The UWO is still instability

LyonesseJosephLyonesseJoseph Posts: 637Member Intermediate
I had massive red ring and lag issues as well as got dc'd few times. I played from 2am to 6am (EST) btw. Also, I noticed my ships had flash contintue after departed port for few minutes before started to sail. Oh, my aide ship had same issue after changed the screen that caused my game dc'd.


  • AurtherAurther Posts: 0Member Beginner
    I think the servers are getting DDOS'd I just got Disconnected on both my toons and was unable to log back in... also I was unable to even access this site for about 5 minutes... 
  • ChadnChiaChadnChia Posts: 1Member Beginner
    Same here. I just started this game & with all the disconnects I am seriously reconsidering playing this game. I am a fun of the original Uncharted waters games. I love the updated online version , but I cant really play with all the lags & disconnects. Please fix, because this is an awesome gaem that is getting killed with technical problems. 
  • LyonesseJosephLyonesseJoseph Posts: 637Member Intermediate
    I think the servers are getting DDOS'd I just got Disconnected on both my toons and was unable to log back in... also I was unable to even access this site for about 5 minutes... 

    Same here. I tried to log on then it's about start ,but the message of 2;2 error over and over again.

    I also had problem with unresponsive whenever I click on buttons ie Sail, Supplies, buy/sell, etc then the message suddenly appeared then said something doesn't work. Ofc, the game had to close. SMH
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