My account

Warze18Warze18 Posts: 0Member Beginner
I read that my account was deactivated. Because he was not in use for 6 months. My account name is Wart. In the game I'm saying Warze007 would be nice if they could unlock my account again. Best regards. Help me please


  • JasonGameMastersJasonGameMasters Posts: 471Member, BS GM Intermediate
    edited May 2018
    Hello Warze18, 

    Please send an email to from your registered or previous email of your BlackShot account explaining your problem with following information: 

    - Account ID 
    - Character Name 
    - Previous Character Names (If you changed your name, write your previous names) 
    - Registered Email (first email that was registered when the account was created) 
    - Last email address (the last email address that you had in use) 
    - Date of registration (When did you register? As accurately as you can remember. You can search your E-mail for any account registration E-mails related to TwoWar, Vertigo or BlackShot) 
    - IP address (What is your IP address? Find out at Can you remember what it was when you registered your account?)  
    - Last Transactions IDs (the last 3 or more transactions IDs with a 9-digit code from your BSC charges that you can find on your Xsolla email receipts) 
    - Last successful Login (date of your last successful login in BlackShot) 

     After sending the email, we will check everything and contact you as soon as possible.

    Regards, GM-Jason
    | BlackShot Global GM  - German & English | 
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