[Level Doesn't Matter] Khali Ownage Video - Remember

RememberThe5thRememberThe5th Posts: 43Member Beginner
Short video clip, one round of Khali.

CQC since 2007 | Level: 37 | Kills: 63'000 | K/D 2,272


  • SuperAidsSuperAids Posts: 14Member Beginner
    "Level dosent matter" some guy who is playing since 2007 and with 60.000 kills on his main account....
  • RememberThe5thRememberThe5th Posts: 43Member Beginner
    What? I also got 120'000 kills CQC only on my other main, and I'm level 46 there. So yeah, level doesn't really matter. Or can you show me a high kill kdr 2.0+ account of yours, CQC only of course? If not, why are you commenting then. Level told something about skill 7 years ago, but not anymore for a loong time already.

    CQC since 2007 | Level: 37 | Kills: 63'000 | K/D 2,272
  • SuperAidsSuperAids Posts: 14Member Beginner
    You missed my point.
    A new player with 2 hours playtime total wont be as good as someone who just created a new account (you) with a few hundred or thousend hours of playtime overall.
    Just because you kill some guy lvl 45 with your lvl 2 account dosent change the fact that you got alot of experience and more playtime (which you wouldnt have without your account with a HIGHER LEVEL) in WR.
    So your Level matters alot.
    There is a reason why most new players have a pretty bad kdr.
  • RememberThe5thRememberThe5th Posts: 43Member Beginner
    Yeah maybe I missed your point, but you missed mine first. Nowadays people think that any level 70 player is better than a level 30 one because they think he's been playing for a much longer time already, but they don't see that many of those high level players just use 300% XP Ups and do 24/7 FFA and the level 30 just could have played lots of long games (8v8 DMs) and has the same playtime as the lv70 guy. On my level 46 I might be level 100 already if I played like that, but I didn't. I see many players above level 80 who have less kills than I have (Coming back to the FFA vs. 8v8DM story).

    I never played FFA, I never was a "hardgainer" who just plays for the XP, I always played for fun & kills and never gave a shit about the level.

    Level tells you something about dedication, KDR (distinguish CQC/BG ones) something about the skill.

    So, what I wanted to say with "Level doesn't matter" is that High Level ≠ High Skill - most of the time, there are always exceptions.

    CQC since 2007 | Level: 37 | Kills: 63'000 | K/D 2,272
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