Do pirates participate in ESF?

WesDoobnerWesDoobner Posts: 761Member Intermediate
Just curious about participating in the ESF while being a pirate - do you lose the amount of the bounty every time you get sunk? Are there any other drawbacks to take into account? thanks for any info!
May the winds blow you well


  • wsp414wsp414 Posts: 58Member Beginner
    ESF is different and so the rules do not apply with wins and losses (no noto gained/lossed).  However, while you are sailing around during ESF, your noto does drop as usual.  Also to note it's very dangerous for all players right after esf ends unless in safe waters as the rules are returned to normal.
    ~The Spice Must Flow~
  • CulvernCulvern Posts: 646Member Intermediate
    Yep you will lose noto from days sailing but not from being sunk.
    And you will be farmed once it's over if you are caught.

    For some pirates noto is not a problem since they farm their own shameless.
    Good thing that is is against TOS do do so for events like the current pirate event.
  • WesDoobnerWesDoobner Posts: 761Member Intermediate
    I don't see how you could farm your own alts unless you have some really high level alts. Isn't there a restriction from someone attacking another player with much lower levels? and even if  you do have an alt that advanced, you can only attack once per hour? doesn't sound like a very good plan.
    May the winds blow you well
  • CulvernCulvern Posts: 646Member Intermediate
    The player has the alt attack the pirate toon. No restrictions that way. Can be done in safe waters.
  • WesDoobnerWesDoobner Posts: 761Member Intermediate
    But do you even gain notoriety when you are just defending yourself against attack? I don't remember getting notoriety for sinking bounty hunters. That doesn't really seem to be a feasible plan, especially when it's not hard to gain notoriety if you don't mind having a red name. Now if you want to stay orange, I can see where that would be a lot harder. If a person did want to stay orange and farm notoriety, I guess it would be possible to have 2 or 3 alts with 30/50/30 or higher levels, but it would still be pretty hard to do. Doesn't seem like it would be worth the hassle. You could make the money to buy the prizes offered by doing spice runs a lot easier.
    May the winds blow you well
  • carlalexcarlalex Posts: 187Member Trainee
    Pirate and alt both red - then pirate can attack alt unrestriceted IN SAFE waters, where attacking pirates is allowed, but will afaik cause notority.
  • WesDoobnerWesDoobner Posts: 761Member Intermediate
    You don't get any notoriety when attacking red name players, it says so right in the instructions for the event. I don't think farming alts would work for this event.
    May the winds blow you well
  • purplepiratepurplepirate Posts: 994Member Intermediate
    that's why you keep your alt white
    IGN: Samantha99
  • KatanauwoKatanauwo Posts: 309Member Intermediate
    There used to be a really good way to plunder items after ESF. Here is how it works:

    1. Exit ESF 20 minutes before the end.

    2. Form up a melee / deck oriented fleet, and a reinforcement fleet, all equipped with unplunderable gears.

    3. As soon as ESF ends, attack those fleets who are well equipped with ESF gear (usually cannon oriented, and with plunderable gears like +100 glove / boots)

    That is if the ESF is in dangerous water. In safe water, focus on those fleets with red / orange names.

    This is the best way to make enemies, and hence intensify pvp conflict so that more actions would occur. Otherwise the game just becomes Uncharted-GrindMachine-Online.
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