liberties that pirates currently have in the game.  No one is even arguing against the new plundering rules.  What we are discussion is the OP's suggesting against increased aggression and liberties against traders.  In a nutshell what he is suggesting is that traders be farmed 24/7 without restrictions, even while in port, is a ridiculous suggestion and any reasonable pirate knows this.

    What traders are trying to state is the obvious.  And that is that such a change would ruing this game.  And if you like this game, whether you be a trader or pirate, you would agree.

    What we are advocating is to save this game.  Those arguing against our point are simply advocating for its quick demise.
  • aldrizneriss2aldrizneriss2 Posts: 84Member Beginner

      that is a valid argument. it is greed of trading that your pretending this is OP. number did not increase after pirates got nerfed .. it is the number of multiboxer's that increased and we lost valuable players due to traders greed.  your arguement's are the one's not valid.. because based on your statements your are not under any restrictions yet you played a victim.. the abusers here is clearly the merchant's you mentioned wanting all the privileges for yourselves..  

      veteran players would agree this is the real situation. 

    although i greatly agree that plunder should be changed.. my opinion on it is either "plunder ALL or NO plunder'.. but that is for another post and discussion.

    i stand for equality and common sense.. 
  • CrzyPsycoChickCrzyPsycoChick Posts: 667Member Intermediate
    You can already plunder all you want to FARM even when there is nothing left to steal explain the logic on that. I'm still waiting
  • aceman39aceman39 Posts: 943Member Intermediate
    There is no logic on that and every time a valid point is made he calls traders greedy and ignorant or stupid. I wonder if he is a alt of katana cause he is about as crazy as he is and will find a way to try and ruin the game. People do not need to be farmed after they get hit by the same pirate. Cause they already stole every thing. After the first time it is being a bully and a abuser and the pirates who want this needs to take a long walk off a short ships plank and swim with the sharks
  • aldrizneriss2aldrizneriss2 Posts: 84Member Beginner

    again aceman39. 

    you have no other arguements than playing the victim. making it look like its hopeless.

    read your fellow merchants statements here. they already admit there is a bunch of ways you cant be farmed.. they are just refusing.. you're only flaming nonsense.. that's why you're stupid..

    my opinion on plunder is for BH and Pirates.. it does'nt include merchants... it does not have to be on this post.
  • aceman39aceman39 Posts: 943Member Intermediate
    You  know you like calling people stupid, and what are you.....IGNORANT. As your argument is to give pirates free rang of what ever they want and say if you don't do what I say then merchants are greedy and have no right to enjoy the game they want and pirates deserve to run UWO the way they want and everyone has to accept it or stay in safe waters......You are the one who is stupid
  • aldrizneriss2aldrizneriss2 Posts: 84Member Beginner

    you don't mind calling me Jerk.. so that back at yah..

    its curse and be curse.
  • aldrizneriss2aldrizneriss2 Posts: 84Member Beginner

    Kiddo your not restricted of trading, your just refusing , and playing the victim.. again, same old argument making yourself look like hopeless. its show's how little you  know of trading.. i guess your a freeloader after all. trading cargo's are your only hope of gaining money in-game. you might be one of those multiboxer's who abuse trading.. you may have so many alt, buying blue flag is not an option for you. cause it will cost you major lost in profits..

    flaming threads, bubbling your same old arguments are your only option to keep your ducats over flowing.

    again "IF YOUR THAT HOPELESS, THERE'S NOTHING WE CAN DO ABOUT IT" because the problem is not the people around you.. the problem is you YOURSELF..

    LAWLESS - means there is the absence of governance. there is no LAW.
                       - no rules.

    so tell me again. is that not the definition?

    again in case you me this on my post. you can restrict pirates on normal waters, have them reset. 1 attack per pirate

    but on LAWLESS again again read above.
  • aceman39aceman39 Posts: 943Member Intermediate
    You know I know how to trade and I don't abuse alts. See you think you know it all the thing we are all against and you seem to forget what the OP originally stated was white flag players should be attacked over and over by the same pirate even after just attacking them....BUT hey you are always right and all of us are wrong since people like you think PVP should run the game. Next thing is all you PVP fools would want safe waters removed where there is no fighting in EU so you all can be bully's. And to say we should spend money for blue flags. Why should people that don't like PVP be forced to do PVP. Oh wait I forgot you all want this to be a PVP game. If you want strictly a PVP game there is many out there join them and let UWO be the game it is. See you never answer questions like CPC asked you all you know how to do is knock people and call them names. Talk about a small minded person. You have a small mind and make no sense and insulting people show how foolish you truly are
  • aldrizneriss2aldrizneriss2 Posts: 84Member Beginner

