Custom SB

HelloAllHelloAll Posts: 701Member Intermediate
People talk of custom SB being on it’s way, in I guess a update that is coming soon.

What is it please? :)


  • SpooklesSpookles Posts: 287Member Intermediate
    Quick runthrough about the things I know of:

    • Modding can go over the max of the ship (aka 30/5)
      However, going over it also means there's a chance of failure losing your parts and SSIP.
    • All ships can be build by a R1 shipbuilder
      At R1 SB you can then build a Victory
    • Since all ships can be build by a R1 shipbuilder that also means that modding till the official max mods of the ship is at R1. After passing that the requirement will go back to how it's supposed to be.
      Yes, mods from 0 > 8 on a UWC ship (also SY ships) will be at R1 increasing your GS chances ALOT (if you use an R20 shipbuilder)

    About as much as I know, apprently the shipbuilding UI get's an improvement aswell, atleast the buttons at the shipyard are being reduced to a single button for modding/grading/original ship skill etc.
  • HelloAllHelloAll Posts: 701Member Intermediate
    Thanks mate. So is that saying at R1 you can successfully mod your own ship and have the same change of success as a current R20?
  • HelloAllHelloAll Posts: 701Member Intermediate
    Imagine the cost of doing 30 improvements. This is something that could possibly cause an even bigger gap in pvp
  • HeavyWaterHeavyWater Posts: 138Member Trainee
    An R20 would have a greater success rate than an R1. Also, the success rate decreases massively after +7 mods IIRC. (< 1% from memory, might be < 10%, and continues to decrease with each mod.) So lol.
    It's alright, Ma, I'm only bored.
  • HeavyWaterHeavyWater Posts: 138Member Trainee
    It's about 6 months away anyway, people need to stop fretting so much about things so far away.
    It's alright, Ma, I'm only bored.
  • SpooklesSpookles Posts: 287Member Intermediate
    It doesn't really create a big gap in PVP, there are alot of ships out there already with maxed stats, this would just make it easier to get one of those maxed ships without having to use very expensive parts. Which for Papaya is like killing your own business, so we'll have to see what happens. Ofcourse the SSIP consumption will sky rocket.
  • HelloAllHelloAll Posts: 701Member Intermediate
    Ah I see. So there is still a cap on the stats.
    Suppose what it does mean is we will have more god mods at -25%

    SSIPs are going to become very valuable
  • purplepiratepurplepirate Posts: 994Member Intermediate
    if you can do everything at r1 now then what's ;the point of grinding SB all the way to r20? Just a small difference in success rate? That's kinda dumb, higher sb rank should have more advantages than just better success rate. Although being able to make better battleships at lower rank might get more people doing maritime.
    IGN: Samantha99
  • SpooklesSpookles Posts: 287Member Intermediate
    The JP server has been getting alot of maritime focussed new content so the future patches are really aimed at maritime related stuff.
  • HelloAllHelloAll Posts: 701Member Intermediate
    I need to increase my maritime levels then
  • chronofoxchronofox Posts: 72Member Beginner
    Keep in mind we dont get every thing other servers have .This could very well turn out to be one .Or turn out to have some kind of new cash shop tie in  like what they did with alchemy  ....

    Bet its all guesses till we get it or not and how its layed out for us.
  • LyonesseJosephLyonesseJoseph Posts: 637Member Intermediate
    It's about 6 months away anyway, people need to stop fretting so much about things so far away.

    Technically, it's 3 months away for Order of Prince expansion.

    Imagine the cost of doing 30 improvements. This is something that could possibly cause an even bigger gap in pvp

    Not to mention that mods will become more expensive as it gets further. At least, many players can mod their favorite ships beyond limit of mods. 

  • theedgedemontheedgedemon Posts: 237Member Trainee
    @HelloAll  as pointed out this will just make "perfect" mods more common, shouldn't really affect established maritime players but it will give the regular player the chance to max improve his ship without losing his shirt in the way.

    @purplepirate i expect high ranks to have considerably higher success chances after the "canonical" upgrades which considering losing parts and 10+ SSIP each try, sounds more than convincing to get an expert to do the job.

    i hope this will also make normal ships more viable compared to current UWC counter parts, Big Trading Clipper and many other ships previously restricted to 4 upgrades will be much more attractive now, also this allows to pump up that little bit you were missing from your previous build so it sounds like a win win to me.

    i doubt this however will ever become a business killer however, most SB parts right now are coming out of the tickets rather than the store, and after all at 200+ UWC each improve in SSIPs alone and the gamblers logic of "i am so close to make it this time", i expect high end ships to double their SSIP count,

    Desire spawns madness, madness collapses into disaster.
    mankind never learns...
  • SpooklesSpookles Posts: 287Member Intermediate
    Alright, I just had a talk with a player from the Korean server and he made some REALLY good points that need to be considered.

    I pointed out earlier that they would kill their own business with ships & ship parts.
    This company won't thrive on SSIP alone.

    So KOEI mainly focusses on the Japanese server, that servery is PAY TO PLAY we are FREE TO PLAY.
    Papaya their money comes from tickets which give good ship parts & ships.

    When this patch comes around those parts and ships can be considered redundant, why would I pay money for tickets to get lucky on a good ship and parts I need for my ship, if I can build a FS version with a possibility of 30 mods. I dont need that ROG, an OG would do just fine. Why would I spend money on tickets if I can get a ship that is about the same for free ingame?

    So Papaya will lose nearly ALL income from tickets.

    What they will have to do is add even more absurd ships, queue the thread we saw a while ago about Korea getting these absurd ships with 1600 dura etc etc. Which will create even more balancing gaps and make high end PVP even more difficult to get into for new players.

