chandan100chandan100 Posts: 0Member Beginner
edited April 2018 Technical Support
I have been experiencing this bug since last year's september update not only me a whole lot if people are experiencing this.. With this bug i cannot play sniper properly at all u guys cant be partial to the people living in europe plz remove this bug 


  • JasonGameMastersJasonGameMasters Posts: 471Member, BS GM Intermediate
    edited April 2018
    Hello chandan100,

    First of all we would like to thank you for informing us about this once again. That being said, our developers are still working on this issue and it should be solved soon. We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your continuous support.

    Regards, GM-Jason
    | BlackShot Global GM  - German & English | 
  • xarkas666xarkas666 Posts: 3Member Beginner
    please work right. check id saya betul betul .. id saya tidak perna guna hacktools .. bertahun saya main game ini baru kali ini ambil tindakan yang tidak masuk akal langsung ... GOLGDIGGER .. TOLONG UNBANNED ID AKU .. bekerja dengan benar jangan jari saja type do not check correct right ig: d0ubLe_paY
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