    I am right


    Not all merchant's are HOPELESS LIKE YOU! before i do BH i do trading to.. but never was I HOPELESS LIKE YOU. you seem to forget we also do trading too . i prepare for what comes next. and not blame pirates for my lack of battle skills.

     we have been attcked by pirates ... BUT STILL WE ARE NOT HOPELESS LIKE YOU.. i lost 1b worth gloves but still i dont whine like YOU!.. thats why you are the only ONE HOPELESS cause WE ARE NOT LIKE YOU.

    if using blue flags hurt you that much .. then you can feel VERY HOPELESS .. 

    no GO oN. to your MAMA now.. TELL HER I BULLIED YOU!!
  • lefox271lefox271 Posts: 495Member Intermediate
    If there is a problem with the amount of PvP activity maritimers can get then why not ask Papaya to provide more opportunities and incentive for battling against other maritimers? That's my suggestion.

    If you look at some of the posts on the forum by serious pirate-players you'll see what they enjoy most about that role is the thrill of the hunt. They don't know when they set out whether they will find some prey, and even if they do, they don't know if they will be able to defeat it. So there's a real sense of adventure.

    I can respect that. It takes knowledge and experience (and luck) to locate a devious merchantman in the Indian Ocean. The pirate has to be as clever as the trader is devious! If there wasn't so much else to do in UWO, then I might be a hunter.

    Port-camping - well I kind of get that. It's a bit like sitting on a rat hole with a 4/10. There's some excitement in the expectation a merchantman might make a run for it. If it's in lawless waters it's justifiable - 'cos after all there is no law there.

    This kind of hunting is a special case of PvP. You don't see it in many games.

    In most games PvP is a way of testing your battle skills and equipment against intelligent enemies - who are clever and unpredictable, unlike AI-controlled NPCs. I get that too - although it's not for me.

    What I don't get is the idea of 'farming' trader-players. It doesn't take much knowledge and experience. It's not testing your own battle skills or equipment. There's no reward in terms of outwitting another player.

    And I think it's got a danger of encouraging bullying.

    Explain to me why why we need it. Because I can't see most reasonable gamers thinking it's a good idea.
  • aceman39aceman39 Posts: 943Member Intermediate
    Because people think bullying a player is a way for them to get their kicks mean while the player who was bullied then quits the game and we lose another player. See they think farming a player is their right. I have no problem if a true player pirate and not the fake wannabee chase me down hey they got me it was fair. I have no problem with that. We all faced it. But to say having a pirate think it is right to hit the same player over and over after one battle is done is being a bully and a fool. But you know we no nothing being a merchant. We should just say ok attack us over and over till we have nothing left in less then two minutes after you attacked me and continue to beat on me cause your fun matters and mind don't. And I swear he sounds more and more like THawk with the name calling and the childish post he keeps sending our way 
  • lefox271lefox271 Posts: 495Member Intermediate
    Hey Ace I know you agree with me. But you're comments are putting words into other peoples' mouths.

    I'm suggesting allowing one set of players to exploit another is not a 'serious' gaming-style and that most experienced gamers are gonna think it will lead to an unhealthy gaming environment.

    I'm interested to hear what the 'other side' have to say to that.
  • aceman39aceman39 Posts: 943Member Intermediate
    Actually I was not putting words in to other people mouth just from what they are saying what I wrote is the feeling I get and I am also interested in what they are saying. What I think is wrong they can say what they believe but if you disagree with them then they turn to name calling which is another form of bullying.
  • aldrizneriss2aldrizneriss2 Posts: 84Member Beginner

    Ok. 1st of all i don't encourage bullying, just to be clear.  you have to forgive those caps anyways.. they have to be there because some readers skip reading post and strike.

    lets understand 1st what is LAWLESS?