    This resulted in alot of people leaving the Korean server and coming here, if you think that's taboo look around on the server, we have tons of Koreans here.

    So to the GMs of our server, my proposal to avoid getting this problem is to give us this custom SB update, BUT limit the mods on FS ships to 8 mods, just like UWC ships have. This will hopefully avoid some of the issues, but maybe we should just ignore this update at all.

    In Japan they don't have UWC ships and they do not get their money from tickets there, so this is a cool thing for them. But for us it might ruin the maritime side of the server completely.
  • chronofoxchronofox Posts: 72Member Beginner
    I think it will be fine to just let the patch as it stands.
    Hell i think this could bring back players more thin hurt maritime.And depending on the number of ssip needed for each one i think that alone could easly keep the game a float.

    U are never not going to have balancing gaps when u have a cash shop that has stronger ships cannons gear and tools exa.

    Depending on how they handle the ssip flow could bring new life back to our server.

    Cashshop ships will still be better over all my guess with higher starting stats.Is it that big of a deal if op ships do some out in the cash shop.

    Not many cashers seemed to cry about when the 700 range cannons came out with saying any one can buy them.So same thing with the new  ships  and sb every one will be stronger if anything this will even the playing field .And i think thats why some people are crying about it because o no cashers wont be making 10-30b+ on there cash ships any more lol.

    That update will help the game and kick some of u greedy cashers where it hurts with wanting so much for ship tics.

    of course im betting ssip price will jump up in price.

    Dont get me wrong starting out it will be crazy with x number being able to make crazy ships in the first day or so of useing getting that patch but i think it will even out over time.
    So more or less like any time a new strong ships comes out the cashers will be stronger for a set amout of time thin it will even out nothing new really.

  • purplepiratepurplepirate Posts: 994Member Intermediate
    if there's no limit (or a limit of 30) to mods on a ship then there's really no point now of ships coming out with a /x for their base mods. Or will there be some major difference in sb after the base mods?
    IGN: Samantha99
  • CulvernCulvern Posts: 646Member Intermediate
    The ship will still have the same limits in each stat. The mod are supposed to be very expensive and have a chance to fail completely past the standard number of mods.

    So high end parts will still be in demand as will high end ships. But if you have a fail while building and miss maxing something you do not need to reset anymore since you can max it with additional mods.

    I see it as a win/win. Players new and old can get the ships they want while papaya makes cash on parts and ssips.
  • HelloAllHelloAll Posts: 701Member Intermediate
    The thing with is that there is no choice to be made when you buy a ship.

    I have and MR for piracy.
    I had a choice to use it for what it’s designed for (high dura battle ship with high crew)

    Or use my slots to speed mod it and get good row and WR.

    So a choice had to be made, speed piracy ship or pvp ship.

    I like the fact that normally even with high end expensive parts you can’t god mod everything.

    That means you have to choose your fights carefully, or fight in a way that gets the best from your ship.

    With this new custom SB it sounds like I can just go ahead and max my crew, dura and armour on my MR now, which I find a shame.

    No one will have to choose speed or dura, crew or cargo it’s just a case of hmmm I’ll take it all please.
  • HelloAllHelloAll Posts: 701Member Intermediate
    Further to that, to me it’s almost like Koei bringing out a job that favours all skills.

    No need to pick a job carefully and count the cost of what skills you can afford to leave at r10. (Especially while in pvp)

    Nah just make them all r15
  • HeavyWaterHeavyWater Posts: 138Member Trainee
    So, I've said this several times, but hey, I'll say it again. The actual cost of getting a ship to 30 mods or whatever number you want to pick is absolutely insane (for a server with say, SSIP requirements) since the success rate (aka the chance of not failing entirely) decreases rapidly, and it continues to decrease with each successive mod. (Stats from the Japanese wiki)

    'Strengthening success rate when exceeding the upper limit is 70% in the first round, 60% in the second time, 50% in the third time, 40% in the fourth time, 30% in the fifth time, 30% in the 6th time, 20% in the 7th time, 8th time 5 %, Ninth time 3%, and it decreases each time.'
    It's alright, Ma, I'm only bored.
  • HelloAllHelloAll Posts: 701Member Intermediate
    Still doesn’t stop what I said happening.
    Don’t need 30 mods to max a ship anyway, that’s overkill
  • HeavyWaterHeavyWater Posts: 138Member Trainee
    The point is, with each extra mod/extra stats the less chance there is of success, therefore making it substantially more expensive, especially when taking into account UWO's RNG.
    It's alright, Ma, I'm only bored.
  • HelloAllHelloAll Posts: 701Member Intermediate
    What you will see is people still using nc parts and max modding a ship with 10-15 mods.
    Then as I said earlier it will be a shame because ships with little to no weakness
  • SpooklesSpookles Posts: 287Member Intermediate
    In fact you can start trading your max modded FCV for a max modded LMS just 1:1.
    (Considering the grades are both good)

    That's kind of a cool thing though.

    What the Korean guy also told me is that people get a satisfied feeling when they max modded a ship, or when they're proud they made a ship that is incomparable to others. That will go away too since most people all have max modded ships. No competition left between players.
    Apparently that was a big deal on their server.
  • HelloAllHelloAll Posts: 701Member Intermediate
    That’s the beauty of it right now tho boo.
    You can’t have everything on a ship, you have to choose what best suits you and then go with it.

    It takes some of the fun away from the game for me. Like they may as well make a pvp job so everyone fighting can have the same max mod ship and same max refined skills.

    No individuality.

    That’s just my thoughts anyway.

    It’s like I’m melee based with low dura ship, so if I face and enemy good with cannons and high dura I’ve got to try and force my style and make it a melee, and he has to try and keep some distance and make it about cannons, it’s part of the fun.
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