new characters figures hair

cookie27f0cookie27f0 Posts: 2Member Beginner
or characters are in the stone age cant you give them a new look ave a little male character  like the little girl new hair styles new clothes recipes and cant u update quility of graphics just about make it more customised 


  • ReziliaRezilia Posts: 0Member Beginner
    While I doubt they'll add character customization with sliders, I do agree that we need more hairstyles and clothing. As for graphics, there's a few things you can do to help with that:

    1. If you're using, Nvidia, get Nvidia Inspector. I'm not sure if there's an AMD equivalent.

    2. In Nvidia Inspector, Uncharted Waters Online should be in the dropdown list. If not, right-click Desktop and go to Nvidia Control Panel > Manage 3D Settings > Program Settings, and select UWO.

    3. You should have these settings:


    4. Make sure to Apply those settings. Next, go into Nvidia Inspector. Near Driver Version, click the tool icon. Go to Profiles and selected Uncharted waters Online. Then change Antialiasing - Setting to 8xSQ [Combined: 2x2 SS + 2x MS]. Make sure Anisotropic Filtering Mode is on User Defined / Off.

    Remember that AMD requires different programs/instructions.

    You can also try ReShade 3.0, but I'm still experimenting with it so I can't give any instructions yet.
  • KrisPBaconKrisPBacon Posts: 34Member Beginner
    As for new hairstyles, papaya won't implement them. There are options in the UWC shop where you can purchase new hair styles that are not available to "free" players.

    As for the clothing, well let's just say that it is a good idea to have more clothing in the game and maybe add some special looking outfits to the UWC store that can not be crafted in the game... maybe like a bikini or a tuxedo...

    As for new characters, I for one have always been disturbed by the fact that players could create a "little girl" character. I would be even more disturbed if they added a "little boy" character. I think that those child-like characters should have constraints against them which stop them from doing anything an adult character can do.... like swordplay and such. 

    Personally, in my opinion, I think anyone who chooses a child character has some serious mental issues or something because I could not see why anyone would want to pretend to be a child in a game that is not designed for or around children.
  • ReziliaRezilia Posts: 0Member Beginner
    Kris, I use that little girl character. Mainly because the other female models are either dysfunctional (one looks like she's been stretched out by a torture device) or too mature, and they creep me out.

    And she's not a "child" - at least, she's not prepubescent. She has a developed chest, so she's likely just a short teenager. I've seen 15/16 year olds that look like that in real life, and throughout human history boys as young as 10 (or more) have gone to war while girls as young as 10 (or more) have been married off and produced children; it's historically accurate to allow teenagers to do anything in a game set centuries ago where those things were common.

    The only thing I find "strange" is that female characters can go to war, get a college education, and run their own business...and no one in the game world sees anything wrong with that, let alone the lack of racial discrimination amongst the cultures. I'm not saying that females didn't do those things, because they did, or that different cultures allowed other races to interact with them, because they did (albeit begrudgingly); but it's super weird for the NPCs to not even comment on this stuff.

    Compared to all of that, you want to get rid of the one thing that IS historically accurate - that little children were treated like competent adults? Because I see nothing wrong with the idea that a 12 year old has enough of a brain to make a living in an age where the amount of things to learn to get into any profession was extremely low, and most kids were already working as apprentices with enough skill to mass produce the more uniform items of their professions.
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