UWO PvP system comparison with other top MMORPG.



  • aceman39aceman39 Posts: 943Member Intermediate
    No matter how you look at it if the developer went and set it to the old ways as in NM days people will learn how to exploit it no matter what is placed in place to supposedly stop it
  • NaverUWONaverUWO Posts: 84Member Beginner

    1. This is a thing for GMs to protect, this is a job for the game moderators
    Unfortunate that is not feasible, because they've to trackdown every player then that could make this possible action (tedious work). It has to happen that someone must screenshot those abusers and report it before action can be taken. If it is too late then GM's would have to adjust the water status and this kind of action we want rather being avoided as this issue was bad enough in GAMA. The GM's aren't 24/7 active to keep a eye on it.

    - That is why setting up the correct system is important for everyone. Less work for GM's and there will be no abusers if points of sinking same character decrements by certain percentage which can be applied for the water change. Or hire more GM's. Currently, Papaya is keep making excuses to customers with their lack of ability to maintain the game.

    2. This is why companies are a thing, players are allowed to only use 3 characters at a time, meaning there are 2 slots left in your fleet, party up with a BH to defend your wares or get "deckcleaned" by pirates.
    Again, you've sometimes moment that they aren't online and most aren't willing to wait for it. When a pirate is fleeted, they can counter this easily by aiming the defenceless admiral and then target the BH'ers (not likely) or escape. You've the same story.

    - First of all, it's not the same story. He is referring to the teamwork between traders and bounty hunters community. Also, this part is where the enjoyment of skillful match up coming from. You can simply follow the bounty hunter if pirates are insight and can easily counter attack them by having armed trading ships as most pirates tend to focus on speed only with low armors. You do not have much experience on this kind of matter but I have killed Dominia by using this trick. 

    3. Pirates are discouraged to do their thing. Pirating, it isn't fun or worth your time. So is bounty hunting.
    So you're saying that item plunder (shipparts and equipment) isn't enough? They even have nerfed the shipskill improved hold, camouflage hold and even WMB in terms of plunder protection so that pirates get the chance to take it away from traders. 

    - You didn't read my previous post. I mentioned that plundering equips doesn't apply for the improvement of pirates as it applies to pirates as well. Many traders have higher deck battle due to their painfulness printing money from dungeons as it is one of their main sources for money and this is another nerf for pirates due to the deck battle patch. If you wonder why, check https://redempire.ca/thread/298/day-turned if you need an evidence from our traders.

    4. Mistakes can be made, also be reverted and fixed.
    Not if the developers has rejected this already... their decision are final and can't be changed by any of us sadly. All you can do is wait till they reconsider which is not likely.

    - That is true but we are having a voice for the success of UWO. If you are staying silence, they will not do anything for you. As a customer, as a player and as a UWO lover, we have a right to make a strong proposal for UWO. They made some changes on plunder because of we had a voice. If we stayed quiet, I highly doubt they would even care for it. 

    "The more righteous your fight, the more opposition that you will face." - Donald J. Trump
    "Treat the word impossible as nothing more than motivation." - Donald J. Trump
    "The more people tell you it's not possible, that it can't be done, the more you should be absolutely determined to prove them wrong." - Donald J. Trump
  • NaverUWONaverUWO Posts: 84Member Beginner

    I do like to have pirate and chases as I've mentioned early on the other topic. I love to have these thrills, but not everyone is the same in this view and don't even have the ships. Players aren't always equiped for deckbattle and the chances on force deck is small as the crew of the pirate is relative higher than traders.

    - Pirates aren't always prepared for deck battle as well. Most likely traders are because one of their sources for money is dungeon for them just like I mentioned above. If you want to know, I never grind land battles since the beginning of UWO. This is just another nerf for pirates.

    To me these changes would help pirates at least:
    1) Fixing the bug where a pirate cant attack a player again until he/she logouts rather waiting 24 hours. Even after the fix, with the current population I find 24 hours too long and a strong deducation (to like 1-3 hours) may be need it.

    - I partially agree on this. However, there should be no more wait time than the 5 min upon attacks.
    Traders can easily use 2~3 tributes as each of tributes giving you 5 min green flag. Of course traders need more preparation if they want to have excitement rather than printing without risks.
    Also, by having repeatedly attack prevents the purpose of multi character problem as pirates controlling the sea for UWO economy.

    2) That BH'ers are shown blue in search, so that pirates know when to escape. Right now it is difficult for them to anticipate when danger occur.

    - I do not agree as it will make bounty hunters more harder to find pirates. You know nothing about PvP balance since you do not have experience. I am actually finding a way for increasing bounty hunters not nerfing them. This part is one of excitements for pirates and they will have to deal with it.

