AP Rewards

Hello. I know, this is not most important problem atm. in game only small detail, but for players who hard work on gain achievement points the prize is well deserved. If i good counting we can get 6071 AP, but last reward is for 4800 AP


  • [HGM]Cheerful[HGM]Cheerful Posts: 427WR GM Intermediate
    Dear @RockyBalbula,

    We are completely aware of this and we are looking forward bringing more AP rewards to the game.
    However, as you stated, this is not our priority right now. In addition, you should know that when more rewards are implemented, you will be able to claim them as long as you reached the specified amount or more.

  • RockyBalbulaRockyBalbula Posts: 38Member Beginner

    Dear @Cheerful,

    Thanks for the answer.
    I think adding some new prizes is not difficult for you. I know a few players having more than 4800 AP including me. Now 5386 and still growing :]
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