Create Clan

How much do I have to pay in euros to create a clan?


  • [HGM]Cheerful[HGM]Cheerful Posts: 427WR GM Intermediate
    edited March 2018
    Dear @warrockporsiempre,

    You are only required some dinars and being over level 13 in order to create a clan.
    If you have any other doubts regarding this, feel free to reply.

  • R3voxWRR3voxWR Posts: 568Member Intermediate
    Hi @warrockporsiempre,

    as the HGM told you, you have to use the ingame dinars to create a Clan.
    Not your real money!
    Anyway, the price is 11.000 or 10.000 if I'm correct.
    Intel Core i5-3450 - Nvidia GeForce GTX 1050 - 8 GB of Ram 
  • mkcsi0mkcsi0 Posts: 0Member Beginner
    how can i change the clan logo
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