    This will be my last reply because I am fed up from all those same thousand of questions. 
    Me and RE will not actively participate in any kind of PvP unless it's related to Venice ports.
    Why not? We are just taking advantage of risk free worlds.

    Thanks for your thoughts though.
    "The more righteous your fight, the more opposition that you will face." - Donald J. Trump
    "Treat the word impossible as nothing more than motivation." - Donald J. Trump
    "The more people tell you it's not possible, that it can't be done, the more you should be absolutely determined to prove them wrong." - Donald J. Trump
  • HelloAllHelloAll Posts: 701Member Intermediate
    I still think it’s worth going pirate if that’s what you originally wanted to do.
    There is people to catch, and many won’t have tribs or blue flags.

    If more people go pirate more will go BH.

    I’m gonna go pirate so feel free to join me.

    If someone really wants pvp in the then they will go pvp whether it is as good as they want it or not.

    Ok so I can’t farm (I wouldn’t do that anyway, it’s not in me to be like that)

    And the items and money I receive is poor, but can still enjoy the hunt and the chase.

    I can also build my ship in a way that can outwits and opponent.

    There is a English phrase “cutting your nose of to spite your face”

    Basically things aren’t how we want them, so will we make things worse for ourselves just to prove a point?

    Naver, from what I know of you, you are pvp.

    Why you would be willing to sit a city and SB for others doesn’t make sense to me.

  • CaptainQCCaptainQC Posts: 57Member Beginner
    yeah sure for naver no 1 have experience in this game exsept him. lol you are funny stop acting like your the best and know everything you are not the best and you not know everthing each player here have experience some like me play for now 8 years we have experience maybe more than you.
  • NaverUWONaverUWO Posts: 84Member Beginner

    Because my 90% of free time goes for Black Desert Online. 5% for World of Warships. 4% for League of Legends and 1% for UWO RE management.

    Unless they are going in correct direction for PvP, I am not willing to spend my time for no fun stuffs.
    "The more righteous your fight, the more opposition that you will face." - Donald J. Trump
    "Treat the word impossible as nothing more than motivation." - Donald J. Trump
    "The more people tell you it's not possible, that it can't be done, the more you should be absolutely determined to prove them wrong." - Donald J. Trump
  • aceman39aceman39 Posts: 943Member Intermediate
    @Naver Since when attacking traders make pirates control the sea and economy by saying you want this to go back to the days of NetMarble. Not all fleets are alts. See that is the problem you think that pirates should be the law and punish the merchants for making ducats. How many times I couldn't tell you in the last two week s pirates or their alts sitting in Seville selling plunder bounty. oh boo hoo they can plunder but because we can't attack a trader or a adventurer every 5 minutes it is no fun. Give it a rest. If you and RE don't want to go out and find players to attack to  get your PVP fix that is up to you. But don't make up that oh they wont let us be able to attack white flags every time we finish and rob them blind as an excuse
  • laffielaffie Posts: 1Member Beginner
    bye felicia
  • theedgedemontheedgedemon Posts: 237Member Trainee
    @Katanauwo i got the perfect idea for that is called nerfing piracy to the ground.

    @Spookles   god where to  being with you.

    " while the trader is about to break the economy (
    yes there it is again) more than it already is."

    without the trader there is no economy, that's final the game already has a problem with low generation of ducats.

    " the trader will need to look for other players to help him protect his wares against the pirates, ding ding ding this is where a BH comes in"
    you seem to be confusing the meaning of the word bounty hunter, since he is not hunting nor interested in the bounty that name doesn't fit him, not to mention for this to make any sense that said maritime, would need to dedicate the same strenuous hour after hour of sailing the trader does, but without carrying cargo and as such not getting any benefit from the same work, you could argue that the trader will split his money in half, which would make a constant drain of his income even higher that the original problem if he was gonna do the trips anyway may as well carry cargo an surprise you just got yourself even higher money production than you expected to cut. 

    point 3 could be used but to avoid farming your alt you would need to eliminate spoils from hits to same player which makes the whole logic moot.

    "In the meantime you're having a laugh at people like Naver trying to make your game more fun for everyone. You're calling Naver selfish, but he's trying to save your game."

    no it would not make the game more fun for 99% of the population it would make it more fun for him and perhaps his alts or company mates but i don't need or want that kind of PVP and the majority of players that haven't rage quit yet seem to agree with me.

    i would speak about how your GM can control exploitation argument is unfeasible but someone already gave a pretty good response so ill end ti here.

    Desire spawns madness, madness collapses into disaster.
    mankind never learns...
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