Abnominal Detect

mcferreiramcferreira Posts: 1Member Beginner
Boa tarde.

Jogo a mais de 8 anos e de uma hora para a outra o blackshot global começou a detectar uma acao anormal e fechar o jogo.

Já passei anti virus, ccleaner, deletei os config e a pasta gameguard, e nada continua fechando o jogo por abnominal detect.

Alguem poderia me ajudar, nunca usei hack e nunca fui banido em 8 anos de jogo.


Good afternoon.

I've been playing for more than 8 years and now the global blackshot has begun to detect an abnormal action and close the game.

I already passed anti virus, ccleaner, deleted the config and the gameguard folder, and nothing continues to close the game by abnominal detect.

Someone could help me, I never used hack and I was never banned in 8 years of game.


  • marvelomarvelo Posts: 6Member Beginner
    Hello, thanks for contacting us. First of all, this happened because our ''gameguard'' system has found something that it doesn't like in your blackshot folder. Please reinstall the game. If it persists after reinstalling, please contact us via support ticket. Thanks once again. 
  • JasonGameMastersJasonGameMasters Posts: 471Member, BS GM Intermediate
    edited May 2018
    Hello mcferreira,

    First of all I would like to apologize for the late reply.
    That being said, please send us a support ticket about the issue that you are encountering. There we will be able to investigate this issue and respond to you afterwards accordingly.

    Regards, GM-Jason
    | BlackShot Global GM  - German & English | 
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