Chapter 1

I suggest that you bring back the Chapter 1 theme and remove these colorful weapons from all sorts like famas countries or winter packages and bring back the simple action with no stupid skins or what so ever and I think most of the old players would agree.


  • BadMeetzEvilBadMeetzEvil Posts: 265Member Intermediate
    It sounds good however I don't really think it will happen.

    Thanks for suggestion.

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  • R3voxWRR3voxWR Posts: 568Member Intermediate

    yeah, this would be great. But...
    They cannot bring it back removing all the new weapons added from Ch2 to Ch3
    because a lot of player bought (spending money, real money) to buy them, so they
    cannot remove them permanently from the game.

    But I repeat, this would be a great thing.
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  • [HGM]Cheerful[HGM]Cheerful Posts: 427WR GM Intermediate
    Thank you all for the suggestion, we appreciate that you want to help us to improve the game. However, we are not going back to Chapter 1. Our intention is to go ahead, so we will not move backwards since this would make no sense.

  • BinkosBinkos Posts: 0Member Beginner
    You would not go backwards.. the game is half death..

    look at RuneScape they released old school RuneScape and a lot of the players came back.

    just listen to your players instead of yourself.
  • saxo2000saxo2000 Posts: 0Member Beginner
    Or you guys can release a Chapter 1 server, with his client separated from the modern version, like Classic World of Warcraft.
    Who wants to play the old version will go there. Ez pz.
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