WARNING LATALE!!! , level 200 boost potion is actually LEVEL 213 BOOST POTION.
Posts: 4Member Beginner
I found the "Level 200 boost" potion in my gift box and i used it on a new character i made but it didnt raised it to level 200 but TO LEVEL 213!, I dont know if thats a "glitch" or not, since i dont know much about that potion but it clearly says "Jump to level 200", but my character raised to level 213, i must be glad for it and just be happy about my luck but it would be terrible for the game if people just start having level 200+ characters out of nowhere...in my personal opinion, but well, if the potions are working correctly and its not actually a bug than i guess theres no problem at all.
Maybe im very selfish on this but if its a glitch and im doing a good job by reporting in i would like to request a REAL level 213 boost potion (To make a Wind Staker instead a Der Freutsch), please?
ok, no guys, im just kidding, im fine even if i dont get anything in return but will my character be delated or just lowered to level 200?.
Thanks and have a nice day LaTale Team (And sorry for the grammar and all those errors, I SPEAK SPANISH AND MY ENGLISH IS NOT GOOD).