DSHDIABODSHDIABO Posts: 725BS DSH Intermediate
Hello BlackShot Global soldiers,

The new Competitive Mode Beta has arrive! The BETA SEASON 1 COMPETITIVE MODE EVENT is now Live with the new Competitive Mode, new weapons and several new events!

Check out the update info here:

We really would appreciate if you could check all the update info on the link above, play a lot to test all the new features and later share your feedback and also your suggestions for future improvements of this extremely important update on this topic.

As usual your feedback is always extremely important to us and always taken under consideration for improvements in our product and especially on your gaming experience.

Thanks in advance and enjoy the update!

Team BlackShot


  • mpol03mpol03 Posts: 4Approved Member Beginner
    Remove kick system in competitive and restrict the teams to 1 sniper  slot per squad like battlefield 4 except there is 6 slot (well there's 32 players in each team) , because 5 msr is not funny...
  • KAOLOkidKAOLOkid Posts: 10Member Beginner
    Feedback & bugs encountered:

    - after my placement matches I got 1100 something elo, i got placed in silver yet I see players on the ranking with 1000 elo that are Black rank.
    - You shouldn't be able to kick players during competitive match 
    - Clan chat is bugged in competitive match every message is shown twice
    - I've seen players leave and rejoin in competitive, there needs to be a penalty on this or players can just fake their KD like they normally do, and when you leave room it should count as a loss otherwise the whole system is a joke
    - no TFM maps (I think) is bad, it's a good mode
    - competitive stats are bugged, i looked at my friends stats and he got 130 losses and 127000 kills in competitive mode lol

    will add more if I find 
  • KAOLOkidKAOLOkid Posts: 10Member Beginner
    And hackers are back advertising their cheats in competitive mode, and no GM's around to take care of this
  • glubokijglubokij Posts: 48Approved Member Beginner
    I could not fit my review in your super small 500 char box in game.  I will highlight the points and give a good reason why. First points will be about the CW system and others about the game itself.

    The name "competitive" does not fit to this. This is a Blackshot CW mode.
    1) Everyone is playing as OP as possible. People buy their win.
    2) Everyone is playing macro and everyone know that.

    Low ranks should not be able to join clan war.
    1) If someone just started to play this game - he must practice first and open some tactic slots.
    2) People use aimbots their brand new smile accounts. You will not be even able to punish the clan or team as cheater could potentially join randomly.

    I did not see the game crashing anymore so
    rejoin should not be permitted.
    1) If you want to make some sort of right competition, then people should not be able to adjust their gears and setup.
    2) Some players have lags when others join the game.

    Kick system on Clan War should be removed. I do not think I need to explain this one.

    Your "ELO" points are calculated in wrong manner. You made it in the way that people join random teams. In the most cases the team is shit and brings you to defeat. It also happened to me and I've got -7 points even though I've had an MVP and my score was great. I even made a TB during the game but 1 man army is impossible vs omega snipers. In such case I should be given a + points even though my team has lost. 

    3rd person view is not acceptable on CWs. When you are dead you can see the map from that spot till the end of the game. Also, when you switch to another person you can make a 3rd person view. 

    Most of the games on CW are Domination and SD on SS2 map. This should be expanded. A TFM mode is missing. Why not to add a TDM? Old good Panic Space, Lost Temple, etc. 

    If this was an attempt to make a fair game (competitive), well, you should consider blocking some weapons gears and items on clan war. Leave them all in normal public games, but restrict on CWs.
    1) One shot OP snipers. This completely ruins advanced armor system and character types: fat defense character with armor 4 still dies with 1 shot of sniper. It would be OK if this sniper would be barrett with 2 bullets which is super slow, but not a super light and super fast sniper with 10 bullets magazine.
    2) Gadget slot+ which makes your medkit super charge you every 30 seconds - this is too much.
    3) Combination of tactics and gears make you invulnerable against grenades (even a flash frag). I have somewhere a video when Rayne has no damage from flash frag.
    4) Silent and super fast skins. I must say that 50% of a professional player's skill is based on sound. It is not interesting to play a game when you can not hear a running enemy.

    I've seen you've fixed the server lags - great job. Now, when the servers are not lagging it is a time to record the game data on server side and make a player for replays. This would help spotting wall hacks and aimbots.

