[Tips & Tricks] Zombies

WarRockTeamWarRockTeam Posts: 206Approved Member, WR LGM Trainee
edited May 2018 Tips and Tricks
Hello Soldiers,

Here are some helpful Tips & Tricks for AI Mode. Our goal is to help spread the gaming knowledge! We hope that you were able to learn something new from reading this thread.

If you have any other Tips & Tricks that we are missing please feel free to reply to this thread and we will add them in.

Please give this post a like if you found it helpful!


War Rock Team


  • WarRockTeamWarRockTeam Posts: 206Approved Member, WR LGM Trainee
    edited June 2018

    1. As an Engineer in Defence mode you are able to repair the incubator with your spanner/wrench.

    2. Shooting Barrett_Nerve into the Incubator in Defence mode, will stun all zombies around it.

    When you are followed by a Chariot, Crusher, etc... Don't look back, because walking backwards is slower than going forwards. 

    4. T-Capsule: when you only have one way to run and it's full of zombies throw the T-Capsule to avoid them. They will be attracted to the T-capsule for a few seconds, just long enough so that you can escape.


    1. If you run in a pattern you can group the zombies up which will help you survive longer.

    2. In AI Mode when zombies hit you it always registers as a headshot. So make sure you have extra headshot defence and not extra body defence!

    3. When you are in a corner and need to avoid a Super Heavy, which will often one-hit you, you can avoid them by rolling past them. To do this you want to roll past them at their hammers side, they can still hit you, however, the chances of them hitting you is significantly lower.


    4. More M202A1 Rockets: If you play zombies as a Heavy Trooper, and you are carrying an M202A1 in your Inventory, you are basically carrying 20 rockets! For this trick you will need the Heavy_Ammo Box in your 6th slot. When you shoot your first 4 rockets, switch to the Heavy_Ammo Box and drop one box on the ground. Walk over it to claim it, and switch back to your M202A1 launcher. You should regain another full clip. (Your bullet counter should say 0/2 but when you finish reloading it should once again say 4/1) do this until you run out of Heavy_Ammo Box and M202A1 Rockets, it's basically as if you are adding 3 more clips! Beware: not always a good idea to use in beginning of waves since Heavy_Ammo Box can't be restored at Ammo Stations.

    5. If you are facing a Buster you keep jumping to help avoid his rockets. Make sure you keep moving, because if you stand still he will kill you. 


    1. In both Pow Camp and Hidden Cave if you are an Engineer you can go invisible by pressing "F" and the zombies cannot see you. This lasts for as long as you have SP. You can do this as many times as you would like. 
  • sexstarzsexstarz Posts: 42Member Beginner
    When you are in a corner or a dead end and need to avoid a Super Heavy which will often one-shot you, you can often avoid them by rolling past them, do this by rolling past them at their hammers side, they can still hit you however the chances of them hitting you is significantly lower. 


    If you have the ability, always bring T-Capsules or T-Bombs, ALL zombies except for bosses will be attacted by them, in case of a boss being on the field, it will also make them stop for a second, therefore if you throw one of those whilst being charged by for example a chariot, it will stop them from charging at you.
    Ooooops, you're gone! Shocked?
  • Atom17Atom17 Posts: 9Member Beginner
    edited May 2018
    More M202A1 Rockets -- If you play zombies as a Heavy Trooper, and you are carrying an M202A1 in your Inventory, you soldier are basically carrying 20 rockets! Here's how. For this trick you will need the Heavy_Ammo Box in your 6th slot. When you shoot your first 4 rockets, switch to the Heavy_Ammo Box and drop one box on the ground. Walk over it to claim it, and switch back to the M202A1 Launcher. You should regain another full clip. (Your bullet counter should say 0/2 but when you finish reloading it should once again say 4/1) do this until you run out of Heavy_Ammo Box and M202A1 Rockets, it's basically as if you are adding 3 more clips! Beware! not always a good idea to use in beginning of waves since Heavy_Ammo Box can't be gained once more in Ammo Station.  In-Game Nick: Raider
  • FamasHomerFamasHomer Posts: 7Member Beginner
    Stronk Gaming : Shows how you can Kill Super Heavy with Knuckle

  • FamasHomerFamasHomer Posts: 7Member Beginner
    Stronk Gaming : Shows 2 ways for No Damage

  • FamasHomerFamasHomer Posts: 7Member Beginner
    i forget to write my ign : Amo92
  • stareasy76stareasy76 Posts: 3Member Beginner
    NickName : DrKhalaila 

    Tip 1 :if you are Followed By Crusher Chariot etc... Dont look back it will slow  you down and they zombies will do their moves to kill you So look forward alway's

    Tip 2 : if you are facing Buster Keep Jumping he cant hit you , and you can avoid the buster Rockets 
    so stay in movement dont stop in 1 place , and the buster have the ability to shoot and you cant see the rocket that's also a good reason why should keep moving.

    Tip 3 : alway's Watch Your back 
    Tip 4: watch out from lovers 
    Tip 5: its good to have fast Charging 
    Tip 6: how to use T-Capsule:- when you have 1 way only to run and its full of Zombies Throw the T-Capsule To Avoid them ,they will the T-capsule that will give you a few seconds to run.
    Tip 7: For zombies the best Character and guns is heavy trooper  So I will tell you which guns are the best 

    Character Heavy trooper 
    Slot 1 : It Dosen't Matter 
    Slot 2 : MP5K/ Fast Gun with alot of bullets
    Slot 3:: M202A1/Bow_grenade/ Any weapon that have more than 1 Rocket inside each Ammo
    Slot 4: T-Capsule
    Slot 5: M134/M249 (The new one that you can get in mystery boxes)
    Slot 6: Hp_Kit/Ammo Box /Adrenaline
    Slot 8: M249/M134
  • 1000HP1000HP Posts: 4Member Beginner
    Quando giochi a Blind Bullet e stai terminando le tue munizioni, sarà molto difficile ricaricare perché ti ritroverai con tanti zombie che ti assalgono e non ti daranno il tempo per ricaricare le tue armi, ma se tu hai la T-Capsule, tu puoi salire al piano superiore e aspettare che la maggior parte degli zombie vengono da te....e quando una buona parte di zombie stanno salendo, tu puoi scendere, andare vicino la postazione di ricarica munizioni e lanciare le 3 T-Capsule che hai. 
    In questo modo tu avrai tutto il tempo per ricaricare le munizioni al tuo arsenale.
    Avere più munizioni, significa avere più speranza di sopravvivere.
    Prova e vedrai che tutto sarà più semplice :)
    Nik in Game: 1000HP
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