Warrock Network

gennaroereditata1gennaroereditata1 Posts: 2Member Beginner
I would like to create a network, where you can carry out activities such as single versus team matches, like only without limitation of equipment, with lots of rankings. Where every user can assert his quality. Development times: The development times will be from 1-2 months of planning and planning. Peraonale: The staff will be selected based on the gaming experience and in other cases, network management experience. Hosting: The site will be hosted mainly in America, and then through proxy adapted worldwide. Which Warrock will be used and not: It will be used as a Warrock Papaya game client. Warrock Korea will not be included. This is a way to bring players closer to the game and bring it back to an acceptable level. P. S. If the staff of Papaya do not accept my project, if possible send me a private message.
Hello My Name Is Gennaro! Im Italian, im a Developer, and i work for different Society. I've been playing warrock since 2006. GOOD GAME TO ALL!
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