I'm confused about why people farm alts
Posts: 761Member Intermediate
For this latest event, the pirate notoriety event, I see a lot of comments regarding people farming alts for this event. I'm of the opinion that farming alts would be extremely difficult for this event, or even impossible, but I'm curious as to why people would even consider it, or think it could possibly be a winning strategy. I mean, why would a person spend hours creating one alt to attack, or even logging in various alts that you already have, when you can gain the notoriety for the contest by simply attacking NPC's of your own nation? If you're near the national capital, as soon as you sink one fleet, another gets spawned, so you can sink dozens of NPC fleets in an hour compared to maybe 3 or 4 alts max? Are people just so paranoid about alt farming that they can't see any other possible explanation for why they get beat? And it's not like it's some secret strategy, it's listed right in the details on the event page:
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