My evaluation for this [19/04/2018] bottle : ★☆☆☆☆

NaverUWONaverUWO Posts: 84Member Beginner
edited April 2018 General Discussion
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  • FearTheWicketFearTheWicket Posts: 30Member Beginner

    Saint Lawrence: True, but the level requirement reduction and (presumed) additional mod slots makes it more relevant for non-hardcore grinder types of players.
    Refitted Felipe: It's a mid level trade ship, but it's actually significantly faster with more cargo than say an ETeaC or ACC. 
    RPEK: Ok, I gotta agree there.
    Custom Commander Sambuk: True again, but in times passed it was an interesting ship to do ESF with due to mine skills (nearly irrelevant these days though, due to those skills being inheritable onto better/faster/stronger ships). I've seen a couple of players even successfully use these as pirate ships (although, I can't say that I recommend that).
    Custom Siam: For entry level players this ship is still one of the most versatile and a great value buy. To wealthy, veteran or higher level players though, it's not much use though. But would make a great first ship for someone just starting out.

    Other thoughts:
    Got to disagree with you about Augmented Skysail being trash. They're a great balance sail, especially if paired with DGaffs and DStorms on a full Dsail mod ship.
    Some of the adventure gear is somewhat relevant for adventure players. IIRC there's not many good appraisal boosts available.
    Conversely, I have to disagree that Skidbladnir's Steer is good for SB, since it's easy to max SHP without them using a couple of friends or alts at company colony.

    I do agree, though, that on the whole it's a rather disappointing bottle, and not likely to be highly invested in by players.

  • mondobogusmondobogus Posts: 57Member Beginner
    I think you went a little over the top on the "trash", but I guess that's opinion. I do however agree with a good enough amount to not want this ticket.

    As for the St. Lawrence, how many mods can it have vs the FS version? Many ticket ships have the same, or close to the same, stats as FS versions, but have more mods and much lower level requirements. Given the mod count difference alone many times is enough to ask for.
    IGN: AngelOfDeath / KnightWhoSaysNEE NI!
  • CrzyPsycoChickCrzyPsycoChick Posts: 667Member Intermediate
    Custom siam is a really good ship for beginner or mid game and as a low level aide ship sporting about 850 cargo with g1 no mods. Can also be a good battle grinder or a good trader row grinder yes some traders also grind rowing during nanban for a future career in piracy or battle. The best part imo is its a great skill inherit ship since its a cash ship so it gets an instant 20% fusion success increase and it has Nanban trade preference and aide cabin so you can inherit these skills if you wish on higher level ships to make those perfectly modded ships so thats really good or you can easily sell it who cant use more money?  lol

    Polar ketch same thing you can sell as fusion ship instant cash especially if the drop rate is fairly decent can be profitable

    The forge tools are capped and tradeable so its not even game breaking no need to cry over these unless you suck big time in deck battle in that case hit the gym and step your deck battle game up lol
  • WesDoobnerWesDoobner Posts: 761Member Intermediate
    I definitely agree that this ticket bites the big one compared to the last few, but that is some interesting info Caddy provided on the refit felipe. I currently use an ACC as my lead ship on the way back from SEA or EA, but it sounds like this Felipe might be better. Can you give a little more details on cargo and speed vs the ACC?
    May the winds blow you well
  • CrimsonbunnyCrimsonbunny Posts: 82Member Beginner
    eww so they did add a thing for mining in the cash shop.No wounder if felt nerfed when i came back after a long break and tried mining for some LSS.
  • FearTheWicketFearTheWicket Posts: 30Member Beginner
    Refitted felipe has sails that are slightly higher (when teak and having studding sails equipped) than ACC/ETeaC. And I think Cargo is around 1130? Maybe 1100, but either way, it's pretty good for a lead ship. 

    More importantly, it has significantly higher base armour, giving it excellent acceleration for a trade ship. I view it as a sister ship to MDSC2, although it is more focused on horizontal sails whereas MDSC2 emphasizes vertical sails. 

    Oon the rare occasion I had time to Nanban, I used to pair this ship with a MDSC2 lead, and I would switch to RFelipe in tailwinds and MDSC2 in head/crosswinds, but it's a great mid-tier lead trade ship in a standalone fashion as well. 

    Do take note, however, that it has a different parts configuration (antifouling paint + HQR) for EA skill than most ships do (LGaff + Antifouling). 
  • FearTheWicketFearTheWicket Posts: 30Member Beginner
    P.S. I'm away from game atm so I can't look at the exact stats of the ships comparatively (so I'm drawing from memory with regard to sail values post-stud sails). I do believe RFelipe has 4 stud sails iirc.

    Also keep this in mind, when you consider ticket contents: Do you really want every single ticket to come out with bigger/faster/stronger ships and equipment? Not only does it hurt the wallet of the "dragon chasers" but also it makes our current gear get outdated and underpriced sooner. 

    Plus, it sort of contributes to the same problem we had on Gama, too much accumulation of valuables by the "haves". Personally I like to have a break from tickets with must-have items/ships in them from time to time.
  • CulvernCulvern Posts: 646Member Intermediate
    I was happy to see a ticket that I did not feel I needed to dump my wallet on.
    It is also nice to see that they did not release a Superior Shadow Refit Grand Advanced Light Lamort yet........whew!
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