What would you change in WR
Posts: 6Member Beginner
I would remove the Death cam and Red Dot!
Sniping in the old days of War Rock were awesome.
I know deathcam can catch hacking but its a skill to find the best sniping spots, and your given away by stupid dots and cam's.
I would also take the large boats from Bandar! And give each team a weasel so the game is matched!
Also in Crater why do both teams not have a hind!
Just my point!
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DutchCourage - Amsterdam
If you check this forum the already is a "What would you change of War Rock?"-Thread. It is widely ignored by the officials (4 pages with over 100 replies and 5 HGM replies [1 longer with content, 1 explaining how the thread should be answered and 3 answering a certain post or containing just a "we care"-answer]) and new content usually does not match with the wishes made there.