[BS-GLB Community Feedback] Mayssacre2 - The revenge Update

DSHDIABODSHDIABO Posts: 725BS DSH Intermediate
Hello BlackShot Global soldiers,

Head into battle with an ensemble cast of BlackShot’s Special Characters in this month’s blockbuster event, the Mayssacre 2!

Check the link below for the full details on new community events, a Competitive Clan Race, and the Bonanza Sale, featuring nearly every BlackShot character in the shop for the very first time!

Mayssacre 2: The Revenge
(click for more info)

We really would appreciate if you could check all the update info on the link above, play a lot to test all the new features and later share your feedback and also your suggestions for future improvements on this topic.

As usual your feedback is always extremely important to us and always taken under consideration for improvements in our product and especially on your gaming experience.

Thanks in advance and enjoy the update!

Team BlackShot


  • KAOLOkidKAOLOkid Posts: 10Member Beginner
    As a player who played almost exclusively the competitive mode, I would like to give some feedback on that. Overall season 2 was a success. It was fun, competitive, clean and active. I just think there is a few things that could be improved for next season or future ones. 

    - Improve the stability, it happened sometimes that someone would crash at the start of a match, and the biggest issue is that the player will lose 30 points no matter what. This is a pretty big problem especially for a high ranked player as he can be deranked and nothing he can do about it. 
    - There is still the bug where you can rejoin at the end of a match and avoid losing points if you lose. 
    - They should add different cosmetic rewards for each rank, the new black parts don't feel exclusive because a lot of players have it, its not so hard to get platinum rank. Maybe add reskins like Black, Platinum, Gold color etc.
    - Put domination back, it was fun once you got used to it, no reason to have it removed
    - Add a few more maps to the rotation, the current amount can get stale at the end of season
    - You should be able to leave the queue while looking for a match, right now if you are queuing you can't stop it until the leader stops it, also you can't chat when looking for match.
    - Add a lobby where you can see the players in the channel and enable the lobby chat.

    I am excited for season 3 and keep up the good work. 

    Just one more comment towards the BlackShot GM team, I appreciate your work but please stop accusing players of foul play without any solid evidence. Every time we would play against a GameMaster/DSH (lucky it only happened 3 or 4 times)  they would make a comment that insinuated our team was not clean, one instance DSH-Snowboarder would accuse our members of using macro's and threatened to ban us, even though there is no reason to use macro because a lot of weapons have 0 recoil anyway. And most of us were playing with a sniper. If you suspect a player is cheating, just ask them to record the match. Instantly accusing your opponent of cheating is just childish and unprofessional. This goes for public channels as well, stop throwing senseless bans around because it can make the clean players afraid to play your game if they are (too) good at the game.

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