Abnominal Detect
Posts: 1Member Beginner
Boa tarde.
Jogo a mais de 8 anos e de uma hora para a outra o blackshot global começou a detectar uma acao anormal e fechar o jogo.
Já passei anti virus, ccleaner, deletei os config e a pasta gameguard, e nada continua fechando o jogo por abnominal detect.
Alguem poderia me ajudar, nunca usei hack e nunca fui banido em 8 anos de jogo.
Good afternoon.
I've been playing for more than 8 years and now the global blackshot has begun to detect an abnormal action and close the game.
I already passed anti virus, ccleaner, deleted the config and the gameguard folder, and nothing continues to close the game by abnominal detect.
Someone could help me, I never used hack and I was never banned in 8 years of game.
I've been playing for more than 8 years and now the global blackshot has begun to detect an abnormal action and close the game.
I already passed anti virus, ccleaner, deleted the config and the gameguard folder, and nothing continues to close the game by abnominal detect.
Someone could help me, I never used hack and I was never banned in 8 years of game.
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