New Nicknames added in-game

HuseyinGaziHuseyinGazi Posts: 158Member Trainee

heya all ^^, 

I wish to inform you all that during the current patch they added new nicknames which can be acquired by achieving the following feats (aside from astronomical object, piracy and BH):
1) Becoming MVP in ESF or highest merit of your flag (second part not sure yet)
2) Reaching top 5 list in Academy Debate.
3) Becoming a honorary mayor from a town.

note: each activity got it's own nickname so it's not like you will receive from 1) the same as the 2). Moreover, for the first two those nicknames will only appear when the events are finished.

You can add nickname through character information > change title > change nickname (button right-corner).


IGN: [CA]Huseyin_Gazi
Dedicated Adventurer and Maritimer
Other toon: Disi_Aslan (trader, production, R20 SB'er and Director of OA)
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