Most Marketable Webshop Items!
Posts: 6Member Beginner
Dearest War Rock Managers,
Most recently I read the forum topic on "which packages or weapons would you like to see in the item shop", give or take a word or 2. More importantly I read how players were requested to keep their wants for permanent weapons to themselves...
Everyone who shops for packages and weapons in the item shop has noticed the lack of permanent weapons. In fact there are none now.
My question is to the leaders of the War Rock community; What is gained by not listening to your players?
I have an honors diploma in business, worked for a world class hotel chain, and years with the worlds largest hospitality management chain.
What I noticed was that there's a fundamental rule in business that cannot be ignored. That rule is; the customer is always right.
It doesn't mean the customer is allowed special privileges or that their above governing rules, but it means that customers, or consumers in general for that matter, have wants. The entrepreneurs that meet the demands of the consumers are going to then profit by meeting the demands.
This is why nearly every major manufacturer has a 1-800 number set up for comments and suggestions. They listen to the feedback and then decide how to meet the demands for the consumers.
Take drugs for example, or coffee (which caffeine is a drug), or casino's, or fatty foods like pizza and ice cream and potato chips... These are all things the consumer wants, regardless of whether it's even good for them or not. Consumers buy these products, and the companies in the above suggested industries, profit off of them. Win - Win situation.
Is there not enough proof already in my writing to demonstrate the loss to the leaders of the War Rock community?
Many top level players who are regularly premium have many many retail weapons. Some in excess of 30 weapons!
So let's do the math here... 30 X $25 USD = $750 on top of the regular premium memberships per month.
That's what it used to be.
Now, less dinar earned in game for game play, and there's nothing to purchase permanent with WRC.
It seems the item shop has been dramatically scaled back! And in a day where Walmart's are bigger and bigger, and their competition has to do the same in order to stay in business, is there something about the War Rock business model that perhaps needs an adjustment?
Here's what I'm telling you.
There are going to be new players as time goes by, and old players who just want to collect. Each premium player is worth somewhere in the neighborhood of about $400 in permanent weapons over time. Plus their premium memberships, which create competition for other players to want to, as they say, "pay to win".
Now I ask you, are you still getting that much money out of the costly prices of packages without any permanent weapons from the old schoolers, as Nexon, Gamers First and K2 had before?
I know I'm not buying... not at the rate I used to that's for sure.
What about the kids who have an allowance from Mom and Dad? Say they get $50 per month, and that's all they get for entertainment, period.
They have to choose to spend $25 USD on something that will only last them a month, and only good to them when they are online playing War Rock...
Or, they could spend $50 dollars every couple of months on a new PS4 or XBOX game that will be a permanent part of their gaming collection.
Which would you choose?
The game is F2P. So give the players the option to Permanent Pay 2 Use, and see how your sales go!
SPAS 12, SCAR Light, SCAR Blood, and dual FMG 2nd slot, just to name a few, Please.
And make the uniform upgrades permanent too! I would like add-ons for life, and I'll buy a bunch, but not for 30 days, and I think if you try another way, you'll see more money coming in, which in turn could result in better server play for players, keeping players around longer, more frequently, and everyone wins!
I began playing War Rock in 2005 in Seoul, South Korea. I've been playing ever since. And I might just know what I'm talking about here...