[NOTICE] Community Representatives - Session 4

[LT]Eris[LT]Eris Posts: 109LT GM Trainee
edited May 2018 Announcements
Dear Players,

We are happy to announce our Session 4 Community Representatives for the term beginning on May 25. We have selected four CRs:
Chylander (Discord: Vxlocity Blue#6642)
Serenitix (Discord: Serenitix#2447)
ThatPmDoh (Discord: Kev#9187)
TheArchitect (Discord: BigAsh#2353)

Here are their introductions in their own words.

Hello! I am Chylander, also known as Chyuulii from the Aeria/OGP days. I'm a new CR for Papaya and I'm looking forward to helping to bring back the good'ol game to life. I already know at least two of my fellow Teammates and I'm looking forward to helping the GMs improve the game for the better.

I'm almost always online on Discord, and online in the game, frequently. If you have any questions, don't be afraid to message me. Either by mail or pm in-game or you can, of course, contact me here.

Hello friends & family, this is Serenitix and I am happy to be your CR in Papaya Latale’s 4th CR session. If you have game experiences you would like to share, suggestions & questions about gameplay, feel free to PM me on discord or mail me in-game and I will assist you.

大家好,我是这期的玩家代表之一,如果你有游戏建议以及疑问,请在此私信或通过游戏名“Serenitix” 发信,我会尽力协助你,感谢大家的支持。

Hey guys i am ThatPmDoh i am here to help you guys with anything needed i will value your ideas etc and bring them upon our staff, rest assured you will be heard! I am pretty much always available if not in game i am on Discord. Lets enjoy Latale~

Sup peeps! BigAsh a.k.a TheArchitect here! And I'm back for round 2! Or was it round 4?
Anyway! Returning CR and I hope to do more to help the game, community, and GM's improve and move into a favorable the future!

If you need help, just message me ingame or on discord! I'm always available~
Just please do so in moderation. I'm only human.

Please contact one of the CRs either in game or through Discord for any of the following:
1. Suggestions or concerns about the game.
2. Reporting users for breaking terms of service.
3. Reporting bugs, glitches, or abnormalities.
4. If you need arbiter for inter-player conflict.

Do not give your personal or account details to our CRs. Please send private matters to our Support Help Desk directly.

If you need help in languages other than English. Three of our CRs are fluent in additional languages.
For support in Chinese (Mandarin) / 普通话Serenitix (Discord: Serenitix#2447)
For support in French / FrançaisTheArchitect (Discord: BigAsh#2353)
For support in Spanish / Español: ThatPmDoh (Discord: Kev#9187)

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