UWO, is not a battlefield such as BlackShot

JustToTalkJustToTalk Posts: 59Member Beginner
The beauty of uwo is, it is a sort of simulation of the world map of the earth that we are living now. All these countries, Venice, Seville, Lisbon, London, Amsterdam, these cities, truly exist in our real life.

And so when we players playing it, it feels not the same as those other games that is carrying a fantasy sword or bazooka-size gun, we are actually feeling really playing the game. We are actually enjoying that. Sailing all around the cities. Exploring. Venturing. Participating in events/features in the game.

All of roles, tasks, in game knowledge, these is what makes uwo.

When you focus on pvp too much, uwo, will not be a uwo anymore. Uwo, is not suitable to be made into a pure battlefield of sea battles and pirates. Uwo, is an old game. Don't make an old lady, dance like a teenager. This old game, cannot afford to go through this stage.

Papaya, you are making a big mistake. Please understand. With the technology and graphic enhancement nowadays, every excitements within PvP battles nowadays, must be accompanied with graphic intensity. 

I repeat again. If you run uwo like you run BlackShot, you will not be able to stand a chance against the competence.

Uwo, has its very unique strength and pros. What you are doing now, is such as using its weakest area, to fight with your competitors. For that, I can tell you right here, right now, you, will, lose.


  • HelloAllHelloAll Posts: 701Member Intermediate
    This post doesn’t make sense in my opinion.

    The game in its original form was more pvp than it is now, but you try to make out its trying to hard to be pvp focused.

    And as regards th graphic, they don’t bother me one bit, in fact I think the add to the charm of the game.

    But that’s just my opinion.
  • aldrizneriss2aldrizneriss2 Posts: 84Member Beginner

    UWO's PVP style is Strategy and tactics.. it not the usual MMORPG which focus on level up killing Bosses, PVP brute type of game. what are you thinking??
  • KatanauwoKatanauwo Posts: 309Member Intermediate
    Pvp is the biggest revenue stream. The investment on a set of top pvp gear / ship is equal to the amount of UWC from 20 traders and 100 adventurers.

    Nothing sells better than allowing an arms race, sweetened by the ability of blockading a sea region if you are strong enough. Deck battle makes the odds of losing a battle to a skillful player less likely. As long as you have overwhelming gear and 5 sec tech with multi support toon, it is hard to lose in deck.

    Here comes the P2W plateau.

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