Delete my Account please.

pimperxonepimperxone Posts: 1Member Beginner
edited March 2018 Technical Support
hello everyone.

I want to delete this account, as I have another account level much higher and with time spent, I need to occupy my official account (Lygend) on Steam, but this account (Pimperxone) does not allow me to enter with another account on steam, so I want to delete it to see if it is removed And I can play with my official account, I need to occupy the blackshot with the Lygend account linked to steam please.

Help me, I'll thank you very much.


  • JasonGameMastersJasonGameMasters Posts: 471Member, BS GM Intermediate
    edited March 2018
    Hello pimperxone,

    If you want to delete your account, then please send an email to from your registered email explaining your inquiry with following information:

    - Account ID: 
    - Character Name: 
    - Previous Character Names: 
    - Registered Email (email that was used to create your account): 
    - Last email address (that you had in use on your account): 
    - Date of registration: 
    - IP address: 
    - Last Transactions IDs:
    - Last successful login:

    After sending this information, we will check and process your request as soon as possible.

    Regards, GM-Jason

    | BlackShot Global GM  - German & English | 
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