    You need to switch macro detection on or allow it officially. We all know you have a macro detection. It has been switched on for 2 month in second quarter of 2013. Stop supporting cheater and start cleaning this game. Many clans now have a rule - you MUST have macro to play with them. If banning people is too much, you can make an advanced punishments: set BP on 0, decrease the rank, wall of shame, etc.
    If you are too lazy to do all this, just allow it officially and make people choose if they want to play with it or not.

    Multiple characters should have completely shared inventory. Some of the items in the premium are already shared. Why not to share all the inventory? What is the point to pay for an additional character if the inventory is not shared?

    Domination mode should be fixed. There should be 2 capture points with a bit longer capture time and kill points should be counted towards the team score.

    If we summarize all this, than the only big and good point is the server lag removal, which is something you expect from any game. The rest... Well, it depends on what do you want to achieve in the end.
  • glubokijglubokij Posts: 48Approved Member Beginner
    Regarding the bugs in game. 

    The multi-weapon bug has returned.  I've tried to pick up a grenade, but I've got SCAR instead. This SCAR was shooting with sniper bullets.  Straight after that I've had a scope bug. (Since this is not a place to show how to bug or report I will send the video via support, but it will be available on my channel.)
  • calasang143calasang143 Posts: 2Member Beginner
    please fixed Philippines server look at our ping so lag pls fixed that lag
  • glubokijglubokij Posts: 48Approved Member Beginner
    We should be able to choose a team on CW like before.

    I've started a CW alone and I've been connected to a random team where at least 1 player was hacking.  I did not decide to play with them, but the system did.

    Also, I do not see the reason to leave the game in this case.  The best way would be to record, because the opponent team may not have enough evidence on their record:

  • DSHDIABODSHDIABO Posts: 725BS DSH Intermediate
    Hello again guys,

    A huge thanks to all of you for sharing your feedback on this extremely important update and beta phase of our new Competitive mode.

    We would also appreciate if you could also share your feedback on the BlackShot Competitive Mode Survey - Week 01 that you can consult on the link bellow:

    BlackShot Competitive Mode Survey - Week 01 (click for more info)

    Once again a huge thanks and we promise that all feedback will be revised and taken under consideration for future improvements.

    Wish you all a nice gaming weekend!

    Regards, DSH-DIABO
  • shady1234shady1234 Posts: 2Member Beginner
    Feedback & negative points:
    Low ranks should not be able to join the competitive server
    Kick system is completely "insane
    -A team (red/blue) should only be able to kick their teammates not the enemy team.
    -Unbalanced matching 
    From my and my friends experience we get matched with bronze/silver in our placements 
    and 60% of the time we get 5 premades with 1.5 elo on the enemy team
    1)Make 2 seperate queues one is for solos and one is for premades and called  
    respectively soloqueue and flexqueue (on flex queue you can start as a solo and be matched with other teammates but you're probably going to be matched against premades) (on soloqueue you can only queue as 1 person not a squad)
    2)Make an MMR (Match Making Ratio) system that only matches people with a close 
    gap of elo (let's say 50/100) so bronze will get matched with bronze and silver will get 
    matched with silver and so on.
    -3rd person view is not fair (when you die you can see all the map)
    -Cheats and macros 
    I played arround 40 games of competitive and on 95% of those games there were people using macros and cheats on either team
    -Leaving a competitive game should result in a punishment 
    Time penalty(cooldown) : you can't play competitive for a duration and it scales to a 
    longer duration for each time you leave
    xp/bp reduction
    establish a remake system : When either team has someone that isn't showing on the 
    score board they can make a remake vote if this vote gets accepted the game will be 
    resulted in a draw and will be over 
    the leaving player will get punished 
    the remake vote can only be established on the first 2 rounds on SD and first 1/4 of the
    game on DOM

    I can see that there is no lag and no ping spikes it's all gone and i got to give you credits for that that's good to see.

  • shady1234shady1234 Posts: 2Member Beginner
    this screenshot represents the unbalance of match making + the guy named bosses was using macros sooooooo hard it s basically over the second it started
  • KAOLOkidKAOLOkid Posts: 10Member Beginner
    What needs to happen to fix this mode:

    - Rank restriction: 2nd Lieutenant
    - All SD/TFM even TDM and WR maps need to be added to the map pool for more variety, 
    - Players who leave should be  locked out of the match
    - Personal KD should influence ELO points gained/lost after match
    - Option to boot players should be removed
  • reizoR90reizoR90 Posts: 0Member Beginner
    Competitive mode..
    I earn so little when win game
    but deduct so much when i lose game?
    so actually how to count the elo point?
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