No. I just opened three why ban login 15 days?

No. I just opened three why ban login 15 days? 


  • lefox271lefox271 Posts: 495Member Intermediate
    If this is a cryptic crossword clue, you need to tell us how many letters in the answer.
  • wiegsgwiegsg Posts: 1Member Beginner
    Most of suspended players insist that I just played with 3 members fleet on 2PC. But in many cases, they opened 4th client for bazaar in Sev or SB grinding. 
  • KatanauwoKatanauwo Posts: 309Member Intermediate
    I do not believe in your claim. You must have violated TOS or they wont ban you.

    Alternatively, somebody who does not like you falsely reported you by providing fake evidence.

    You are not perma banned. Just consider this is Christmas shutdown, wait for 15 days and come back.
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