    LAWLESS - the Absence of Governance
                        NO RULES
    so having rule due to players cant do trading in EA because pirates will spam them. will make LAWLESS WATERS useless.. CAUSE WHY PUT LAWLESS WATER IF THERE WILL BE RULES?

    the way i see that KOEI the game makers put LAWLESS WATERS is to stop FLOODING OF GOODS or activity coming FROM EA. for that will cause chain effects and ruin the game entirely.

    some take it as BULLYING.. when all it was is failure to understand the importance of LAWLESS WATER

    it did hit the economy bigtime.. made spice runs useless

    + multiboxers abuse it. and i clearly stated so many times now. what i said it OK to SPAM ON LAWLESS WATERS.. NOT ON ALL..
  • lefox271lefox271 Posts: 495Member Intermediate
    Okay I hear what you are saying.

    If I understand you correctly you believe there should be bigger penalties for traders if he/she gets caught in Lawless Waters.

    In a way I can see some sense in that. They are 'lawless' after all - as you say.

    But do you think allowing repeated attacks may be going too far? Too avoid that risk of bullying do you think we need to give the trader a way out?

    Are there other ways you could make Lawless Waters more dangerous? Ways that might be less controversial? For example a financial penalty from your bank account - a bit like paying a ransom? Confiscation/loss of cargo?

    If this was just about 'lawless waters', and everyone knows the risks and penalties, I'd say that was more reasonable.

    What I don't like is the idea one player could repeatedly harass another.  

    I also think it's a good idea to keep ideas like this separate from the issue of running Alts. That just muddies the waters and upsets everyone, because it's so controversial.
  • aldrizneriss2aldrizneriss2 Posts: 84Member Beginner

    Finally BRIGHT IDEAS....

    Temporary Green Flag would do the trick..

    1. 1 minute grace period before next attack?
  • lefox271lefox271 Posts: 495Member Intermediate
    Would a 1-minute escape time be sufficient to protect players from undue harassment? I suspect most people are going to say it needs to be longer.

    Also, think about it from the pirate-players' perspective. If you make the penalty for being caught in lawless waters too great, you'll just scare-off the traders. It could reduce the opportunity for piracy, rather than improving it.

    There's a trade-off here - pirate-players depend on shipping. And the more shipping there is, the more opportunities there are for piracy. You want wealthy, incautious, over-confident traders, not wary, worried, risk-averse ones!

    So you could argue It would be better for pirates to relax the rules for lawless waters to encourage more traders out to them. 
  • aldrizneriss2aldrizneriss2 Posts: 84Member Beginner

    id say its around 1 min. cause EA to EU takes about 45min with a fast ship and there is only an area of lawless that they can be farmed. once out of lawless area they will be able to use tributes. after that the chased ends..
  • KhsellhuKhsellhu Posts: 0Member Beginner
    24 hours is too long, but letting one pirate attack the same player for like 3-4-5 times in a row just because he can is an overkill.
    There are no chivalrious pirates who would look for a challenging target.
    If there is a choice between a merchant who can actually defend himself and the one who can't... pirate would go for the weakest one.
    There is also an issue with overleveled pirate ships which would never let any non-PVP-built ship to compete against them.
    What can you do on your trader boat against an Agile La Reale of, say, GetEaten, who would just go through you like a hot knife through butter butchering your sailors and stealing your goods.
    I believe, that piracy is NEEEDED for the game to be interesting... take a look at EVE Online, for once, but pirates should be never able to casually walk in into safe waters.
    Restrict the atk-timer to 20-30 minutes per 1 pirate. Remove the 5 attacks per day, but don't let it just become a slaughter-fest of the weakest and newiest players.

    As for traders... I don't see how it helps the game when you easily go to EA, take a 3-4k trade goods back to EU and then just spam your bazaars around marketplace. If anything, it looks... wrong.

    And I am neither a pirate, nor a bounty-hunter, and not a trader.
    I enjoy adventuring in this game. And with adventuring comes trade, bounties, and piracy. Either against you or with you.

