Overpowered ships to possibly hit Maris
Posts: 27Member Beginner
Hiya guys, you know I don't regard this game as pay to play or pay to win. However Korean server are selling ships which are just too much, too powerful. I'm more concerned about the gap between FS ships even most UWC cash and the new overpowered ships being too great of a gap, which I would then consider to be P2Win.
tinyurl.com/MarisNo are the ships and others that may follow that I'm concerned with. I know there are others that share the same concern.
To put it into perspective, the special LM is better than LLM in every single stat except for rowing. And it isn't just a little bit better either. The special royal sovereign and the FCV reach 1680 dura in iron at G6, have a possible 300+ crew and can easily reach over 130 armour with non-forged +18 plates.
I'm not 1 for starting petitions etc especially since we have a few ongoing atm :) but I don't want to see these ships in Maris. Literally no down sides to any of them. I know some say it's a fake link, I wish it were, the special La Mort or however it translates to is in the korean server treasure box right now. Another concern is these ships will be so resilient to cannon fire and they have very high crew that PvP will just boil down to melee and deck. Korean server have god guns, far more powerful than we have in Maris due to the +10 forge cap, so their ships need to counter and match the powerful cannons.
Anyway hope you guys are doing OK in the game, it hasn't been easy to restart but it does get easier with playing :) can ask me for help ingame if you need it. MarcoS
I don’t want to see them in Maris. Basically ships with no weakness and I’m done with buying tickets in this game.
My only income is running dungeons since I hate trading.
As far as the unlimited mods go, I'm a bit confused. Aren't the ships still limited by the upper limits? /end confusion
I'm also a bit concerned: SSIPs.already seem harder to find as it is. Once this hits the server they'll be even more scarce, unless they implement some way to get them in game or the price is cut in 1/2 in the cash shop.