Clanwars - People escape if they see our names.

InsaahneeInsaahnee Posts: 22Member Beginner
Hello Papayaplay,

it is getting boring, that people use a bug to check the enemy team before the Clanwar starts. Many Clans abuse this bug and always cancel the match in closing War Rock.

The Bugg: deleted

Could you fix this problem, please? So we can continue the massacre?!

kind regards,


  • InsaahneeInsaahnee Posts: 22Member Beginner
    edited March 2018

    This is how people check who is in the other team and then have 10 seconds to ragequit... it should get a fix, because 90% of the Clans, who are finding us, ragequit..
  • [HGM]Cheerful[HGM]Cheerful Posts: 427WR GM Intermediate
    Dear @Insaahnee,

    We are completely aware of this bug and we know that many clans are abusing it.
    Know that we are trying to fix it. 
    Please do not post how to do the bug since there may be some clans that are not aware of it it and we do not want to spread it even more.

  • InsaahneeInsaahnee Posts: 22Member Beginner
    just fix it, then it cant spread even more (logic) :)
  • InsaahneeInsaahnee Posts: 22Member Beginner
    but thanks for answer 
  • UraniumWRUraniumWR Posts: 19Member Beginner
    That "bug" is the only way to see who you are playing against, which is not negative. Some people choose to leave against better enemies, some see OBVIOUS cheaters and leave. When most clans have clockers/cheaters, seeing whom is purely an advantage. If this were to get removed, the cheatclans would increase their rank and clans that are using actual legit players would suffer even further.
    'Uranium' was taken
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