    IGN: Satori
    IG Nationality: British
    Company: FreedomHunters
  • KhsellhuKhsellhu Posts: 0Member Beginner
    ...I have tried to post on the 1st page but for some reason my post isn't yet approved (or whatever moderators do with it).
    I am too lazy to repeat it, but, seriously... greed? What greed? So, how do you explain your wish to plunder EVERYTHING from a person? You call traders greedy, while you yourself say it is normal to continuously attack newbies.
    Any and all comments about "get the blue flag" are irrational. Thats a pay item. Buy it from other people? Pay 10-20-30m for it? Or even more? That may be an option for some high-end and high-lvl guys, who already amassed wealth via broken Nanban trading, surely, but not an option for a newbie.
    And no, pirate would go for the weakest. And most of them sit outside of port waiting for someone to sail.
    You rarely find some roaming around guys... GetEaten, Africanbully, JackTheSmthwhatever would sit and wait for your cargo in front of Calicut just because it is good for them.
    You choose to go pirate in game, no one forces you. There are easier ways to make money, indeed, but no one forces you to play pirate. You want to show other peopel that you are strong, cool, notorious, whatever.
    I was initially partly agree with Naver. Yes, 24 hours cooldown before the next attack is strange... make it 1-2 hours or 30 minutes. That is definitely enough to run away. It is fun to try to outsmart pirates as well... as long as they don't camp in front of a major port lazely pirating anyone weak enoguh just because they won't.
    Skills are, indeed, everything in this game... but did you consider that traders work on their _trading_ skills instead of maritime? While you were busy leveling your precious "assault" someone was working on "handicrafts". Trader can make money even in EU? Yes, he can. And you can make money plundering NPCs and doing BRs. All in the same boat.
    I am ok with piracy. I am ok with giving it some more bonuses, but I am against people who only know the words "greedy traders", "you should buy pay-stuff to be free of pirates" and so on.
    Also... upgrade your ship? That item is also behind the paywall and not smth a newbie can easily afford for ducats.
    If anything, hyper inflation, thousands of nanban-goods traders in front of market places, camper-pirates and overpriced stuff in-game makes newbies run away. And it is been like this for years.
    On Netmarble, on OGP, and now here.
    And btw, I am not even a trader... not even a maritimer. Just your random adventurer.

    IGN: Satori
    IG Nationality: British
    Company: FreedomHunters
  • CrzyPsycoChickCrzyPsycoChick Posts: 667Member Intermediate
    OK it seems we all are having a huge misunderstanding about this issue. It's not so much that you want farming... It's that you think it should be more penalty for sailing in lawless water without protection. Why didn't you just say that from the jump lol?

    I get what you are saying but asking for farming in lawless or 1min to get out after an attack will make nobody want to sail there at thus defeating the purpose of lawless water. Instead of wanting farming you should be asking for more INCENTIVES to actually want to go to lawless.

    Some incentives they could add for lawless If you don't have a blue flag or green flag equipped are the following. 

    1. Speed +50% this means you cut SIGNIFICANT times off your trip and would encourage people take more dangerous routes. 

    2. All Experience is doubled for players and Aide experience is tripled... Shoot I might even go there for this I HATE leveling the aide lol. 

    3. Shipwrecks goods are doubled and items doubled so instead of finding 30 headache mends you find 60 NOT BAD! kick it up a notch add a very small chance to pull a SSB+1 book there

    4. Add a very small chance to find when collecting  fishing and  procuring headache meds, po's, swmps, mst, mtt. (doesn't work in green zone) 

    5. This one might be very cool but I dunno... Ship equipment deterioration goes down to 1/4 of its normal rate ie cannons, aos, weapons all last considerably much longer. 

    These are just a few that I think would bring WAY more people to lawless no need to farm and it adds incentive for every class to be there. High Risk  High Reward. Farming is lame add incentive its MUCH more inticing and effective. 

  • aldrizneriss2aldrizneriss2 Posts: 84Member Beginner

    Im ignoring your arguments. its another repetition of Sanaia and aceman39 . pls read again. your misunderstanding it..

    alright .. we are now on same page.

    1. Speed +50% this means you cut SIGNIFICANT times off your trip and would encourage people take more dangerous routes. 

    --- speed should be a penalty.. ships are cautious so its slower.. much more realistic.. 

