Make some competitive tournaments please!

InsaahneeInsaahnee Posts: 22Member Beginner
edited March 2018 English
Dear Papayateam,

since papaya took over, there is no competitive in this game anymore. Do some tournaments, please! It is getting boring.

If there were tournaments with a prize pool, many people would come back and take part at it. They would also spent money to get good items, which could help them to win the tournaments.

kind regards,


  • TheRedEyeTheRedEye Posts: 36Member Beginner
    Sorry to crush your dreams but mods think that tournament mode is awesome and there's no more reason to add competition into the game.

    They have been coding now 7 months for KDA hiscore that we had 10 years ago. It was full of people with +20 KDA. Once they will release this hiscore they will probably advertise it as THE BIGGEST UPDATE EVER!!!
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