    2. All Experience is doubled for players and Aide experience is tripled... Shoot I might even go there for this I HATE leveling the aide lol. 

    --- since speed is sacrificed,  50% or 2x exp is reasonable.. also for aide.. 10-20% increase skill prof

    3. Shipwrecks goods are doubled and items doubled so instead of finding 30 headache mends you find 60 NOT BAD! kick it up a notch add a very small chance to pull a SSB+1 book there

    --- increased chance of rare Finds. like LSS. MSS . SSB+1 etc.. like x2 or x3 increase chance. might be better don't you think?

    4. Add a very small chance to find when collecting  fishing and  procuring headache meds, po's, swmps, mst, mtt. (doesn't work in green zone) 

    --- good one

    5. This one might be very cool but I dunno... Ship equipment deterioration goes down to 1/4 of its normal rate ie cannons, aos, weapons all last considerably much longer. 

    --- that should be a penalty as well.. cause your receiving much more exp.. Or just leave it as it is

    still the reset of pirates remains an issue.. so whats's your opinion on it?

  • HelloAllHelloAll Posts: 701Member Intermediate
    @JeanPaulDupleix But it’s part of the game, so buy playing the game you already agree to those terms.

    The game gives you the choice: be pirated or use the safety measures in place that are provided for you.

    Again people are wanting to remove an obstruction that they see as being inconvenient to there earning money.

    It is no different to playing a soccer game and requestion the opposition has no goal keeper because the goal keeper is trying to stop you from scoring and limiting your progress.

    I think traders have it very easy.

    I have a fast ship with a stack of fine tributes. I can do what I want where I want care free.

    someone said let’s stop the greed comments.
    But it can only be about greed.

    People don’t want to have to pay for tributes even tho they are so easily available.

    People want to sail with no worries and stack up the money.

    Some look at this game as a trading game only. Yes you can come here and trade only..but just be aware that the game allows other avenues of playing and one of them is pirates...and the game allows them to attack you.

    Rather than get annoyed, just accept that this is the game YOU chose to play and adapt to the conditions of the game.

    As i said I am trader, but when I read some of the comments from traders on here I can’t believe how narrow minded some are, they have zero ability to look beyond themselves and understand the mechanics of the game.
  • aceman39aceman39 Posts: 943Member Intermediate
    @HelloAll So another words merchants should be hit for trying to play a part of the game mechanics you mentioned. And you say it is all about greed. As for tributes a lot of players are not making them at this time and when you are at major cities even the moguls don't have them. So then have no choice to sail without them right? 
  • HelloAllHelloAll Posts: 701Member Intermediate
    @aceman39 well I’m sorry pal but there is a guy in Seville that has a bazaar right behind the port official and he has hundreds for sale for 1m each.
    I bought 20 yesterday.

    I even said to him he must be making a fortune and he said no one buys them.

    I found out about him because he is shouting in Seville and also merch chat.

    So basically if you can’t find tributes it’s because you are not trying to find tributes.

    Also no I’m not saying they should be hit, neither am I saying they shouldn’t.

    It’s a possibility that is allowed and is fair...fair because it’s part of the game they chose to be apart of.

    Koei has given ways out.
  • aceman39aceman39 Posts: 943Member Intermediate
    I hardly make it to Seville so I wouldn't know that as I am normally at Calcutta grinding sewing so there would be no way I would  know that as I go from Venice to Suez Canal to go to India. That is why I asked it as a question so if anyone needs them they know where to look
  • CulvernCulvern Posts: 646Member Intermediate
    Ok I have to ask, perhaps I am missing something but if a player is attacked by a pirate and does not want to be farmed, does he not have the option to shipwreck? Would this not move him to the nearest port?
    Is it not an option in lawless waters?
    If it is and the player choses to be farmed instead.......
  • HelloAllHelloAll Posts: 701Member Intermediate
    @Culvern they would lose their ship tho so I don’t blame anyone for not taking that option.

    Last server I had a pirate alt. A BH caught my coming out of a port and killed me, he moved away so I used rescue then he came back and got me instantly then sailed in circles around me.

    I left my pirate there and watched a movie and taunted the BH while he wasted 20 mins of his life for nothing

    Traders have that option :)
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